Sception Posted May 24, 2021 Share Posted May 24, 2021 (edited) The Legion of Sacrament is dead and gone in the lore. They have been explicitly ground up to provide more souls and bones for the Null Myriad - whose own continued existence is somewhat in question after the events of Broken Realms: Teclis. Clearly for games set in the 'modern', post-broken-realms period the correct narrative answer for "how to run LoS?" is "don't." But not all games are set in the contemporary narrative. What if you want to roll time back to run a campaign set in the Realmgate Wars, or during the Malign Portents in the lead up to the Necroquake, or in the early days of the Soul Wars, before the Ossiarchs were released upon the realms? In those days, the Legion of Sacrament was very much alive (unalive? undead?), and actively involved in some of the most important events going on at the time. You could just use the old Legion of Nagash rules, but those are deprecated at this point, and don't really mesh well with the current core rules. Ideally you'd want to use the current warscrolls and allegiance rules, since those are presumably considered to be an improvement on the balance of the rules they are replacing. What you'd /like/ to do is run a Soulblight Gravelords army, but with a unique subfaction representing the Legion of Sacrament. This is my take on that. These rules also provide an alternative subfaction for soulblight gravelords players who want an arcane theme, focusing on necromancers instead of vampires Alternate Lineage for Soulblight Gravelords: the Legion of Sacrament, Version 0.6 ------------------------------------- The Legion of Sacrament - A Legacy of Death The Legion of Sacrament was the personal undead legion of Arkhan the Black, tasked by Nagash with his most sensitive and critical missions. The Legion of Sacrament was instrumental in building, protecting, and maintaining the secrecy of the great hidden tomb complexes within which the Ossiarch Legions were painstakingly assembled over the course of millennia. During the Age of Chaos they were charged with defending the Abyss of Stygxx, Nagash's final refuge, while the Great Necromancer recovered from his defeat at the Everchosen's hands. The Legion of Sacrament was responsible for bringing a mountain of Shyishian realmstone to Nagashizzar one grain at a time, and using this raw material to construct the great inverted Black Pyramid with which Nagash unleashed the Necroquake upon the Realms. Before the Bonereapers marched to war, no other army of the undead was as accomplished as the Legion of Sacrament. It is a morbid testament to Arkhan the Black's callousness and single minded devotion to his master that he subjected his entire legion to the grim fate of the Ossiarch Tithe the moment their ages-long work was complete. Necromancers who had raised entire armies of undead and Vampires who had laid civilizations of the living to waste, Arkhan's favored pupils and trusted disciples who had studied and labored and fought at his side for thousands of years - all were dragged away screaming at his command, to be harvested alongside the common skeletons and zombies. Their bones were added to the ranks of the Null Myriad Ossiarch Legion's mortek guard, and their arcane talents were stripped from their souls to contribute to the Myriad's mortisan caste. Their betrayed trust was left behind, deemed to be without value by the one they had called their master, and their friend. ------------------------------------- Unofficial Legion of Sacrament Rules This supplement can be used in conjunction with the Soulblight Gravelords battletome to allow you to play a Legion of Sacrament army in Age of Sigmar 3rd edition. These rules are intended primarily for use in narrative games representing historical battles that Arkhan's legion took part in, or hypothetical 'what if' battles representing what might have happened had the Legion of Sacrament not been destroyed. Perhaps you wish to play a campaign set during the Realmgate Wars, when the Bonereaper Legions were yet to be completed and the Legion of Sacrament was still active in the Mortal Realms. Or perhaps you wish to see how Arkhan's invasion into Hysh during the events of Broken Realms: Teclis might have gone differently had he been leading the Legion of Sacrament instead of the Null Myriad. These rules can also be used to represent Soulblight Gravelord armies which focus on necromancy and death magic rather than the soulblight blood magic and more martial vampire units and heroes that are common in other dynasties. Perhaps your army are among the rare survivors of the Legion of Sacrament, and hope that by proving themselves against Nagash's enemies they might somehow rekindle Arkhan's favor. Alternatively, your army might represent the personal forces of a powerful independent necromancer or liche-lord attempting to carve out their own empire rather than seeking the protection of vampiric patrons, or a reclusive clan of vampire arcanists who have spent their immortal lives studying necromancy rather than the warrior arts. Disclaimer: The rules presented here are not official Age of Sigmar rules. While these rules draw heavily from the official rules for the Legion of Sacrament in the now retired Legions of Nagash battletome, they are not sanctioned by Games Workshop in any way. You may not use these rules in official events, and may only use these rules in home games with the advance permission of your opponent. ------------------------------------- Playing a Legion of Sacrament Army When you select a Soulblight Gravelords army, you must give it a lineage keyword as described on page 72 of the Soulblight Gravelords battletome. When you do so, you may choose to give your army the Legion of Sacrament lineage keyword instead of choosing one of the lineages listed in the battletome. A Legion of Sacrament army has the following additional options and restrictions: You may field Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament, from the Ossiarch Bonereapers battletome. If you do so, he gains the Soulblight Gravelords and Legion of Sacrament keywords. However, Arkhan the Black does not gain the 'Deathly Invocation' battle trait. Additionally, a unit may not benefit from both Deathly Invocation and Arkhan's 'Mortarch of Sacrament' ability in the same turn. Arkhan the Black counts as a general in addition to the general chosen for your army. Arkhan the Black knows all the spells from the Lore of the Deathmages, in addition to the spells listed on his warscroll, and may not be given any spells from the Lore of Vampires. Your army may not include any mercenary units. The Legion of Sacrament's missions are too sensitive to risk mortal involvement. ------------------------------------- Battle Traits - The Master's Teachings Black Disciples: The necromancers of the Legion of Sacrament were without peer, for they learned their dark art at the feet of Arkhan the Black himself. Legion of Sacrament Deathmage Wizards gain a +1 bonus to casting rolls. The Corpse Geometries: Arkhan taught his most trusted students how to manipulate the hidden leylines of Death Magic which flow through the Realms. This forbidden knowledge enabled the commanders of the Legion of Sacrament to raise vast armies of undead soldiers and laborers. You may re-roll results of 1 on the die for the Endless Legions battle trait as long as one or more friendly Legion of Sacrament