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Mighty Destroyer and Violet Fury


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Hi team,

question! I just saw a battle report and wanted to confirm if what I saw is correct. 

Mighty Destroyers 

If I use mighty destroyers to make a normal move in the hero phase, can I also make a run move in the same hero phase? 

example: Ardboys move 4 inches and then I roll a 6, moving 10 in the hero phase. Then I can move another 4 inches in the movement phase and then charge afterwards?

I didn’t think you could do this, but saw it done and thought “hrmmmmm”

Warchanters Violet Fury

if I use this buff on goregruntas, do the pigs also get the +1 dmg from the buff, or only their melee weapons get +1. 
I read in the battle tome that only melee weapons get the +1 buff but in the same video, saw the pigs getting the same +1 dmg buff. 

not sure if I’ve been missing something!!

As usual, thanks in advance!


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1 hour ago, Icetea said:

Mighty Destroyers 

If I use mighty destroyers to make a normal move in the hero phase, can I also make a run move in the same hero phase? 

example: Ardboys move 4 inches and then I roll a 6, moving 10 in the hero phase. Then I can move another 4 inches in the movement phase and then charge afterwards?

I didn’t think you could do this, but saw it done and thought “hrmmmmm”

Here is something abour running in the herophase.


Q: Some abilities allow a model to make a move out of sequence (in the hero phase, for example), or to make a specific type of move (a ‘6" retreat move’, for example). Can I run when I make these moves?A: You can only run if the ability refers to making a ‘normal move’ (which includes any move made ‘as if it were the movement phase’) and the ability doesn’t specify the distance of the move. Note that the restrictions that apply to normal moves (not moving within 3" of the enemy, and having to retreat if they start within 3" of the enemy) also apply to normal moves made in any other phase. Also note that the increase to the unit’s Move characteristic for running only applies to that move. So, for example, if the ability said ‘This unit can make a normal move’ the unit could run and could not move within 3" of the enemy unless it retreats, and if it said ‘This unit can move D6".’ then it could not run but could move within 3" of the enemy.

The rules for running say, " Models in a unit that runs, can't shoot or charge later in the same turn". So even if you run in the herophase, charging would be impossible, if the unit doesn't have a rule that it can run and charge, because the charge phase is later in the same turn.

1 hour ago, Icetea said:

Warchanters Violet Fury

if I use this buff on goregruntas, do the pigs also get the +1 dmg from the buff, or only their melee weapons get +1. 
I read in the battle tome that only melee weapons get the +1 buff but in the same video, saw the pigs getting the same +1 dmg buff. 

not sure if I’ve been missing something!!

The Tusks and Hooves of the Goregruntas are Melee Weapons as well.

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