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Hello help needed in a fun question


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Hello and Wellcome to this clickbait tital post! 

I am a new player coming over from many years of 40k play and looking to start up an aos army.

Problem is almost all of them look so cool and iam having a hard time choosing a faction.
Thats wer my tital comes in. pleas help med with this by selling med on a army you woode like to see moor of and that you think should work in both casual and som competitive play.
Or if you feel something more in line with a unique paint job on a army that you like to see or never have seen.
spin the wheel and lets se what comes out
thanks so mutch for the help! 

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For diversity, you can't go wrong with Cities of Sigmar. Quite a few different takes on the theme are possible, and many kits are good (not Freeguild Handgunners though). With a bit of kitbashing and ebaying, can be quite cheap to get, and both the General on Griffin and the Demigryph Knights rank very high on my list of favourites. In Necromunda Cawdor and Skitari Rangers some great alternate sculpts could be found, but there is even a Nighthaunt conversion floating around.

Another option is Kharadron. Design a lot more unified, but more expensive. I just love the skydwarves. With Tempest's Eye or Barak Thryng, you don't even have to choose.

Edited by zilberfrid
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My advice, take yourself to the GW website and open up the AoS page. Now pick a Grand Alliance (any one but probably easier to start at the top with Order). 

Now pick out an army you like from the list and open a new browsing tab for every model in their line. Once done go through those tabs, look at the pictures, the 360 rotations and everything and close the tab on any you don't like. 


In the end this rough methods can give you an idea what you do really like in an army as models and as models you want to buy, build and paint. Sometimes it can help you realise when you might like an army as a theme or concept, but don't really like the models individually. Or you might find you love only one or two big models but not the legions of troops and leaders you need; or perhaps you find you really love the troops but not really any of the leaders etc....

It can help you sift through a lot of choices and work out roughly what you do and don't like from different ranges. It can also sometimes show you models that you've overlooked and just not spotted or really seen around.



I find it a great way to get started when you're not really looking for a top competitive army in the current meta. AoS is pretty good now (by GW standards) in terms of balance for armies and even at the top end there's quite a diversity of factions that appear. So I would say pick ANY army you want to play with. 



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