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Comprehensive product listing?


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I'm searching for a listing of all products released for Age of Sigmar, starting with the original boxed set and specifically things like campaign books.

I'm a bit of a completionist, and it is quite difficult to find out what I am missing.

Edited by Settra
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Lexicanum has a lot of stuff listed, but I'm not sure how up to date it is. Ironically older stuff is better documented than the last ten years or so, since there were proper catalogues back then not just an ever changing webstore. I think GWs store pages aren't recorded in the internet archive, so when I've been doing collection projects I've often found that asking people on forums how many campaign books there have been is easier than trying to track down an exhaustive list. Best of luck!

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On 12/21/2020 at 4:13 PM, EccentricCircle said:

Lexicanum has a lot of stuff listed, but I'm not sure how up to date it is.

This is my concern.

Under other campaigns, they only have 2 listed, even though I know for a fact there were others.

So I'm not sure what else is missing.

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Lexicanum is probably the most complete online resource I'm aware of. Sure its not got everything, but its the most likely place that will catalogue the bulk of what has been released. Heck if you're dead keen on this kind of information you could join up and help them out. If you know things they've missed then that's an ideal way to contribute. 


You can then even break it down army by army; its unlikely any one person (outside of someone working for GW) knows every product, but if you start talking to the fans of one faction they'll better know what has and hasn't come out for their force and can help fill in any blanks.

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