generals are on the battlefield. ------------------------------------- Command Traits - Necromantic Savants Emissary of the Master: While most of the Legion of Sacrament's work was done in secret, sometimes a show of force was required. At such times this dread champion could always be found leading the charge at the vanguard of Arkhan's forces. You can re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly Legion of Sacrament units that are wholly within 9" of this general. Mark of the Favored: This general earned the rare favor of Nagash himself. Foes who sought to harm them would suffer the Great Necromancer's wrath. Whenever an opponent rolls a natural 1 on the hit roll for an attack that targets this general, the attacking unit suffers a Mortal Wound. Dark Acolyte: This arcane prodigy impressed even the Mortarch of Sacrament with their talent, and was always eager to test new spells and curses on Arkhan's enemies. The general is a Wizard who knows the Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells, as well as one spell chosen from the Lore of the Deathmages. If the general is already a Wizard, they instead know one additional spell chosen from the Lore of the Deathmages. Mastery of Death: Perhaps this relentless taskmaster would not have driven their minions so hard had they known the reward that was waiting for them when the work was complete. At the start of your Hero Phase, friendly Legion of Sacrament Summonable units that are wholly within 9" of this general and more than 3" from any enemy units may make a normal move up up to 3" (they cannot run). Peerless Commander: This champion of undeath could project their indomitable will across an entire battlefield. Friendly Legion of Sacrament units may roll for the Deathless Minions battle trait while they are wholly within 18" of this general, instead of the usual 12". Bound to the Master: This general bound their soul to Arkhan the Black, allowing the mortarch to see through their eyes and channel a measure of his power through their bodies. This general may use Arkhan the Black's "First of the Mortarchs" command ability. ------------------------------------- Artefacts - Sacramental Implements Spiritcage: This baleful lantern pulsed with a hungry darkness rather than light. It captured the souls of Nagash's enemies and channeled their spiritual energy to invigorate the undead. The Spiritcage activates the first time an enemy hero is slain while within 6" of the bearer. For the rest of the game, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by friendly Legion of Sacrament units that are wholly within 9" of the bearer. Liche-Lord's Staff: These staves were created based on the design of Khenash-An, Arkhan the Black's Staff of Spirits, and gifted to his most prized pupils. Deathmage Wizard Only. The bearer may attempt to cast an additional spell in your hero phase, and may attmept to unbind an additional spell in the enemy hero phase. Additionally, the bearer may attempt to cast Arcane Bolt any number of times, even if another wizard has already attempted to cast the spell that phase. Asylumaticae: This casket contained the spirits of aspiring necromancers who were driven insane by the complexity of Arkhan's lectures. By opening the casket a necromancer could put the spirits' wasted talents to better use, but risked being overcome by their madness. Deathmage Wizard only. Once per Battle, at the end of your hero phase, you may roll a die. On a 1, the bearer suffers a Mortal Wound. On a 2+, the bearer may attempt to cast any one spell chosen from the Lore of the Deathmages, even if the bearer doesn't know the spell, and even if another wizard has attempted to cast the same spell that phase. Wristbands of Black Gold: These ornately crafted wrist guards acted as negative lodestones, deflecting incoming arrows, bullets, and even cannonballs. The bearer gains a 4+ Ward against ranged attacks. Sacramental Standard: This banner was sewn together from the skin of Sigmarite battle wizards, and painted in the blood of chaos sorcerers. Wight King only. Subtract 1 from wound rolls for attacks made by enemy units within 6" of the bearer. In addition, re-roll successful casting rolls for enemy Wizards within 6" of the bearer. The Black Gem: When this obsidian crystal was shattered, it released a tiny mote of pure entropy capable of snuffing out the soul of the first creature it touched. Once per battle in your Hero Phase you may declare that the bearer will shatter the Black Gem. Choose an enemy model within 6" of the bearer and roll a die. On a 1 nothing happens. On a 2-5, the chosen model suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 6, the chosen model is slain. ------------------------------------- Unique Units: Lords of Sacrament The following two new units may be included in any Soulblight Gravelords army, provided you have advance permission from your opponent to use this unofficial rules supplement. These units are not restricted to Legion of Sacrament armies, but they do have the Legion of Sacrament keyword on their warscrolls and thus do not benefit from subfaction battle traits when included in Soulblight Gravelords armies of other dynasties. ------------------------------------- Sacramental Liche-Lord The Legion of Sacrament had access to blasphemous rituals that could preserve a Master Necromancer beyond the destruction of their physical body, provided their mind survived the glimpse beyond the precipace of true death. When such a Liche-Lord was interred within a Mortis Engine, their spirit would kill and possess the body of their attendant Corpsemaster, and use them to cast necromantic spells of unspeakable power. Move * Wounds 12 Bravery 10 Save 4+ Missile Weapons Wail of the Damned: Range *; --- See Below --- Melee Weapons Mortis Staff: Range 1"; Attacks 2; To Hit 4+; To Wound 3+; Rend -; Damage D3 Spectral Claws and Blades: Range 1; Attacks *; To Hit 5+. To Wound 4+; Rend -; Damage 1 Damage TableWounds Move Wail of the Spectral Claws Call of the Sufered Damned and Blades Void 0-2 14" 12" 12 12 3-4 12" 10" 10 10 5-7 10" 8" 8 9 8-9 8" 6" 6 8 10+ 6" 4" 4 7 Description A Sacramental Liche-Lord is a single model driven by a Possessed Corpsemaster armed with a Mortis Staff. Mount: This model's Spectral Host attacks with their Wail of the Damned and Spectral Claws and Blades. Fly: This Model Can Fly. Abilities Frightful Touch: The malign spiirts that surround a Sacramental Liche-Lord can freeze an opponent's blood with a single touch. If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with this model's Spectral Claws and Blades is 6, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound or save roll). Wail of the Damned: Unnerving howls follow this carriage wherever it roams. Should an enemy get close enough, the spectral host unleashes a defening wail that tears the soul apart. Do not use the attack sequence for an attack made with a Wail of the Damned. Instead, roll a die for each enemy unit within range of this model's Wail of the Damned. On a 4+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Bound Necromancer: Like typical Mortis Engines, the slain master Necromancer at the heart of a Sacramental Liche-Lord is a locus of forbidden power for undead wizards to draw upon. Unlike a typical Mortis Engine, a Sacramental Liche-Lord is able to draw upon this power itself. Add 1 to casting rolls for friendly Soulblight Gravelords Wizards