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Starting Warcry - what do i need to buy?


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Hi all,

I have loads of destruction aos models i can use for warcry and i'll get a rule book from a friend who has 2.

I dont really want to buy a base set as i already own enough warbands to get started.

Will a ravaged lands terrain set be enough to keep the costs down or will i be missing some essential components?

Also is there any news about upcomming terrain sets?

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if you already have some terrain you don't even need to get one of the ravaged lands sets. With the destruction book you would be probably set.

If you need some terrain, one of the sets would be enough probably. 

The terrain arrangement by default works with the starter sets terrain (original or catcombs), but those are just suggestions and is encouraged to use whatever terrain you have. And each terrain set comes with its own deploiment cards.




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Im short on terrain so i think i will pick a terrain set anyway and add the terrain i already have to change it up a bit.

Will i also need card decks to set up the game? I only played this once at a friend. I dont really know if the cards are needed for deployment or missions.

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if you mean the character cards, they've expanded the roosters quite a bit, so it's more convenient to get the book. Although I still find the cards more useful when playing than checking the book (but you could use your own made cards or your phone...)

if you mean the battleplan cards, I think some of them are printed on the core rulebook, but I'm not sure if in the rulebook are all the cards. So you could start without.

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If you buy a terrain set you'll pretty much be good to go. They all contain a board, the terrain layout cards appropriate to that terrain set, all the tokens and counters in addition to the terrain.

The rulebook will also contain terrain layout cards (but for the original warcry terrain), deployment, victory and twist cards. So between the terrain set and the core rulebook, you'll have everything bar your fighter profiles to play the game.

So at that point, you just need to get the fighter cards for whatever warband you wish to play. Some sets like the Warcry boxes will come with the cards, otherwise you'll want to pick up whichever of the new Warcry Grand Alliance books you need for the warband you wish to play.


In summary. I think a Ravaged Lands terrain set will be an excellent way to get into Warcry if you already have a rulebook. The Defiled Ruins will likely give you more of a core Warcry experience as it has some multi-level platforms (in particular if you're happy to convert up some ladders/bridges/etc), but the Shattered Stormvault is also very fun when I've played on it at a friends house. I think the Souldrain Forest is probably least appealing to me as it's basically just a bunch of rubble, and tree's you're unlikely to go up.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So, I'm in the same situation, but I don't get the solution,  if I have the miniatures, stormcast, and the terrains, I need:

- Warcry Battleplan Cards, There's only one set?

- Warcry: Sentinels of Order

-Warcry: Stormcast Warrior chamber

Other books I need since there are plenty of them?..thank you!


Edited by baiardo
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I believe all you should need is Sentinels of Order and the Core Rulebook. You'll need Catacombs if you want to fight underground battles using the expanded rules in that set. The Battleplan Cards are very convenient but not strictly essential - same goes for the tokens etc in the scenery and warband boxes.

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