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Advise on where to go from here.


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I'm sure this same question is answered everyday and I've been reading/lurking, but figured I'd ask anyways. I have the Khorne portion of the starter set and will be, at first anyways, playing him and his Stormcast. I'd like to put together roughly 1000pts together.

I'd like to go mainly Khorne Bloodbound, but definitely am not against mixing in other Chaos.

So after the starter box, where should I go from here for a solid .VS Stormcast setup?

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18 hours ago, Arkiham said:

1k points. 


2 bloodsecrators, 240

2 units of 10 blood warriors, put glaive on champion, 640

Bloodstoker 720

 gorebeast chariot of khorne 820

Mighty lord, 940

Bloodreavers x 10 1000

Had to alter the list as I calculated it wrong.


100 Bloodreavers?! That's insane!

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This is just a suggestion if anyone else is in the same boat: this list totals 1k and is put together from the contents of the starter set and the Start Collecting! box, plus an Aspiring Deathbringer model. Very easy to collect! 

Mighty Lord of Khorne - 140 pts.
Aspiring Deathbringer - 80 pts.
Bloodsecrator - 120 pts.
Bloodstoker - 80 pts.

Blood Warriors (10) - 200 pts.
Blood Warriors (5) - 100 pts.
Bloodreavers (20) - 120 pts.

Mighty Skullcrushers (3) - 160 pts.

Total: 1,000 pts.

Might not be the most competitive list at 1k, but it ensures no mini from those sets goes to waste.

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8 minutes ago, Wolden Spoons said:

Oh, still missed out slaughter priest. Obviously Mighty Lord of Khorne is good magic defence too but priest help you crack open a good defence line. Plus, not many other options for ranged mortal wounds.

That's true, I forgot about him! He's 100 points, so I guess it'd come down to him or the Mighty Lord. 

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I have run the starting force from the AoS starter box plus the bloodbound start collecting box to bring everything up to 1000 points, leaving a few bloodwarriors on the sidelines.  I found it performed well and was nicely balanced.  That said there are other ways to go if you want to bring the filth, but for the addition of one easy box, I think it is a good way to go,

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Aspiring death bringer  (general)


Mighty Lord Of Khorne 


Slaughterpriest (dark feast)


40 bloodreavers


30 bloodletters 


40 bloodreavers 



5 wrathmongers 

5 warhounds 

5 warhounds 


Been kicking but at local meta but no were near storm cast level of filth



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I almost made a Bonesplitterz list and might just still, if only to give my gamer-group and I some insight on how to defeat it. 

This was the list:

Orruks 10 1XX  
Orruks 10 1XX  
Savage Big Boss 1 1XX General
Kunnin' Rukk --- XX Battalion
Arrowboys 20 2XX  
Arrowboys 40 4XX  

Total: 960/1000. 

The 40-boy unit of Bonesplitterz puts out 120 shots a turn, two times a turn (once in the hero phase and once in the shooting phase) and can still move 5" as well. On top of this, I was going to give the Big Boss the 'Bellowing Tyrant' GA:Destruction command trait to let that unit hit on a 4+ as well. 

So that's 240 shots hitting on 4+/4+/(-1 against Monsters)/1 a turn. The 20 Arrowboy unit would hit on 5's and only shoot once, but as long as they're at full strength, they're still pumping out 60 additional shots as well. 

The general consensus is that you should use terrain to your advantage to block line of sight, character-snipe the hero's if you can (killing the Big Boss reduces their hit rolls and removes their hero-phase shooting/moving/etc) and generally make sure only your tankiest units are in range/line of sight of them.  Valkia is handy in this instance with her movement and flying to boot, have her charge in and Slaupnirify © the Big Boss so the threat level against the rest of your army gets reduced to zero. 


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