wholly within 12" of any friendly models with this ability. Magic A Sacramental Liche-Lord is a Wizard. It can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase. It knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, and Call of the Void spells. Call of the Void: With this spell the Sacramental Liche-Lord draws on the magic of the void to unleash a wave of entropic energy, tearing away the souls of the living. Call of the Void has a casting value of *. If successfully cast, roll a die for each unit within 12" of this model. On a 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Death units are not affected by this spell. Keywords: Death, Soulblight Gravelords, Legion of Sacrament, Malignant, Deathmage, Hero, Wizard, Sacramental Liche-Lord ------------------------------------- Soulblight Arcanovore The Vampires of the Legion of Sacrament learned to feed on pure arcane energy rather than blood. This made them physically weaker than other vampires, and more unstable mentally. However, it also freed them from the distraction of hunting mortal prey, allowing them to spend their immortal years perfecting their necromantic studies. Move 6 Wounds Bravery 10 Save 4+ Description A Soulblight Arcanovore is a single model armed with a Soulbound Staff. Fly: This model can fly. Melee Weapons Soulbound Staff: Range 2"; Attacks 2; To Hit 3+; To Wound 3+; Rend -; Damage D3 Abilities Arcane Hunger: Soublight Arcanovores have learned to feed on magic instead of blood, but though their tastes have changed their hunger is undiminished At the end of the hero phase, if any enemy spells were unbound by this model, or if any Endless Spells were dispelled by this model, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to this model. Magic This model is a Wizard. It can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phases and can attempt to unbind 2 spells in your opponents hero phase. It knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, and Spell Siphon spells. Spell Siphon: The wizard creates a vortex of entropic energy that drains the magic and life energy of enemy wizards. Spell Siphon has a casting value of 6. If succssfully cast, the caster gains a +1 bonus to unbinding rolls until the start of your next hero phase. In addition, each time the caster successfully unbinds an enemy wizard's spell before the start of your next hero phase, that enemy wizard suffers D3 Mortal Wounds. Keywords: Death, Soublight Gravelords, Legion of Sacrament, Vampire, Deathmage, Hero, Wizard, Soublight Arcanovore designer's commentary: As the Soulblight Arcanovore has both the Vampire and the Deathmage keywords, it may choose bonus spells from either the Lore of the Vampires or the Lore of the Deathmages. This does not allow the Soulblight Arcanovore to choose more total bonus spells than would otherwise be allowed by the rules of your battlepack. ------------------------------------- Pitched Battle Profiles Remember that this rules supplement is unofficial, and these rules cannot be used at official events or without your opponent's advance consent. Warscroll Unit Points Battlefield Notes Size Role Sacramental 1 360 leader, single Liche-Lord behemoth Soulblight 1 160 leader single Arcanovore ------------------------------------- Core Battalion The following Core Battalion can be used by a Legion of Sacrament army, provided you have your opponent's permission to use rules from this unoffical supplement. Necromantic Choir: While deathmages are powerful spellcasters in their own right, multiple necromantic savants can combine their efforts into a terrifying symphony of dark magic far beyond their individual abilities. Organization: 1 unit chosen from the following list: Sacramental Liche-Lord Mortis Engine 2-4 units chosen from the following list: Necromancer Soulbight Arcanovore Abilities: Magnificent Wizardry: When you pick enhancements for your army, you may choose one additional Spell Lore enhancement. .... the original version of these rules is included in the following spoiler block Spoiler Alternate Lineage/Bloodline/Dynasty for Soulblight Gravelords: the Legion of Sacrament The Legion of Sacrament was the personal undead legion of Arkhan the Black, tasked by Nagash with the most sensitive and critical missions. The Legion of Sacrament was instrumental in building, protecting, and maintaining the secrecy of the great hidden tomb complexes within which the Ossiarch Legions were painstakingly assembled over the course of millennia. During the Age of Chaos they were charged with defending Stygxx, Nagash's final refuge, while the Great Necromancer recovered from his defeat at the Everchosen's hands. They were responsible for bringing a mountain of Shyishian realmstone to Nagashizaar one grain at a time, and using this raw material to construct the great inverted Black Pyramid which unleashed the Necroquake upon the Realms. Before the Bonereapers marched to war, no other undead legion was as accomplished or as feared as the Legion of Sacrament. It is a morbid testament to Arkhan the Black's Callousness and single minded devotion to his master that he consigned his entire Legion to the grim fate of the Ossiarch Tithe the moment their ages-long work was done. Necromancers who had raised entire armies of undead and Vampires who had laid civilizations of the living to waste, Arkhan's favored pupils and trusted disciples who had studied and fought at his side for milennia, were dragged away screaming at the Mortarch of Sacraments command to be harvested with the common skeletons and zombies. Their bones were added to the ranks of the Null Myriad's mortek guard, their arcane talents were stripped from their souls to contribute to the Myriad's mortisans. Their betrayed trust was left behind, deemed to be without value by the one they called their master, and their friend. A Soulblight Gravelords Legion of Sacrament army has the following additional options and restrictions: 1) You may field Arkhan the Black. If you do so, he gains the 'Soulblight Gravelords' keyword, and he counts as a general, in addition to the general chosen for your army. Arkhan knows all the spells from the Lore of the Deathmages, in addition to the spells listed on his warscroll. Thought Process: full lore access fits with OBR. I'm only giving him deathmage lore both because he isn't a vampire and to distinguish him from Nagash. 2) You may field Morghast Harbingers and Morghast Archai. Morghast Harbinger and Morghast Archai units in your army gain the 'Soulblight Gravelords' keyword. Thought Process: morghasts are classic end times models that kind of should be here, and they're here in place of bespoke battleline or access to vampire named heros - see below. I'd almost consider restricting vargheists and blood knights in the army to push people towards morghasts, but I wouldn't want to do that without touching up the morghast unit rules, and if I start re-writing warscrolls we'll be here all day. 3) You may not field any unique units with with the 'Vampire' keyword. Arkhan the Black knows vampires to be willful and duplicitous creatures, and will only trust those that have bound themselves to his service with the sensitive missions assigned to the Legion of Sacrament. Likewise your army may not include any mercenary units, as the Legion of Sacrament works in secret to bring about the end of all life, and the living cannot be allowed to learn of Nagash's dark plans until it is too late to stop them. Thought Process: this is mostly here for narrative reasons, but I also don't want to risk a homebrew subfaction becoming a better home for any existing named heroes than their own official subfactions. Nagash is now allowed in this version of LoS where he wasn't before, and you keep morghasts which the other legions lose, so fair trade? Legion of Sacrament Battle Traits: 1) The Black Disciples: Legion of Sacrament Necromancers gain a +1 bonus to casting and unbinding rolls. While a Legion of Sacrament Necromancer is wholly within 12" of a friendly Legion of Sacrament Mortis Engine, they may attempt to cast or unbind one additional spell in the hero phase. Thought Process: this mixes in the old LoS bonus and their battalion. The bonus is restricted to necromancers specifically because Nagash and Arkhan really don't need an extra casting bonus, and I wouldn't want a homebrew subfaction to usurp the official Vyrkos bloodline's role as the choice for strong vampire spellcasters. 