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Greetings from Northern Ireland!

Been a lurker here for a few years now. Long time observer of the hobby in general. My dad got into 40k after playing the first Dawn of War so I've always been exposed to some form of warhammer. It wasn't until I saw shadespire in a shop that I really got hooked on fantasy/AoS. 

I've bought most warbands that have come out in the past few years but they're such nice models that I'm scared to paint them! 

Have finally bought myself a pack of Orruk Brutes to have a wee go at painting. I've seen a few conversions online without the front panel of their armour so I think I'll try to imitate that. Also going to find/make a nice flag to go on one of them because flagbearers are essential imo (and we Northern Irish do love our flegs).

Really hoping for a new destruction race in 3.0!

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The Underworlds warbands are (were) nice "tasters" for an army, and an excellent test for paint schemes, and if you don't like it, just strip and do something else.

Another thing to consider if you like greenskins for the sculpts are the Black orc and Snotling Blood Bowl teams.

I don't know how well they fit in an army, but they look quite nice!

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