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Please help to find an army


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Hi all,


I´m searching for an army that...


...offers excellent damage output (doesn´t matter if it´s ranged or melee);

...offers some kind of movement tricks;

...is mainly based on infantry models.


What do you think is the right army to match these criteria?



Edited by Hannibal
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35 minutes ago, Hannibal said:

Hi all,


I´m searching for an army that...


...offers excellent damage output (doesn´t matter if it´s ranged or melee);

...offers some kind of movement tricks;

...is mainly based on infantry models.


What do you think is the right army to match these criteria?



Daughters of khaine? Especially in the temple that lets you teleport. 
but you have two great infantry options. Sisters of slaughter and witch elves. They will absolutely run through the opponents army but do need the support of the slaughter queens and especially the hag queen (both likely on their altar.) 

trickyness due to all the synergies z the kinerai (harpies) that can start off the table and get a cheeky extra move when they shoot, the teleport temple (also gives defence vs shooting).

some added advantages imo:

- amazing model line. Every thing from the infantry to the heroes. 

- amazing centrepiece model in Morathi. which is actually useful in game.

- Just updated rules. But they have been good since their release. Regardless of changes in ‘meta’. They remained strong. So super solid and not reliant on that one trick that gets nerfed. 

- if you want you can also take the snakes as infantry block. The elf models are just a bit more efficient as they have more models to hold objectives. But snakes are good and they can take the same buffs so you can do one of both. 

- I love armies with synergies and are a bit glass cannon. You can make them very survivable as well if you prefer that

- they are front and centre in the narrative.  


- Quite pricey. 
- rules are a bit scattered at the moment. You have the book, but in the last two weeks several scrolls and points in that book have been changed in the shadow and pain box and the wrath of Morathi book. Most of that will be available in the free app though. At some point. So it’s not the worst. But a bit annoying if you start something new. 

hope this helps. 

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Cities is possible (Living City especially, but also portals),

Daughters of Khaine.

Fyreslayers (though more tanky and movement shenanigans).

Orks can move quickly enough that it's also movement shenanigans.

Theoretically Khorne, Skaven and BoC, but I'm not sure how they'll work.

Kharadron derive much of their damage output from infantry, and have movement shenanigans, but that's a real stretch.

What models do you like, I think that's more important?

Edited by zilberfrid
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I honestly think that nearly all factions can meet that criteria in the OP in some way or another.  Or else they are going to be particularly effective in AoS  or pretty much any wargame as they largely revolve around attack and maneuver.  And being a 28-32mm scale game it is very likely to focus on infantry anyways.  Even if a faction doesn't at this point, GW has definitely shown it is entirely possible it might not stay like that for years anymore.

I would have to ask what are you willing to give up for excellent damage and good movement?  Durability, where your units get one good hit in and then evaporate? Board Control, where your units are so points intensive you can't control much of the table at one time?  Reliably, as some things CAN deal huge chunks of damage but not all that often or not without risk (like Skaven).  Synergies between units such Hero aura dramatically changing their effectiveness? Something else?

What I am getting at is something like the quality triangle (i.e. faster, cheaper or better; you only get two).  You named what you want your army to do, but you haven't named what you are willing to give up to have it.  That might help inform the thread a little more.  I mean it is all well and good to mention what you want your  faction does well, but you might also want to know what your faction does poorly too and if that is a dealbreaker.

Edited by Saturmorn Carvilli
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4 hours ago, Hannibal said:

...offers excellent damage output (doesn´t matter if it´s ranged or melee);

...offers some kind of movement tricks;

...is mainly based on infantry models.


What do you think is the right army to match these criteria?

Tricky because a LOT of armies fit that mould. In fact it fits most armies which aren't Ossiarchs or Gargants. 

Most other armies do have builds that work with infantry as the core of the power; perhaps armies like Slaanesh right now don't do that as well as their Keeper focused varieties, but in general most armies do offer power through infantry/troops. 


I think, like the poster before, you need to whittle down your desires a bit more for us to really help otherwise its going to fast become a "collect my army" type thread where almost every army appears. 




That said - movement tricks, infantry and power - kind of made me think, at a very quick first impression, of Daughters of Khaine. 