2) The Master's Teachings: You gain a +1 bonus to the die roll for the Endless Legions battle trait as long as one or more friendly Legion of Sacrament generals are within 12" of one or more gravesites. Thought Process: originally Endless Legions was tied to your general's position and the Master's Teachings gave LoS a somewhat redundant, but non-general-restricted revival method. Now endless legions isn't associated with your general anyway, so I figured go the opposite route with Master's Teachings and bring back some of the classic dependent-on-your-general flavor. Making it a simple bonus to the Endless Legions roll is also much more elegant than having a whole separate revival system, imo. Legion of Sacrament Command Traits: Emissary of the Master: You can re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly Soulblight Gravelords units that are wholly within 12" of this general at the start of the charge phase Mark of the Favoured: Each time this general is selected as the target of an attack in the combat phase, roll a die. On a 6+ the attacking unit suffers a mortal wound. Dark Acolyte: the general is a Wizard who knows the Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells, as well as one spell chosen from the Lore of the Deathmages. If the general is already a Wizard, they instead know one additional spell from the Lore of the Deathmages. Mastery of Death: At the start of your hero phase, all friendly Soulblight Gravelords units that are wholly within 12" of this general may immediately make a move of up to 3" as though it were the movement phase. They may not run as part of this movement. Peerless Commander: Friendly Legion of Sacrament units may roll for the Deathless Minions battle trait while wholly within 18" of this general instead of the usual 12". Bound to the Master: this general may use Arkhan the Black's "First of the Mortarchs" command ability. Thought Process: mostly just converting to 'wholly within' ranges and affecting 'Soulblight Gravelord' instead of 'Death' units. Peerless Commander now affects Deathless Minion range instead of gravesite deployment range, since the latter no longer requires a hero in range. Artefacts of the Legion of Sacrament: Spiritcage: Whenever an enemy hero is slain while within 6" of the bearer, add 1 to wound rolls for friendly Soulblight Gravelords units wholly within 12" of the bearer until the end of the turn. Shroud of Darkness: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged attacks targeting the bearer if the attacking unit is within 9" of the bearer. Subract 2 from hit rolls for ranged attacks targeting the bearer if the attacking unit is more than 9" away from the bearer. Asylumaticae: Once per battle, in your hero phase, you may declare that the bearer is opening the Asylumaticae. Roll a die. On a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound. On a 2+, each enemy unit within 12" of the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound. Wristbands of Black Gold: Roll a die each time you assign a wound or mortal wound to the bearer during the shooting phase. On a 4+, that wound or mortal wound is negated. Azyrbane Standard: Subtract 1 from wound rolls for enemy units within 6" of the bearer. In addition, re-roll successful casting rolls for Order wizards within 6" of the bearer. Black Gem: Once per battle, in your hero phase, you may declare that the bearer will shatter the Black Gem. Pick a point on the battlefield within 9" of the bearer. Roll a die for each unit within 3" of this point. On a 6+, one model from that unit is slain. If the unit has any model with wounds allocated to it, that model must be the one that is slain. Thought Process: again mostly just adjusting to 'wholly within' and 'SG units', changed a couple ranges from 8" to 9" because 9" is more standard. .... Thoughts? Feedback? Would you be willing to play against this in a friendly game? Edited December 15, 2021 by Sception update 5 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted May 24, 2021 Author Share Posted May 24, 2021 (edited) Actually, this probably makes more sense over on the Soulblight Board.... is there a mod that could move it? Edit: Thanks. Edited May 25, 2021 by Sception Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neil Arthur Hotep Posted May 31, 2021 Share Posted May 31, 2021 I actually really like this homebrew. Seems super playable and great for "historical" games. I'd maybe make two changes: On 5/24/2021 at 6:30 PM, Sception said: Mastery of Death: At the start of your hero phase, all friendly Soulblight Gravelords units that are wholly within 12" of this general may immediately make a move of up to 3" as though it were the movement phase. They may not run as part of this movement. Deathmarch, which used to work similar to this, now just grants a movement bonus in the movement phase. Might be worth considering for this ability, too, because it speeds up play. Then again, Spoor Trackers from Vyrkos is still a hero phase move, so it's a toss up. On 5/24/2021 at 6:30 PM, Sception said: The Master's Teachings: You gain a +1 bonus to the die roll for the Endless Legions battle trait as long as one or more friendly Legion of Sacrament generals are within 12" of one or more gravesites. I'd probably just remove the requirement for a general to be close to a Gravesite. Even though it's not hard to do either way, I think this would decrease the cognitive load a bit. Since Gravelords is an army where you have to stay within a billion bubbles all the time, anyway, I think that would be nice. On 5/24/2021 at 6:30 PM, Sception said: You may not field any unique units with with the 'Vampire' keyword. I don't really think this is necessary. Just let Arkhan bring Neferata along for a nice evening of crushing foolish mortals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted June 10, 2021 Author Share Posted June 10, 2021 On 5/31/2021 at 3:49 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said: Deathmarch, which used to work similar to this, now just grants a movement bonus in the movement phase. Good call, I agree On 5/31/2021 at 3:49 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said: I'd probably just remove the requirement for a general to be close to a Gravesite. Fair enough, though I want to keep the requirement for a general to be on the battlefield. On 5/31/2021 at 3:49 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said: