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Preyton + Conversion?


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Hey hey,

Been thinking of filthy things to put into my army so that maybe I can win once in awhile! >.>

Awhile back, when I first got Monstrous Arcanum back in 8th edition I always wanted a Preyton.  The thing seemed to be made to put into my Beastmen army!  Now with AoS and my groove back, I thought I'd look into him again - and he's no longer for sale.  Of course!

I do happen to have three Vargulfs though, and since I'm trying to stay firm with Chaos - I thought what better way to kill my temptation of a Flesh Eater Courts army, AND get my desired Preyton fix!

So, I was wondering, if anyone had either of these models and thought it would be a decent conversion?  All I'm thinking of doing is sticking some antlers on that Vargulf's head.  To me, they seem like almost identical except for their positioning.  I was hoping to get some other thoughts.  Will I get some raised eyebrows if I roll up with a Vargulf wearing a caribou hat?


Secondly, is it worth doing? 

For 160 points you've got an ambushing behemoth that does 2 Mortal Wounds on the charge, has a 3/4+/4+ shooting attack that gives -1 to hit, and can potentially do another MW if it wounds, but doesn't kill a monster.  Its attack is 4/3+/3+/-1/2.  They can fly and have 8 wounds.

It seems pretty bad ass to me, but I'm terrible at figuring out if things are good.  I may do it anyway just because I think it would be a really neat addition to my Bray/Warherds, but I'd like to know if its worth the trouble finding some antlers to stick to my vargulfs!

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I really want one for my herds, but it sure as hell isn't worth taking. You can ambush an entire beastman army, but the Preyton, though it is ridiculously cool, just wouldn't be as effective as 20 gors for the same price. Personally, I can't justify taking monsters that I can't synergise with the keywords of the rest of my brayherd army. Sometimes I'll slap down my Jabberslyth or Cygor for a laugh, but if I'm playing a serious game, I won't field any monsters at all.

If we are talking about how to make one though, the Varghulf has been a spot for me too. I was rather hoping that GW did a model for that Elf lord on a moose in the last hobbit film, that with some wings and you would be away! Alas the model doesn't exist though, only in my thoughts, and as far as I'm aware the best set of antlers GW do is the sisters of the thorn kit. 

Maybe a trip to a toyshop is in order.

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Hey hey,

Yeah, I'd definately just do a toy store for the antlers.  Should be cheap, and as long as its 50%+ of GW stuff I think its okay to use in their stores?

The idea of the mortal wounds, shooting, negatives, and then attacks, and not getting weaker as it takes wounds really had me interested.  Also, being a monster and not getting weaker was a selling point.

But I barely know what I'm doing.  If sticking to all Brayherd is better, I'll just do that and use some chariots or more Bestigor. ^.^

Thanks guys!

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It's a support monster that potentially can make your own units more durable.  It can also deploy as an artillery killer or a harasser of ranged units - what is the reduction in effectiveness for a Kunnin' Ruk with -1 to hit?  50%. Additionally it can fly and there are only so many models with 1" range that you can fit into a fight - something that hops over and charges the rear will get you some extra mileage.

This constant notion that no monster is useful unless its 400 points, 3+ armor, and a total combat king is out of hand.

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