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I need help with finding a place to start....


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I am currently working on a rather large diorama of my Bretonnian army facing off against Mallobaude. And I want to do something I haven’t seen as yet. A zombified hippogryph(i played with skeletal, but i want the hippogryph wings, not fused on bat wings like most flying skeletal mounts)

my problem lies in trying to find the best mini to customize in such a way, i know i dont want either of the louen models for it, i want it to be very differently posed, more like a pissed off and ferocious animal thats been beaten into submission( think the hippogryph equivalent of those circus bears 5 minutes before they turn on their handlers. If anyone has suggestions, I’d really appreciate it

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23 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

Some input:



I hope that helps :)

Definitely some ideas from those images, i take it the undead horse is from alliance death stuff, shouldnt be too hard to find, then a bit of minor edits to front legs to add talons, then i just add a pair of wings(fortunately have some extras From a damaged pegasus knights set) use my dremmel tool t grind out a few “bald” patches in the feathers, use some greenstuff to add a few feathers into the mane a bit. Could be good 

Edited by Mwatts25
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/24/2020 at 12:56 AM, JackStreicher said:

The Horse is from the new Black Coach or the Corpse Mare stampede (Flesh Eater Courts endless Spell)

You could also use this Horse: (Knight of Shrouds) - it‘s a rather big horse. It also comes with a sword you could put in Mallobaude :)


While i do like the sword, i think the horse here is a bit too skeletal, so what i will likely do is one of the flesh mares, lop off the head at the top of the neck, lop off the front hooves, attach either some harpy claws or griffin claws to the front legs, and for the head either attach a secret keeper head or maybe a reaper mini vulture demon head, my only other option would be to sculpt a beak end on the corpse mare head.


as for the sword, I’ll likely get a blood dragon or von carstein vampire arm with a sword and add an inverted fleur de lys via green stuff on the guard

Edited by Mwatts25
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