I don't really think this is necessary. Just let Arkhan bring Neferata along for a nice evening of crushing foolish mortals I worry about the homebrew faction becoming a better home for these characters than their own factions, or about other mortarchs - mannfred especially, mechanically usurping arkhan in his own legion. Also, I'm not sure I feel right about adding multiple units in a homebrew allegiance - arkhan and morghasts - without taking some away. I do not want to create a situation where my home brew subfaction might displace canon subfactions were it allowed. Then again, there have been times that multiple mortarchs have worked together on the same battlefield, and this version of LoS does lack bonus battleline options. And it's not like morghasts are currently terribly highly rated, at the moment a player who fielded tgem over blood knights would already be putting aesthetics over power... I don't know. I'm thinking about it. ... Another thing I'm considering changing is removing the extra cast for necromancers in range of a mortis engine, and leaving just the +1 to casting rolls. Legion of night and blood didn't have their old battalion bonuses re-built in to their new subfaction features. It feels inelegant as is. I'd like to encourage mortis engines somehow, if not in the allegiance abilities. Neither mortis engines nor necromancers are currently in a battalion, maybe I'll throw together a streamlined, subfaction-independant homebrew revival of the lords of sacrament battalion. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted June 11, 2021 Author Share Posted June 11, 2021 Alternate Lineage/Bloodline/Dynasty for Soulblight Gravelords: the Legion of Sacrament, Version 0.2 The Legion of Sacrament was the personal undead legion of Arkhan the Black, tasked by Nagash with the most sensitive and critical missions. The Legion of Sacrament was instrumental in building, protecting, and maintaining the secrecy of the great hidden tomb complexes within which the Ossiarch Legions were painstakingly assembled over the course of millennia. During the Age of Chaos they were charged with defending Stygxx, Nagash's final refuge, while the Great Necromancer recovered from his defeat at the Everchosen's hands. They were responsible for bringing a mountain of Shyishian realmstone to Nagashizaar one grain at a time, and using this raw material to construct the great inverted Black Pyramid which unleashed the Necroquake upon the Realms. Before the Bonereapers marched to war, no other undead legion was as accomplished or as feared as the Legion of Sacrament. It is a morbid testament to Arkhan the Black's Callousness and single minded devotion to his master that he consigned his entire Legion to the grim fate of the Ossiarch Tithe the moment their ages-long work was complete. Necromancers who had raised entire armies of undead and Vampires who had laid civilizations of the living to waste, Arkhan's favored pupils and trusted disciples who had studied and fought at his side for thousands of years, were dragged away screaming at the Mortarch of Sacraments command to be harvested with the common skeletons and zombies. Their bones were added to the ranks of the Null Myriad's mortek guard, their arcane talents were stripped from their souls to contribute to the Myriad's mortisans. Their betrayed trust was left behind, deemed to be without value by the one they called their master, and their friend. A Soulblight Gravelords Legion of Sacrament army has the following additional options and restrictions: 1) You may field Arkhan the Black. If you do so, he gains the 'Soulblight Gravelords' keyword, and he counts as a general, in addition to the general chosen for your army. Arkhan knows all the spells from the Lore of the Deathmages, in addition to the spells listed on his warscroll. 2) You may field units of Morghast Harbingers and Morghast Archai. Morghast Harbingers and Morghast Archai in your army gain the 'Soulblight Gravelords' keyword. 3) Your army may not include any mercenary units. The Legion of Sacrament works in secret to bring about the end of all life, and the living cannot be allowed to learn of Nagash's dark plans until it is too late to stop them. reasons for changes: Convinced by Hotep's feedback. Legion of Sacrament Battle Traits: 1) The Black Disciples: The Necromancers of the Legion of Sacrament are without peer, for they have learned their dark art at the feet of Arkhan the Black himself. Legion of Sacrament Necromancers gain a +1 bonus to casting and unbinding rolls. 2) The Master's Teachings: The Legion of Sacrament is privy to Nagash's most intricate rites and rituals. Their commanders can manipulate the Corpse Geometries in ways lesser necromantic practitioners can barely comprehend. You gain a +1 bonus to the die roll for the Endless Legions battle trait as long as one or more friendly Legion of Sacrament generals are on the battlefield. reasons for changes: Hotep's feedback on master's teachings. Black Disciples was doing too much & created a potential drag on gameplay, this is more elegant. To compensate, I did re-write an artefact to allow a wizard to cast an additional spell. Legion of Sacrament Command Traits: Emissary of the Master: You can re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly Soulblight Gravelords units that are wholly within 12" of this general at the start of the charge phase Mark of the Favoured: Each time this general is selected as the target of an attack in the combat phase, roll a die. On a 6+ the attacking unit suffers a mortal wound. Dark Acolyte: the general is a Wizard who knows the Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells, as well as one spell chosen from the Lore of the Deathmages. If the general is already a Wizard, they instead know one additional spell from the Lore of the Deathmages. Mastery of Death: At the start of your movement phase, you may choose up to three friendly Soulblight Gravelords units that are wholly within 12" of this general. If you do so, add 3" to the move characteristic of each of those units in that phase (they can still either run or charge). Peerless Commander: Friendly Legion of Sacrament units may roll for the Deathless Minions battle trait while wholly within 18" of this general instead of the usual 12". Bound to the Master: this general may use Arkhan the Black's "First of the Mortarchs" command ability. Reasons for changes: Hotep's feedback, borrowing clearer language & updated design philosophy from the changes to the Deathmarch battalion. Artefacts of the Legion of Sacrament: Spiritcage: Whenever an enemy hero is slain while within 6" of the bearer, add 1 to wound rolls for friendly Soulblight Gravelords units wholly within 12" of the bearer until the end of the turn. Shroud of Darkness: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged attacks targeting the bearer Asylumaticae: Wizards only. At the start of your hero phase, you may declare that the bearer is opening the Asylumaticae. Roll a die. On a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound and may not attempt to cast any spells that phase. On a 2+ the bearer may attempt to cast one additional spell that phase. Wristbands of Black Gold: Add 1 to save rolls for ranged attacks that target the bearer Azyrbane Standard: Subtract 1 from wound rolls for enemy units within 6" of the bearer. In addition, re-roll successful casting