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Playing with kids?


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So... I love painting and I like to play AoS.  I am definitely of the narrative bent.  I struggle with the courage of playing people I don't know at my local store.  I've had great games, but more likely I have awkward games where I get tabled but somebody with a bunch of gray plastic and little interest in narative play.

As such, I've found that I mostly play with my kids.  I've only won once, but it is so much fun spending time with them rolling dice.  I have two daughters 9 and 10.

I can't shake the feeling I'm weird some how, anyone else in my boat?

I attached a picture from our last game, Otto is quite pleased with the sure destruction of the Celestial Hurricanum.



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I think it's an awesome game to play with kids. Teaches them strategy, gets them used to quickly adding and subtracting numbers etc...

I'm slowly painting up me and my (5 yr old) son's armies and my plan is to play hard against him but skew the odds in his favour with unbalanced armies. He is already well advanced as far as maths and reading goes so I think he'll pick it up quickly.

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Not odd at all.  Truth is, especially for us folks who prefer narrative to other play, it can be extremely hard to find a good game.  Take the games when and where you can!

Anyway, you think guys who take their kids to a ball game, or out camping think they are weird for sharing their hobbies with their kids?  As a father, you have plenty to offer your kids, and this is just one of those things.  Not to mention, that what younger kids want most, is to be involved in what you do.  Your hobby could be worm farming, and they'd be ecstatic to be a part of it.  My daughter, (4) loves to paint minis.  I give her some poster paint and an old model (or several really, she paints fast) and let her go to town.  Sure it's all glops and runs, but it's also poster paint.  I can wash it off with water, and let her do it again later.

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Hey, I'm in the same boat.  Well...  Not exactly I suppose.  I have one friend that I would/could play with, that would be awesome to get games with, but having a schedule that includes kids means we are rarely available at the same time. 

And pick up games, as you say, are usually more competitive.  Us narrative types always have a harder time finding like minded players.  It is what it is.

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Now I feel kinda like an ass, just played a great game with my oldest daughter.  Super fun close game, check out the picture of the taunting notes my younger daughter drew during the game.  

I'm pretty lucky,  I shouldn't always be looking for greener grass, thanks for helping me with this.



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 The adult or black humour is the only thing I miss when playing with or teaching kids.

10 hours ago, Ratamaplata said:

I think it's an awesome game to play with kids. Teaches them strategy, gets them used to quickly adding and subtracting numbers etc...

Hook them on table top gaming when they're young and you'll always know where their money went.

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I mainly play with my wife these days, and occasionally with my kids and I mainly lose! I love painting models and the cinematic narrative experience of playing battles on my kitchen table. I am attending my first tournament in three weeks so that will be a totally new way of playing AOS for me. It seems there are so many ways you can enjoy the hobby and many different kinds of gamer! Here's a game we were playing last night. My Dark Elves versus Stormcast. I lost again!


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8 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

+1 to kick ass parenting.

+2 you are my roll model I have to wait only 8 years for my boy to become of age to play. I think showing your child that you have a fun hobby is a great thing and doing it together will be super

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I love the Mountain King, favorite model of all time.  When I was looking to make a Rogue Idol, I finally had a reason to use that model.

My daughter fell in love as well, brought him to school for show and tell.  And the only tears in our games so far was the one time I was able to destroy him.

The lower picture was a 10 man gang of retributors charging the Glotkin... And the Glotkin won.



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I think it's cool to play AoS with your kids.


I've just got into AoS properly this week because the store manager gave my 10yr old the free SE Liberator last week.


We've bought the box set (waiting for it to come from Element Games), but we're really excited. I've be forewarned that the 'good guys' won most but not all of the time, so he's either going to be really good or i'll have to play handicap!


I've tried to get the girls interested over the years and they're not bothered with the game but have shown a passing interest in the hobby so I might be playing against some diversely coloured SE.

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Nothing wrong with missing games with adults too.  We all look forward to those times when we don't have to check our swearing, and can get a little more abusive with our competitor (all in good fun of course).  It feels good to hang out with folks our own age.

We just don't want you to think it's bad to play with the kids.  Wanting to play with adults, and having fun playing with your kids aren't mutually exclusive things.  You can love playing with the kids, and still miss playing with people you aren't also responsible for raising.

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Everyone else has very good points. I took my 11 year old to his first GT a month or two ago. He had a great time. Since we went he has even shown a greater interest in painting (before it was a chore but now he wants too). Plus he is going to play in the LVO in February. 

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