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The Frostlord needs to be bigger

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I'm of the opinion that the current stonehorn/thundertusk model is inadequate to represent the biggest and meanest Ogre in the Beastclaw Alfrostun.

He should be bigger than the other Ogres and he be riding a Wooly mammoth or a Stonehorn/Thundertusk Alpha. 

I know that means a £100 kit but I think there should just be one Frostlord and he should the Biggest & Baddest model on the table (outside of unique characters of course).

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Or the steady march to 54 mm heroic could be reversed. Compare a Freeguild Guard to a new human, and the difference is wild (this is currently in production, it's worse with more history). Basing has even gone from 25 to 32 mm and you really can't cram them back to 25mm again if they need to fit on a d&d grid.

If your humans stopped growing every edition, this kit would feel bigger. But then, planned obsolence sells.

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3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Or the steady march to 54 mm heroic could be reversed. Compare a Freeguild Guard to a new human, and the difference is wild (this is currently in production, it's worse with more history). Basing has even gone from 25 to 32 mm and you really can't cram them back to 25mm again if they need to fit on a d&d grid.

If your humans stopped growing every edition, this kit would feel bigger. But then, planned obsolence sells.

I don't know, if I put the ven Densts next to some older Empire minis, what stands out most about them is not that they are bigger, but that they are a lot thinner. It's not like Warhammer really has a super consistent scale, but if anything I think we are moving into the direction of 28 or 32mm realistic, not heroic with regular humans.

But then again I also recently got Lady Annika from the new Gravelords release, and she must be like 2,10 meters tall or something.

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I agree that scale creep has made the Ogors smaller. Everywhere they are written about they are described as almost twice the height of a man and thrice as wide.

I hope that newer Ogors such as Blackpowder are much larger.

I also hope with this Edition we finally get some Ogor characters for AOS, Globb Glittermaw the Overtyrant and Braggoth Varduk the Frostlord are the perfect starting points for Characters for Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders respectively.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I agree that scale creep has made the Ogors smaller. Everywhere they are written about they are described as almost twice the height of a man and thrice as wide.

I hope that newer Ogors such as Blackpowder are much larger.

I also hope with this Edition we finally get some Ogor characters for AOS, Globb Glittermaw the Overtyrant and Braggoth Varduk the Frostlord are the perfect starting points for Characters for Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders respectively.

could actually see Braggoth as a dual kit kind of character where you can make him or a generic Frostlord

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Even if the ogor riding it doesn't change, I'd love to see a "Stonehorn Prime" or something massive, scary, and utterly over the top to paint. A behemoth sized to punch archaon's smug little face from atop his creepy chaos dragon without having to aim upward would suit me just fine. Maybe I'm just a sucker for these goofy, massive, models, but they are really my favorite aspect of the hobby at this point. I love throwing 50 hours into painting them, even if they never really hit the table. The big kits are really where GW thrives to me.

Edited by jjb070707
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I do love the frostlord kit, I think it's one of the best looking monsters out there and moreover it's a kit full of alternative parts/options that nowadays is hard to find in GW releases (for example, I do love too the Corpse Vulcha sculpt, but the kit itself is a bit poor, and gives you only a couple of alternative options to choose from, and no extra bits!).

The Stonehorn is impressive, maybe now we are used to even more gigantic creatures, but it's a big guy that surely doesn't go unnoticed on the battlefield! :D

Obviously, I expect that GW will release an even bigger monster, if my beloved Ogors will ever get an update to their range, but I honestly would prefer a new kit for the battleline troops, I would be a bit sad to see the frostlord kit disappear, Seb Perbet did an outstanding job on those sculpts!


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The only thing about the Frostlord that I find problematic is the very particular and unique head and head pose for the Stonehorn. It looks really cool, but having multiple Stonehorns on the battlefield or display next to each other needs some conversion skills to not have it look weird and samey.

And I love the big and epic models in AOS, and pretty much all of them! Maybe not the weird top-heavy greater Khorne demon that looks like it's tripping over.. 

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