rolls for Order wizards within 6" of the bearer. Black Gem: Once per battle, in your hero phase, you may declare that the bearer will shatter the Black Gem. Choose an enemy model within 6" of the bearer and roll a die. On a 1 the bearer suffers a mortal wound. On a 2-5, the chosen model suffers d3 mortal wounds. On a 6, the chosen model is slain. Asylumaticae wasn't doing much, so I rewrote it to be a spellcasting buff, a niche that otherwise feels lacking in the LoS artefact list. Also re-wrote the black gem to be simpler, shorter range, target a single model, have a chance of self injury. To compensate, it semi-reliably deals d3 mortal wounds? This may be a solution in search of a problem, but the previous version felt awkward to me. Is this an improvement? I don't know, you tell me. Shroud of darkness loses the -1 to hit clause both for streamlining and because capping hit penalties at -1 seems to be a design principle in 3rd edition that I wouldn't want these rules to break. Wristbands have also been simplified but slightly nerfed in the process, largely to not be just better than the shroud now. Are these changes for the better, or am I getting sucked into tinkering for the sake of tinkering, and should roll some of this back? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted June 13, 2021 Author Share Posted June 13, 2021 Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords- Lineage: Legion of SacramentLeadersArkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360)Necromancer (125)- Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming DreadNecromancer (125)- Lore of the Deathmages: Fading VigourWight King (115)- General- Command Trait: Mastery of Death - Artefact: Azyrbane StandardBattleline20 x Grave Guard (280)- Great Wight Blades30 x Deathrattle Skeletons (255)40 x Deadwalker Zombies (230)Units2 x Morghast Archai (190)- Spirit Halberds1 x Corpse Cart with Unholy Lodestone (80)BehemothsMortis Engine (200)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsBalewind Vortex (40)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 146 Here's a generic sample list, chosen as much for fluffiness and being models I like as anything else. It's meant to be like a sample display army like as one might see in a battletome, giving a sense of what the faction is "supposed" to look like as much as anything else. It follows the new force org & reinforcement restrictions of 3e. Arkhan & the morghasts might go up in points, but there's some leeway built in via the balewind, which can be dropped to make room. If worse comes to worst, the double-reinforced skeletons can also be dropped to single-reinforced. Any leftover points can be used on endless spells, to give the wight king a mount, or to upgrade it to a vampire. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted June 18, 2021 Author Share Posted June 18, 2021 (edited) EDIT: yet more changes, I really need to be sure I'm done working on this for the day before posting updates. summary of changes: fluff descriptions added for all command traits and artefacts - some mostly copied from the LoN book others changed to fit mechanical changes. All descriptions in the past tense on account of how the legion was destroyed. Also aded section headers, changed a couple names, to match how the lineages are presented in the battletome "wholly within" abilities that affect multiple units reduced to 9" reverted mastery of death to a hero phase move a la Vykos's spoor trackers rather than extra movement speed a la the deathmarch battalion. Just reads nicer this way. Also now limited to summonable units, part of a slightly increased emphasis on them. nightshroud now affects all attacks, not just ranged, both to compensate for the loss of the -2 to fit with 3e design and to provide more functional distinction from the wristbands wristbands of black gold reverted to the prior ward save design, worded to work on ranged attacks in any phase black disciples only increases casting rolls, not dispel or unbinding rolls mark of the favored triggers on the result of the enemy's attack roll instead of requiring a separate roll. Common re-rolls reduce its effectiveness, so the effect was expanded to work on ranged attacks as well as melee. self-damaging effect of asylumaticae and black gem removed azyrbane standard changed to affect all enemy wizards, renamed accordingly, it's basically the balefire lantern now. restricted to wight kings so there's more reason to field them. i don't know, maybe some other stuff. I feel I'm getting close to a final version, here, any feedback on rules, lore, spelling, grammar, etc welcome. EDIT: added a note that Arkhan doesn't get double-invocations. ... Alternate Lineage for Soulblight Gravelords: the Legion of Sacrament, Version 0.4 EDIT: this version is now out of date. The current version is in the original post above. Spoiler The Legion of Sacrament - A Legacy of Death The Legion of Sacrament was the personal undead legion of Arkhan the Black, tasked by Nagash with his most sensitive and critical missions. The Legion of Sacrament was instrumental in building, protecting, and maintaining the secrecy of the great hidden tomb complexes within which the Ossiarch Legions were painstakingly assembled over the course of millennia. During the Age of Chaos they were charged with defending Stygxx, Nagash's final refuge, while the Great Necromancer recovered from his defeat at the Everchosen's hands. The Legion of Sacrament was responsible for bringing a mountain of Shyishian realmstone to Nagashizaar one grain at a time, and using this raw material to construct the great inverted Black Pyramid with which Nagash unleashed the Necroquake upon the Realms. Before the Bonereapers marched to war, no other undead legion was as accomplished or as feared as the Legion of Sacrament. It is a morbid testament to Arkhan the Black's callousness and single minded devotion to his master that he consigned his entire legion to the grim fate of the Ossiarch Tithe the moment their ages-long work was complete. Necromancers who had raised entire armies of undead and Vampires who had laid civilizations of the living to waste, Arkhan's favored pupils and trusted disciples who had studied and labored and fought at his side for thousands of years - all were dragged away screaming at the Mortarch of Sacrament's command, to be harvested alongside with the common skeletons and zombies. Their bones were added to the ranks of the Null Myriad's mortek guard, their arcane talents were stripped from their souls to contribute to the Myriad's mortisans. Their betrayed trust was left behind, deemed to be without value by the one they had called their master, and their friend. This supplement is intended to be used in conjunction with the Soulblight Gravelords battletome to allow you to play a Legion of Sacrament army in Age of Sigmar games representing historical battles Arkhan's legion took part in, or hypothetical 'what if' battles representing what might have happened differently had the Legion of Sacrament not been destroyed. These rules can also be used to represent Soulblight Gravelord armies which focus on necromancers and reanimated hordes of lesser undead rather than the more elite and powerful vampire heroes and units that rule the Soulblight Dynasties. Perhaps your army are among the rare survivors of the Legion of Sacrament, and hope that by proving themselves against Nagash's