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Cat, Bat or some kind of Arachnid?

Futa Manticore

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No, it's Futa Manticore!



Hey there. Been lurking around these forums for quite some time and finally decided to enlist for reasons best known to themselves. The community appears to possess a more positive vibe, though the regulars in the Painting and Modelling section are depressingly talented. 

I've been in the Hobby since around the time Soul Wars was released and I've dabbled in few different armies, had a little look at 40k but Sci-Fi isn't really my thing, and have finally settled down with Age of Sigmar.

More of a collector than a gamer and I seem to have a fascination with collecting those Grand Warscrolls which comprise of several smaller Warscrolls.

At the moment, I'm working on the overly ambitious goal of collecting enough models to qualify for an entire Stormcast Chamber, as well as a Nighthaunt Grand Procession. I may also start a Daughters of Khaine Warcoven and a Teclian Vanguard just to mix things up, now that I'me sure I won't be tempted away by the upcoming Slaanesh release.

Hope to see you peeps kicking about during my latent meanderings

Futa Manticore


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