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Greetings, everyone. 😄


After a long time lurking in the shadows, I decided to introduce myself. I am Sarouan, I live in Belgium and I'm past fourties. I usually speak french but I still practice my english so that I can enjoy talking about my passions with fellows accross the other side of the sea.  Please forgive me if I still make mistakes. ;)

I'm a big fan of fantasy games, having started with roleplaying games then diving into the world of Games Workshop games more than twenty years ago. I have followed the life of Warhammer Fantasy Battles until its bitter end, and embraced Age of Sigmar since its (rocky) beginnings. I'm still playing to this day, even if the pandemic made it quite harder unfortunately.

During my life, I have collected a lot of miniatures, some I kept other I sold - but my first love was dark elves at the time of WFB and I still collect a "small" army including all kinds of aelves having ties with the old druchii - mainly Cities of Sigmar, but not only. Otherwise, I have a more classical army of Flesh-Eater Courts. I like to play the villains. :P

Otherwise, I also play Warcry in which I'm happy to use the miniatures of my AoS armies. I also have the basic Warcry warbands, but I don't really play them to be honest.

I love the narrative side of the games and I enjoy making my own background for my armies. I sometimes tinker with the rules, making my own house rules just for fun and with my gaming partners' agreement - because that's the point of games, having fun ! In my young days :P I participated to various tournaments in my country, but nowadays I drop that - I got tired of the competitive mindset, what can I say. Yet I still enjoy the technical aspect of the game and I like to read the rules of a game. It's just that I tend to read the background part first. ;)

I hope we'll spend a good time together on these forums !

Best regards and take care,



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