enemies they might somehow rekindle Arkhan's favor, or perhaps your army represents the personal forces of a powerful independent necromancer or lich attempting to carve out their own empire rather than seeking the protection of vampiric patrons. Rules Disclaimer The rules presented here are not official Age of Sigmar rules. While these rules draw heavily from the official rules for the Legion of Sacrament in the now retired Legions of Nagash battletome, they were created by members of the Age of Sigmar player community, not Games Workshop. As such, you may only use these rules with the advance permission of your opponent. Playing a Legion of Sacrament Army When you choose a Soulblight Gravelords army, you must give it a lineage keyword as described on page 72 of the Soulblight Gravelords battletome. When you do so, you may choose to give your army the Legion of Sacrament lineage keyword instead of choosing one of the lineages listed in the battletome. A Soulblight Gravelords Legion of Sacrament army has the following additional options and restrictions: You may field Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament from the Ossiarch Bonereapers battletome. If you do so, he gains the Soulblight Gravelords and Legion of Sacrament keywords, but does not count as a Soulblight Gravelords hero for the purpose of the 'Deathly Invocation' battle trait. Additionally, a unit may not benefit from both Deathly Invocation and Arkhan's 'Mortarch of Sacrament' ability in the same turn. Arkhan the Black counts as a general, in addition to the general chosen for your army. Arkhan the Black knows all the spells from the Lore of the Deathmages, in addition to the spells listed on his warscroll. You may field units of Morghast Harbingers and Morghast Archai from the Ossiarch Bonereapers battletome. Morghast Harbingers and Morghast Archai in your army gain the Soulblight Gravelords and Legion of Sacrament keywords. Your army may not include any mercenary units. Battle Traits - The Master's Teachings Black Disciples: The Necromancers of the Legion of Sacrament were without peer, for they had learned their dark art at the feet of Arkhan the Black himself. Legion of Sacrament Necromancers gain a +1 bonus to casting rolls. The Corpse Geometries: Arkhan taught his students how to manipulate the hidden leylines of Death Magic which flow through the Realms. This forbidden knowledge enabled the commanders of the Legion of Sacrament to raise armies of the undead with a flick of their wrist and a single terrible word. You gain a +1 bonus to the die roll for the Endless Legions battle trait as long as one or more friendly Legion of Sacrament generals are on the battlefield. Command Traits - Necromantic Savants Emissary of the Master: While most of the Legion of Sacrament's work was done in secret, sometimes a show of force was required. At such times this dread champion could always be found leading the charge at the vanguard of Arkhan's forces. You can re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly Legion of Sacrament units that are wholly within 9" of this general. Mark of the Favored: This general earned the rare favor of Nagash himself. Foes who sought to harm them would suffer the Great Necromancer's wrath. Whenever an opponent rolls a natural 1 on the hit roll for an attack that targets this general, the attacking unit suffers one Mortal Wound. Dark Acolyte: This arcane prodigy impressed even the Mortarch of Sacrament with their talent, and was always eager to test new spells and curses on Arkhan's enemies. The general is a Wizard who knows the Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells, as well as one spell chosen from the Lore of the Deathmages. If the general is already a Wizard, they instead know one additional spell chosen from the Lore of the Deathmages. Mastery of Death: Perhaps this relentless taskmaster would not have driven their minions so hard had they known the reward that would be waiting for them when the work was complete. At the start of your Hero Phase, friendly Legion of Sacrament Summonable units that are wholly within 9" of this general and more than 3" from any enemy units may make a normal move up up to 3" (they cannot run). Peerless Commander: This champion of undeath possessed an indomitable will which they could project through their soldiers across an entire battlefield. Friendly Legion of Sacrament units may roll for the Deathless Minions battle trait while they are wholly within 18" of this general, instead of the usual 12". Bound to the Master: This general bound their soul to Arkhan the Black, allowing the mortarch to see through their eyes and channel a measure of his power through their bodies. This general may use Arkhan the Black's "First of the Mortarchs" command ability. Artefacts - Sacramental Implements Spiritcage: This Ivory lockbox would shudder with a barely contained hunger. It captured the souls of Nagash's enemies and channeled their spiritual energy to invigorate nearby undead. The Spiritcage activates the first time an enemy hero is slain while within 6" of the bearer. For the rest of the game, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by friendly Legion of Sacrament units that are wholly within 9" of the bearer. Shroud of Darkness: Woven from strands of pure night, this shadowy mantle rendered its wearer nearly invisible. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks targeting the bearer. Asylumaticae: This casket contained the spirits of aspiring necromancers who were driven insane by the horrific complexity of Arkhan's teachings. By opening the casket a necromancer could put the spirits' wasted talents to better use, but risked being driven mad themselves.Wizard only. At the start of your Hero Phase, you may declare that the Asylumaticae is open or closed. If it is open, roll a die. On a 1, the bearer may not attempt to cast any spells that phase. On a 2+ the bearer may attempt to cast one additional spell that phase. Wristbands of Black Gold: These ornately crafted wrist guards acted as negative lodestones, deflecting incoming arrows, bullets, and even cannonballs. Roll a die each time you allocate a Wound or Mortal Wound to the bearer resulting from a ranged attack. On a 4+ that wound or mortal wound is negated. Sacramental Standard: This banner was sewn together from the skin of Sigmarite battle wizards, and anointed in the blood of chaos sorcerers.Wight King only. Subtract 1 from wound rolls for attacks made by enemy units within 6" of the bearer. In addition, re-roll successful casting rolls for enemy Wizards within 6" of the bearer. The Black Gem: When this obsidian crystal was shattered, it released a tiny mote of pure entropy capable of snuffing out the soul of the first creature it touched. Once per battle in your Hero Phase you may declare that the bearer will shatter the Black Gem. Choose an enemy model within 6" of the bearer and roll a die. On a 1 nothing happens. On a 2-5, the chosen model suffers d3 mortal wounds. On a 6, the chosen model is slain. Edited September 15, 2021 by Sception Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted June 18, 2021 Author Share Posted June 18, 2021 (edited) Might as well bring back a version of the Lords of Sacrament battalion as well, and if Warscroll Battalions are limited to narrative regardless I don't see any reason to restrict it to Legion of Sacrament only. Other than the name, of