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The Armies of the Jade Throne - A Slann Project.


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Hi all,  and welcome to my take on the Slann armies of Old . This will be much less about Lizardmen (if any really not counting the Slann) and more about that aOld Race that was eventually changed to just Mages and Leaders. I’ll be exploring the various species of Slann and their Slaves and genetically altered warriors with Esoteric Weaponry. There will beVarious species of Slann and Lizardmen at more Xenomorph weapon level. The Armies of the Jade Throne approach and all will tremble in awe upon the sight of the Brightest Star of the Firmament and Lord of all the Water of the World Pond - Lord Emperor Mazdamundi. 

First up we have the First Slann and most Revered of the Living Relics. 

Venerable Lord Kroak (Just his head so far)




Edited by Kronos
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I really love the lore around Slann and the Old Ones. And there are elements I like of the Lizardmen, but just not loving the look of Saurus and Skinks. So to go around that little hurdle I’ve decided to make a Slann army that rferences more of the Old Slann with influences of scifi, such as Giger, Alien and Prometheus. These are the living weapons of the Slann. Genetically Cloned Warriors made from Slann DNA fused with more predatory species such as Jaguars and Gators... I want this army to be Xenos within the AoS setting. 





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Some work on Kroak which I’ll be combining with the new. Model (I love the new model). He of course inspired by the total war version where the spirit comes out of the body to attack. Also partly inspired by the Hollow Knight Shade.







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@Arael Thank you, working on them, but will be less foot troops and more Elite aMonstrous units. The Star Spawn Above are one of them and working on a Unit which are the Slann Version of the Temple Guard - Eternity Warden’s.

@Sinarai Thanks 😬👍.


Up next is a WIP of one of the Very Very few Lizardmen in the Army. I suppose I could have made a Slann variant of him. Bit when it comes down to it you just can’t replace the most badass Chameleon Skink - Commando - Assassin - Daemon Hunter. 

Oxyotl, He Who Hunts Unseen.








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On 4/7/2021 at 5:19 PM, Kronos said:

I really love the lore around Slann and the Old Ones. And there are elements I like of the Lizardmen, but just not loving the look of Saurus and Skinks. So to go around that little hurdle I’ve decided to make a Slann army that rferences more of the Old Slann with influences of scifi, such as Giger, Alien and Prometheus. These are the living weapons of the Slann. Genetically Cloned Warriors made from Slann DNA fused with more predatory species such as Jaguars and Gators... I want this army to be Xenos within the AoS setting. 





So Amazing! What bits did you use? I want to use this as a base for Soulblight Gravelords Vargskyrs :) 

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Big Old Photodump incoming. Lots of WIP’s that I couldn’t upload due to the forum error. Sorry not sorry.


lets start with my Kroak Kitbash.


Big Changes from the first Idea I had on Kroak, now taken the original design apart for another kitbash. 






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Kroq’Gharok, Kroxigor Scar Lord (WIP)
Very early wip but got too excited and wanted to show him. I’ve been building him for some time, or rather steadily acquiring the bits to make him. I’m happy the Kroxigor kit is not only stunning but it has variants! Old Kroq’Ghar will be leading a large cohort of them - from the back of his mount which I’m still working out but I feel a prestosuchus-Nothosaurus hybrid would work best. The Army is supposed to be a rewrite of the Slann and Lizardmen lore. The Kroxigors are to Lizardmen in this rewrite what the Thunder Warriors are to the Imperium. So this Berserker Crocodile is the “Taranis” of the Kroxigor Cohorts. - More detailed fluff coming soon. Which had also been a blast to write some prequel fan lore of Slann battling Shaggoths, Dragons and insectoid Titans.







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