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Kunning' ruk - the next big thing?


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The Kunnin' Ruk is awesome, and for competitive play is the way to go. Arrow Boys put pout a ton of shooting, but I like the free combat with a huge group of Savage Orks. I haven't gotten to see any of the Twitch stuff, I'm hoping there are results of its on YouTube to watch at some point.

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11 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:

As both Sedge and the Warhammer TV guys pointed out, it's an army that is super vulnerable to character sniping. With some planning, you could snipe out that single 6 wound hero that the entire plan revolves around.

Yup, I've been saying this on a couple of forums for the last week or so. Bonesplitterz lose their edge once the character buffs disappear, so long range sniping them is the way to go - kurnoth hunters, grot bolt throwers, grot doom divers, judicators, jezzails, can all deal with them - basically anything with either very long range, or a combination of movement and range.

I would have said alpha strikes too, but the Bonesplitterz have so many bodies it's easy to bubblewrap the characters.

Don't get me wrong, they still have a ton of wounds left once the key characters are gone, and take a long time to chew through, but they definitely lose that 'broken' edge and become manageable.

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Yeah he had 2 Kunnin which is nuts. Buts it's a tournament so that's what it is. 

Would you bring that to a friendly 2k game? No way. 

But yeah even if you kill the hero you still get to deal with 90+ shots twice. Buffs or not you'll kill anything...except for Fulminators lol 

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15 minutes ago, jobume said:

So, do you think Kunning Rukk and the Arrer boyz are balanced, pointswise? Comparing the boyz to Brettonian archers, I'm thinking they are horribly underpriced. The Rukk at 40 seems very cheap as well.

Kunnin Rukk is 60, but yes, Bonesplitters are generally undercosted across the line. Bog standard Savage Orruk Boyz are 20 wounds at 100 points, and battleline without allegiance-requirement, almost a no-brainer for literally every Destruction army now since Destro allegiance is so strong in itself.

I love the Bonesplitters, but I think GW dropped the ball a little with their points cost - they are internally very well balanced, but in the larger meta, they have a noticeable advantage.

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The Empire can do the same with 1,000pt. Volley 80 shots of 2+hit 3+wound in each shooting phase and can also shoot at the unit who charge them, which is quite lethal. I saw 3 armies wiped out with this battalion in 3 turns.

Before anyone who said this is gonna be a boring game and every list will be the same. Let me tell you that you can effectively counter this kind of stuff in many ways: use reinforcement, use magic, use anything that can be set up within 3", taking down their warlord, etc.

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Before anyone who said this is gonna be a boring game and every list will be the same. Let me tell you that you can effectively counter this kind of stuff in many ways: use reinforcement, use magic, use anything that can be set up within 3", taking down their warlord, etc.

What magic? What magic outrages that lot? The Gaunt Summoner could work if you win a double turn! No more triple gateway.

There are, what,  two units (both Stormcast) that can set up adjacent to models so don't need to charge?

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19 minutes ago, Nico said:

What magic? What magic outrages that lot? The Gaunt Summoner could work if you win a double turn! No more triple gateway.

There are, what,  two units (both Stormcast) that can set up adjacent to models so don't need to charge?

Vermintide, Scorch, Warpfire Projector, you name it. Anything that can rain down mortal wound and else.

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Not going to work - Vermintide would barely scratch them- 6+ ward and 2 wounds each!

Their effective range (Hand of Gork who hates cowards who use Pointy Headz' Weaponz) is a hilarious 10 plus D6 plus 2 plus 10 plus 18, so 40 plus D6. Makes the Thundertusk look underpowered.

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