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Faction vs Alliance.


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As it stands, I prefer the broader alliance to single factions. Most of the factions are too limited to be terribly entertaining on their own. That counts double if you're using the new factions rather than the compendium ones.The Stormcast are really the only new faction that seems to have a full set of tools (except magic). There's just too many factions that only have 3-4 units, few synergies and limited gameplay. 

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It's very hard to break the 'single faction' idea of the recent editions of WFB.  Maybe one of the big reason I like AOS is that it takes me back to third where aliies. mercenaries etc were all part of the game.  Back then I ran a Chaos army with Skaven allies and Chaos Dwarf mercenaries.  I am finishing up some classic dwarves I have from back then, but after that I am gonna construct a multi-faction alliance army.  Working out a good theme to piece them all together is part of the fun.

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There's only a couple of factions that are even close to able to field on their own.  Dragon Ogors and Chaos Gargants, I'm looking at YOU.


Many others have a handful of units, almost enough for an army, but are missing key elements - Warherd are great, but there's no Wizards and no shooting (other than a Cygor stone).

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I started a Clan Pestilens army and stuck to just the faction at first.  The real fun began when I added a Glottkin and wrathmongers. 

Moving forward, I see more game benefits to alliances but will still do factions for fun now and again. 

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Alliances for me, but themed to the same extent as a faction if that makes sense.  The alliance mechanic gives you the ability to pursue a theme beyond the more limited confines of the GW factions, while also giving you access to the elements necessary to be competitive.

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Agree with Antipodean7: prefer alliance, but with a common theme. At least similar bases, but also preferably synergistic abilities or flavour.

for instance, love to field Blightkings with Pestilens. Running a Bloodthirster with them, however, would at least require some pre-game fluff justification! 

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For rule of cool i stick with Grand Alliance. It's just an awesome opportunity to have multiple smaller factions and combine them into something bigger.

However, with how synergy works, you might actually gimp yourself by taking from everything abit. If you stay within one faction, you can build in some redundancy, so that one buff dissapears, you still have backups.

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Grand Alliance in the surface of it. However, I'm not so keen on the 'stormcast with a Basildon' type lists that don't really seem to make much fluff sense. Of course as a predominantly Death player we don't really have much to sub in so maybe I'm just jealous  


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Grand Alliances for sure on my part. Particularly in Chaos, although I do enjoy sticking to one God choice, which is always Tzeentch! So my theme tends to be the same. 

Being able to combine units from multiple armies that all are based off the Tzeentchian theme is a huge enjoyment for me in game.

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