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Chaos Mark Lore question


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I was wondering if any chaos champion has ever had more than 1 mark of chaos at a time? Not the mark of undivided, but two separate god marks? I know Archaeon has all 4 right? But could a regular lord, earn the mark of one god, then switch and earn the mark of another?

I don't think I've ever come across this in AoS (or 40k or WFB for that matter), but after hearing on a 2+ Tough episode on the Varanguard that they could be devoted to a god, then switch to Archaeon's own brand, got me thinking. 

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22 minutes ago, The Mysterious Mr B said:

In terms of lore, or in-game?

In terms of lore, I wouldn't ever expect to see it in game due to balance issues. 

Just one of those things that got me thinking, in a big enough world such as the mortal realms it must be possible right?


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The various tribes of the Eightpoints (i.e. the Warcry warbands) have differing interpretations of who or what they each worship, and focus on differing aspects of Chaos as a whole and each individual Chaos god. I can't point to a specific example at the moment but I'm sure somewhere it at least hints at the Chaos god they are worshipping not always being the same. For example, maybe the Untamed Beasts worship Khorne without necessarily knowing it when they fight, then worship Slaanesh when they do something excessive, and so on. 

I might have imagined it but there might be something similar inplied for Slaves to Darkness in their battletome and general lore - which god they worship at any time being more fluid for some segments of their society than for others. That would make sense for any followers of Archon, considering he is champion of the pantheon! 

Edited by The Mysterious Mr B
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3 hours ago, SunStorm said:

I don't think I've ever come across this in AoS (or 40k or WFB for that matter), but after hearing on a 2+ Tough episode on the Varanguard that they could be devoted to a god, then switch to Archaeon's own brand, got me thinking. 

Rulewise that were rules of the old Everchosen Battletome, that they could switch the Mark, thats no longer possible with the Slaves to Darkness Battletome.

In the lore it is possible that each member of a Varanguard could have its own mark and still be one unit. There was also a Warqueen that was a follower of Tzeentch, was betrayed and captured by a Khorne Lord and became of Khorne Follower in the process. But two markes at the same time should be quite rare.

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Two marks at the same time is pretty much unheard of except for special guys like Archaon or Horus/Abbadon. It's pretty unfluffy usually. The varanguard situation is something atypical too. Doesn't mean you can't do it but you'd need a good reason. Like a set of fused twins where each individual follows a different God (then again, that wasn't the case with vilitch either) or having a Champion be possessed by another's God daemon maybe...

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I think the everchosen are the only ones to ever have more than one mark of chaos and earning them was part of their path to glory.  I remember archaon gained the favor of tzeentch by getting the eye of sheerin and khorne by defeating the bloodthirster in the shadow pit place for the crown or whatever but I can’t remember all the details.  Does anyone remember the details about how he accomplished each one or how any of the other everchosen ascended to primacy?

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3 hours ago, Gorthor21 said:

 I remember archaon gained the favor of tzeentch by getting the eye of sheerin and khorne by defeating the bloodthirster in the shadow pit place for the crown o

I hope that's a hidden Ed Sheerin reference since he used to play.


The thing about chaos is it's hard to think spatially about how much work it takes to get noticed.  Start as a chump, move on to chump with an axe.  maybe upgrade to marauder.  Spend enough time killin' you get upgraded to warrior which is like becoming a Space Marine (according to Jes Goodwin).  Just that level alone is rare.  Getting marked means you get some blessing by a god which,.. if the realms are umpteen bazillions of gazillions of souls,.. that's rare.  Super rare.  What's a human when gods are fighting themselves, pooping in a forest or birthing some plotlines for Morathi.  So that guy/girl has to work SUPER hard to get one god's attention.  

So getting a second mark?  Oof... 

Also the gods hate each other.  It isn't as prevalent now as it was in the Realms of Chaos days but if you are Slaanesh then Khorne is a no no.   Valkia brandishes a Slaanesh daemon on her shield.  Does Tzeentch care if you are really busy collecting skulls?  What does he care?  

There was a short story/novella last Christmas Advent (or two ago) about a Darkoath Warqueen worshiping a form of Tzeentch and becoming Khorne but only after tzeentch abandoned her and she was tortured nad bloodlust saved her in which Khorne was like "yeah you do the do baby".  In which I mean she killed for khorne.  

It is sad we kinda loose sight of the lore and fluff of what GW has done vs in-game rules.  

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No.  It cannot happen.  The gods are fickle and jealous. A champion who obtained the mark of a god and then chose to pursue another one would end up as a walking ****** within seconds. 

This is why Archaons achievement is so massive. By sheer force of will he managed to obtain 4 marks. He is a big deal for a reason. 

The Varanguard example proves this. Individually they are all chaos Lords, with all the personal attachments that comes with. Archaon can over ride that though. He basically let's them worship as they see fit but when they turn up for a shift at work they do what he tells them. If that means putting a shift in with the Slaanesh badge on then so be it. 

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1 hour ago, Popisdead said:

I hope that's a hidden Ed Sheerin reference since he used to play.


The thing about chaos is it's hard to think spatially about how much work it takes to get noticed.  Start as a chump, move on to chump with an axe.  maybe upgrade to marauder.  Spend enough time killin' you get upgraded to warrior which is like becoming a Space Marine (according to Jes Goodwin).  Just that level alone is rare.  Getting marked means you get some blessing by a god which,.. if the realms are umpteen bazillions of gazillions of souls,.. that's rare.  Super rare.  What's a human when gods are fighting themselves, pooping in a forest or birthing some plotlines for Morathi.  So that guy/girl has to work SUPER hard to get one god's attention.  

So getting a second mark?  Oof... 

Also the gods hate each other.  It isn't as prevalent now as it was in the Realms of Chaos days but if you are Slaanesh then Khorne is a no no.   Valkia brandishes a Slaanesh daemon on her shield.  Does Tzeentch care if you are really busy collecting skulls?  What does he care?  

There was a short story/novella last Christmas Advent (or two ago) about a Darkoath Warqueen worshiping a form of Tzeentch and becoming Khorne but only after tzeentch abandoned her and she was tortured nad bloodlust saved her in which Khorne was like "yeah you do the do baby".  In which I mean she killed for khorne.  

It is sad we kinda loose sight of the lore and fluff of what GW has done vs in-game rules.  



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To my knowledge, a mark is a sign of personal favor from the chaos gods, effectively a brand (though not necessarily literal) that is given to the more devoted followers of the gods in their truest forms. This could be why the warcry bands don't have the capacity to be marked, as they haven't gained this kind of favor yet. The chaos gods have always been written as intensely jealous creatures that barely consider working together only for strictly common strategic causes for chaos as a whole. Each one strives to become the ascendant god within the pantheon (which waxes and wanes by nature), and so they'd probably be more inclined to either kill, manipulate, or convert followers completely rather than willingly share. If a dual-marked follower ascends to significant power that empowers both gods just as much, which is something neither god wants.

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Thanks for all the feedback, it's something I've been thinking about, but couldn't come up with a suitable situation where this could happen.  Maybe a two headed mutant (Etin?), where both heads pray to different gods.

I think changing marks is one thing, or even having maybe a temporary alliance between gods to fight another, but having two at once would be almost impossible in the long term. 

Although we have been told the mortal realms are a large and strange place, so i'll keep thinking about it. 



Edited by SunStorm
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