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What are you doing Pre-3.0?

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With the launch of 3.0 on the horizon, I thought it would be nice to know what everyone else is doing until launch.

Are you reading the tea leaves as to what the new rules are?

Are you building and painting that new (or shelved) army in preparation for the new edition?

Are you occupying your time with other hobbies while you wait?) 

Are you hoarding gasoline and matches to prepare for the coming ragequit?


Personally: Build Kroak, Build Kragnos, Inventory my collection (It was 85k this time last year), then paint until it’s out.

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Play 2.0 in Zoom League probably through end of July as we have a friendly bye to 2.0 tournament we’re going to put on by one of our members.

If I’m gonna play Sons there that means building and painting them I guess, while getting in a few practice runs.

If I decide not to play Sons means finishing painting one of the other two (or three…) “in process” armies I’ve got going at moment.

Probably won’t start 3.0 until end of July as I ramp up for a small local tournament in September.  No idea what I’ll play there because 3.0 still pretty hard to focus on until I’ve seen the rules and, as important, the new points…

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I'm painting a TON of brimstone horrors to a quite high standard. I've decided that sanity is for the weak and I'd be off better without mine. 😎

Plus I love my little friends. They're super moody and mean-spirited, I see a lot of myself in them!👍

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Gonna buy more Stormcast prosecutors, Retributors and judicators to theme around the new Thunderstrike heroes as auxiliaries sent from Azyr to aid my Ghyrian Stormhosts that are crusading into Ghur and Chamon.

Also need that Deepkin warband for my Chamonian ones amd start on Ossiarchs finally. xD


....That's the plan anyway. Probably gonna end up slowly chipping through the most terrifying army of all. The grey legions. xD


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I just completed painting and finally basing my Slaves to Darkness*, and now I carouse these forums for news and rumours. I have a back log of a small 2000 point BCR army (3 starter sets, an Icebrow hunter and some proxied Frost Sabres/Fenrisian Wolves) that I should dive into... but I am looking at Dominion and now thinking I will make a small Stormcast army alongside my Ogres. 😊

So embarrassingly enough, I have been trying to work out a shared narrative for my armies. What I have currently decided is that my Chaos faction went to wage a crusade against Chaos before falling to their dark visions and joining as loyal servants. The few that remained faithful were sacrificed becoming Stormcast Eternals... I have been thinking that the Ogres fit in as a warband that swept through the Crusaders homeland's as they were gone and now the Slaves to Darkness and Stormcast want revenge against them... but to the ogres are simply a force of nature not aligned to notions of good and evil. 😔

*Still trying to balance my finances to round my army out with Be'Lakor or Varanguard but I am split between the two. Be'Lakor is my favourite hero and Varanguard are my favourite unit. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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What with the general feeling of things being up in the air at the moment and work being a bit of a slog I really don't have that much motivation to do anything really. Managed to build some Flesh Hounds and some magnetised Blood Warriors though.

I did inventory my stuff though, that was quite fun.

Going forwards, still trying to decide if Dominion is worth it to me, I don't really want Kruleboyz and while I like the new Stormcast they aren't really hyping me like they are for others. Might just spend the money on taking my DoK to 2k points.

Might clear the kitchen floor and do play a big free for all battle with everything I own if I have enough energy to do it :D.

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I need to finish painting the Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting I bought in March. Not doing much list-building though. Also I've been assembling the models for the Star Wars: Legion Clone Wars starter for my wife.

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Currently I am reevaluating my collection to see where I go with it. Back when all we had was speculation about mysterious goblins that may be Gitmob I was super excited, but since they were revealed to be Orruks I kind of lost interest. It's still very cool and I like Orcs (I play Orks in 40k), but they don't feel right for me and I think I rather take that time/effort and double down on my Gloomspite. I have a full 2000 pts of pure Moonclan Grots with some Squigs and Troggoth support , so I think I will expand on one of those two support groups. Currently on the fence between a troggherd army or a mounted squig knight army.

I am leaning towards Troggherd, since I have the dumb idea of a pink Troggboss with a large star wand named Kur'bo. Like a similar pink softy, he's on a quest because he is hangry.

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I worked out a general list I want to use in the future for Gravelords. Hopefully it should be playable no matter what changes the core rules throw our way. It's doubtful I will get to play it before AoS 3.

Hobby wise, I am working on "pet" units that I know will see use no matter what. Currently I am painting all the Cursed City heroes, but I have Belladamma Volga, some Direwolves and the ven Densts on the way. I don't really have the motivation to slog through a horde of guys without knowing when I will get to put them on the table, so just painting a bunch of heroes is my solution to that.

I am following the rules updates with a lot of interest, though! So far, I like the changes we have been seeing. Being able to do more in all phases of the game seems like a really good design direction to me.


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Other hobbies, although that's mainly due to WoW TBC Classic coming out.

I think even if that were not the case, other modelling is likely. I haven't really been painting any Age of Sigmar specific stuff lately, but have been painting other stuff. Definitely in a holding pattern to see what happens with AoS3. 

Since I've not been playing as much Sigmar (preferring stuff like Warcry, faster games to play without painting 100 models), definitely waiting and seeing to see whether I feel like starting my Lumineth force, or perhaps selling them off and just adding bits to my existing army in 3.0.

Will see what the edition has in store.

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Mostly keep building my miniatures. It's not like I'm going to play anytime soon, after all, restrictions of the pandemic aren't lifted yet in my country.

The good side of it is that I don't feel in a hurry to get everything before the others. I know it doesn't matter anymore. ;)

Will certainly give time for the official reviews coming in and read what others have to say about it. It's not a bad thing either.

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I was slowly trying to finish some half completed Ironjawz projects and a couple of Underworlds warbands. Now Kragnos has arrived, I've started working on him. I do struggle to focus on finishing something when something new and exciting comes along :(

I also have a new display cabinet to assemble and move stuff into, making space ready for a whole new army once the Kruelboyz drop. 

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Weirdly enough nothing hobby related!  Since I am moving this Summer half way across the world, I'm not really in the mindset to paint or start any new projects.

BUT I have been playing a lot of Warhammer Fantasy games.  Mostly Return to Reckoning and Vermintide 2. 

Also I made the mistake of saying I wanted an Age of Sigmar themed version on a Vermintide board.... people really can't get over their old stigma's. 

Sorry that I would love to play as a Khardron Overlord Bardin... 

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