course, which can be changed easily enough. EDIT: this version is outdated. The current version is in the first post. Spoiler Warscroll Battalion The following Warscroll Battalion can be used in Soulblight Gravelords armies of any lineage, provided your battlepack allows Warscroll Battalions and you have your opponents permission to use rules from this unoffical supplement. Necroresonant Choir: While necromancers can be powerful spellcasters in their own right, the greatest necromantic rituals require multiple necromancers working together in concert. At the direction of a Mortis Engine's corpsemaster, a coven of necromancers can weave their spells into a symphony of dark magic far beyond their individual abilities. Organization: 2+ Necromancers 1-2 Mortis Engines Abilities: Necroresonance: A choir of screaming banshees and chanting necromancers join their voices into a deafening arcane cacophony. Necromancers in this battalion can attempt to cast an additional spell in your Hero Phase as long as they are wholly within 6" of a Mortis Engine in this battalion. Edited September 15, 2021 by Sception Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted September 15, 2021 Author Share Posted September 15, 2021 (edited) The Original Post has been updated with a new version including the following changes: cleaned up some wording removed the option to field morghasts. Yeah, they kind of should be there, but they kind of should be in the LoBlood and LoNight subfactions too, and they aren't there either, and as much as possible I want this optional lineage to conform to the design of the official lineages. Black Disciples casting bonus changed from 'Necromancers' to 'Deathmages', in order to apply to new homebrew deathmage units. Corpse geometries changed from a flat +1 on the Endless Legions roll to re-roll 1's on the same roll after official SBGL errata changed Endless Legions to happen at the end of every battleshock phase instead of just your battleshock phase, making the previous version of the battle trait twice as effective as I had intended it to be. Asylumaticae restricted to 'Deathmages' instead of 'Necromancers' to account for new homebres Deathmage units, & it's effects changed (end of hero phase, once per battle), to make it a little clearer, reduce it's power slightly, and distinguish it from other similar items. Shroud of Darkness removed entirely, as I was having difficulty writing a version that was consistent with other 3e design, meaningfully distinct from the Wristbands of Black Gold, and not overpowered. In it's place I added 'Liche-Lord's Staff', which lets the bearer cast an extra spell and multi-cast arcane bolt, in imitation of Arkhan's staff. This also helps lean the artefacts more towards the faction's spellcasting theme. Warscroll Battalion changed to incorporate the new homebrew units, and to avoid awkward wording trying allow LoSacrament armies to include Arkhan in the formation while preventing other SBGL subfactions from using the battalion to backdoor arkhan into non LoSacrament armies. This does break from SBGL design precedent in that the other subfactions don't have unique battalions of their own, but warscroll Battalions in general are narrative-only now, so I'm not too bothered about it. Added two new homebrew hero units: The 'Sacramental Liche-Lord' is my first draft take on the long desired 'Necromancer on Mortis Engine" hero, meant to fill the roll of centerpiece general for SBGL armies that prefer deathmages over vampires. It's basically a mortis engine that is also a double-cast wizard, with the Reliquary as a spell instead of a 1/battle ability. The Reliquary spell starts off difficult to cast since it is emulating a powerful, 1/game ability on an existing unit, but gets easier to cast as the unit takes damage similar to how older versions of the reliquary rule got stronger in later turns of the game. The 'Soulblight Arcanovore' is an option for a more LoSacramenty, death-magicky, Necrarch-style vampire lord. Regular Vampire Lord stats, but lower save, weaker weapon, no command ability in exchange for double-cast/unbind and the Deathmage keyword. For thematic reasons, I replaced the normal 'hunger' ability with the 'arcane hunger' variant, and gave the unit a signature spell that complements the magic-eating theme. The hero is meant to provide a midpoint caster hero inbetween regular necromancers and the big centerpiece models like Arkhan or the Sacramental Liche-Lord above. The homebrew units are both at the first draft stage, and I would greatly appreciate suggestions and feedback on any aspect of them - concepts, stats, abilities, signature spells, point costs, and whatever other notes you might have. In particular, do these units successfully fill the gaps of "large centerpiece general for necromancer-theme armies that don't want to run named characters" and "spellcaster specialist vampire infantry hero"? If not, what changes do you think they need to fit those gaps? Would you be tempted to run them in a LoSacrament army using these rules? If these rules were official, would you be tempted to run them in other bloodlines, even though they wouldn't benefit from subfaction rules? Do you think they step on the toes of any units that already exist in the book? Apart from the new units and the warscroll battalion, which are still in an early and entirely untested, the rest is getting pretty close to finished. Once the rules are at a finalized state I'll move on to start putting together a proper PDF, including putting out a call for anyone with old Necrarch & Legion of Sacrament armies who might want to contribute pictures of their models. Edited September 15, 2021 by Sception 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sception Posted December 15, 2021 Author Share Posted December 15, 2021 (edited) In light of the 3e battletomes, and the White Dwarf update to Soulblight Gravelords, I've replaced the still somewhat awkward and overly wordy warscroll battalion with the following, simpler, core-style battalion: ----------------------------------------------------- Core Battalion The following Core Battalion can be used by a Legion of Sacrament army, provided you have your opponent's permission to use rules from this unoffical supplement. Necromantic Choir: While deathmages are powerful spellcasters in their own right, multiple necromantic savants can combine their efforts into a terrifying symphony of dark magic far beyond their individual abilities. Organization: 1 unit chosen from the following list: Sacramental Liche-Lord Mortis Engine 2-4 units chosen from the following list: Necromancer Soulbight Arcanovore Abilities: Magnificent Wizardry: When you pick enhancements for your army, you may choose one additional Spell Lore enhancement. ----------------------------------------------------- Still taking a slight liberty with the core-battalion format by introducing a variant on the 'Magnificent' ability that is restricted to granting an additional Spell Lore enhancement specifically, but I think it still fits the overall format well enough, and, while it is weaker than the previous version, it's also a lot more streamlined and elegant, so I'm personally much happier with this version. Any thoughts/feedback greatly appreciated, as usual. Edited December 15, 2021 by Sception Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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