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Hi Team, I need thoughts on this list. 

I don't usually like tailoring lists for specific armies, however this one is tailored for those resilient armies, such as Nurgle and Fyreslayers. 

I'm also stumped whether to replace the 3rd Warchanter with a Weirdnob Shaman (with Hand of Gork and Green Puke for extra movement). 

  • With Balewind Vortex, I'm allowed an additional spell, on the Prophet, which would be Breath of Gorkamorka. 
  • I'd get 16 Waaagh points if I group everyone together, roll for another one with the MB on foot and hopefully get a charge or 2 in to bring my Waaaagh to 20 on the first turn. 
  • The idea around this list to to tie up heavy hitters with the 30 savage boys, buffed to a 3+ save and a 6+ aftersave. 
    • They would also be Hitting on 2+ and Wounding on 3+.
  • The Ardfist means that I can hold points with the other 3 units of Ardboys. 
  • Balewind vortex + Beast Mask for some free Mortal wounds
  • If I had shaman, I could then look to teleport MB for wherever additional support is needed, armed with Destroyer and use him as a portable Nuke. 

Please give me thoughts, would love to hear them! 

@PlasticCraic <-- would also love to hear your view on this one :)


Allegiance: Big Waaagh!

Orruk Megaboss (140)
- Artefact: Destroyer
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Fixin' Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Wurrgog Prophet (160)
- General
- Command Trait: Fuelled by the Spirits
- Artefact: Mork's Boney Bitz
- Lore of the Savage Beast: Kunnin' Beast Spirits
Wardokk (80)
- Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits

30 x Savage Orruks (300)
- Stikkas
15 x Orruk Ardboys (300)
15 x Orruk Ardboys (300)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (200)

Ardfist (120)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Balewind Vortex (40)

Total: 1970 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 177


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Hey @Icetea if you're list tailoring adapting to the local meta, I'd maybe take a closer look at a couple of units with really high DPS.  Somebody smarter than I could run the numbers, but it's generally Brutes and Big Stabbas in my experience.

What I like about Big Stabbas is that they can hit over the top of a shield wall of Savage Orruks with their 3" range.  This is important because when the FS fight first, they have to pour all their output into your chaff, then you strike back over the top and hit them hard.

You might also be a little bit overcommited on heroes imo.  3 Warchanters might be past the point of diminishing returns.  Would you consider dropping the Prophet down to a Wardokk (his anti-horde Warscroll spell won't scare Blight Kings and HGB too much), dropping a Warchanter and putting in 10 Brutes for example?  Again probably with the 2" weapons to hit over screens or from corner-charging a unit. 

And finally, I'd maybe split up the 10 Ardboyz into 2x 5.  Those throwaway units are clutch against HGB.  What I usually do is charge the 5 in spaced out, then corner charge with my actual hammer unit and set them back a little.  The 5x Ardboyz soak up the fights first activation, then you pile in with the proper unit and have a good swing at them.

Hope that helps, and let us know how you go!

Edited by PlasticCraic
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On 3/3/2021 at 3:47 PM, PlasticCraic said:

Hey @Icetea if you're list tailoring adapting to the local meta, I'd maybe take a closer look at a couple of units with really high DPS.  Somebody smarter than I could run the numbers, but it's generally Brutes and Big Stabbas in my experience.

What I like about Big Stabbas is that they can hit over the top of a shield wall of Savage Orruks with their 3" range.  This is important because when the FS fight first, they have to pour all their output into your chaff, then you strike back over the top and hit them hard.

You might also be a little bit overcommited on heroes imo.  3 Warchanters might be past the point of diminishing returns.  Would you consider dropping the Prophet down to a Wardokk (his anti-horde Warscroll spell won't scare Blight Kings and HGB too much), dropping a Warchanter and putting in 10 Brutes for example?  Again probably with the 2" weapons to hit over screens or from corner-charging a unit. 

And finally, I'd maybe split up the 10 Ardboyz into 2x 5.  Those throwaway units are clutch against HGB.  What I usually do is charge the 5 in spaced out, then corner charge with my actual hammer unit and set them back a little.  The 5x Ardboyz soak up the fights first activation, then you pile in with the proper unit and have a good swing at them.

Hope that helps, and let us know how you go!

I'm gonna echo alot of what was said here, i will also add goregruntas into the suggestions as well as a change to an ironfist, you can use the hero combat to help you chew through the resilient units.

Also being able to target things at range that support the resilience, like fyreslayers heroes, would be beneficial to you as well.

But it's definitely gonna be a case of mixing and matching until you hit the sweet spot.

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