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Crypt Horrors rules question


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The Crypt Horrors Noble Blood rule states that each Crypt Horror heals 1 wound each in each of your hero phases. So say you have three of them, and one suffer two wounds. Will they heal a maximum of 3 wounds per hero phase, or will only the wounded Horror heal 1 wound per phase?

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Beh, it's not so bad if you think about it. 
Imagine that one turn you give wounds to one model, the next turn you can give it to another one (it should work also in the same phase from wounds from different units). Moreover withing the B.FEC there is the possibility to add new models to the unit, so it can even be more used about it.

It's not so efficient, but it's not so awful as ability, on contrary if well used it can be quite interesting, it come more useful on units of 6 models nstead of 3.

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1 hour ago, deynon said:

Beh, it's not so bad if you think about it. 
Imagine that one turn you give wounds to one model, the next turn you can give it to another one (it should work also in the same phase from wounds from different units). Moreover withing the B.FEC there is the possibility to add new models to the unit, so it can even be more used about it.

It's not so efficient, but it's not so awful as ability, on contrary if well used it can be quite interesting, it come more useful on units of 6 models nstead of 3.

Maybe I don't understand you perfectly (English isn't my mother language) but the rules say "if you allocate a wound to a model, you must keep on allocating wounds to that model until either it is slain, or no more wounds remain to be allocated".

So you never will heal more than 1 wound per turn with this ability because never there will be more than one model wounded. Is this alright?

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47 minutes ago, Demenzia said:

Maybe I don't understand you perfectly (English isn't my mother language) but the rules say "if you allocate a wound to a model, you must keep on allocating wounds to that model until either it is slain, or no more wounds remain to be allocated".

So you never will heal more than 1 wound per turn with this ability because never there will be more than one model wounded. Is this alright?

There is a sentence before that one:

"After all of the attacks made by a unit have been carried out,  [...]"

And again:

"When inflicting damage, if you allocate a wound to a model [...]"


"Once the number of wounds suffered by a model during the battle [....]"

But each combat is unrelated to each other, you choice the unit to attack each time in that turn and stop. 

You take the damages and save them. Stop. Then another round of attacks, but it's another set of attacks, so you can chooce another model to start to save damages with.

It's so both by shooting and CaC.

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You take the damages and save them. Stop. Then another round of attacks, but it's another set of attacks, so you can chooce another model to start to save damages with.


No you absolutely cannot do that! 

It's now in the FAQ!

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You say 4th page, second colomn, 4th question, right?


The last sentence of the answer effectively clarify completely. Luckly till now I haven't needed to use it cause the only models multiwound I play are characters those are by themselves.

I didn't notice that FAQ; thanks for the correction.

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Normaly you must allocate a wound to a modell that allready lost some. But ther are some rules what allows the enemy to chose a specific modell to suffer a wound. In such cases you could end up with multiple wounded Horros in one unit. Then you would be able to heal on multiple modells.

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Again no! The rule indicates that this never happens. 

I don't recall any such wounds on a given model rules - some rules kill particular models so you can pick an unwounded model, but that doesn't contravene the blanket rule in the FAQ.

Mannfred's rule says pick a model, but then the damage is done to that model's unit.

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