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14 hours ago, Saturmorn Carvilli said:

I honestly think that nearly all factions can meet that criteria in the OP in some way or another. 

I don´t think that´s true. I play Nurgle since the beginning and they never offered great damage output. I´m a bit bored by that particular playstyle, thet´s the reason why I ask.



I would have to ask what are you willing to give up for excellent damage and good movement? 

Whatever I have to pay.



12 hours ago, Overread said:

Tricky because a LOT of armies fit that mould. In fact it fits most armies which aren't Ossiarchs or Gargants. 

Most other armies do have builds that work with infantry as the core of the power; perhaps armies like Slaanesh right now don't do that as well as their Keeper focused varieties, but in general most armies do offer power through infantry/troops. 

It might be true taht most armies power relies on infantry, but that doesn´t mean the infantry is able to damage the opponent. Look at Chaos Warriors, Plaguebearers, Horrors – do they deal damage?


Edited by Hannibal
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This is literally most armies. What type of looks do you like? Humanoid, Elf, dwarf, beastly? Also what is your budget? B.c some armies like FS are going to cost a lot more than others list OBR, BoC and Slaanesh. Finally how competitive do you want to be? B.c BoC has the most movement for foot infantry and you can easily take 120-200 models, thought they are harder to play and normally won't when events unless you are very skilled with them.

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14 hours ago, Hannibal said:

Hi all,


I´m searching for an army that...


...offers excellent damage output (doesn´t matter if it´s ranged or melee);

...offers some kind of movement tricks;

...is mainly based on infantry models.


What do you think is the right army to match these criteria?



I believe the skaven are the thing your looking for.

We can deal an excellent amount of damage either in combat or with some nifty shooting weapons.

Movement isn’t a problem for us either.

most of our generic troops get buffed by running and often then not can retreat and charge again.

night runners allow us to  Basically get those objective pre turn 1.

and Warp-grinder teams will allow us to deploy certain units of the field. (And if your really wanted to do so, you can basically put your whole army i to deepstrike)

Doomwheels and a certain artefact will allow you to move up to 48inches in a single turn, unless your rolling pretty bad, and our army is literally build of infantry models.

there is nothing we can’t do 

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This hobby is a pretty substantial time and money investment, so you should play what you’re drawn towards.  I was listening to an interview the other day of a guy who just finished his Slaanesh army, then they got nerfed.  We have bi-annual points/rules adjustments, which can easy rocket something to broken good or bad.  There’s only a few army options that aren’t going to play the horde type of game you’d like and they’re mainly stormcast, giants, and ogors. Even my elite bonereapers CAN field all 140 mortek that I have painted up.  

I made the decision to collect all of death since I can get inspired with the lists and hobby of the entire range.  Maybe you like elves and can start dabbling in the various elven armies to slow build a collection that will almost always have a couple of options for fun and/or competitive play, regardless of nerfs or buffs.

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1 hour ago, Acropora said:

This hobby is a pretty substantial time and money investment, so you should play what you’re drawn towards.  I was listening to an interview the other day of a guy who just finished his Slaanesh army, then they got nerfed.  We have bi-annual points/rules adjustments, which can easy rocket something to broken good or bad.  There’s only a few army options that aren’t going to play the horde type of game you’d like and they’re mainly stormcast, giants, and ogors. Even my elite bonereapers CAN field all 140 mortek that I have painted up.  

I made the decision to collect all of death since I can get inspired with the lists and hobby of the entire range.  Maybe you like elves and can start dabbling in the various elven armies to slow build a collection that will almost always have a couple of options for fun and/or competitive play, regardless of nerfs or buffs.

Excellent point. Although I will say that regardless of relative power. Few will change their playstyle. 
might not be the most effective anymore. But can’t think of an example where it’s not possible anymore. 

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On 11/19/2020 at 2:08 PM, Skreech Verminking said:

I believe the skaven are the thing your looking for.

Yeah, the other day I watched a batrep including skaven and they are definetely the thing I´m looking for.



On 11/19/2020 at 2:05 PM, Maddpainting said:

This is literally most armies.

I doubt.

On 11/19/2020 at 2:05 PM, Maddpainting said:

What type of looks do you like? Humanoid, Elf, dwarf, beastly?

Doesn´t matter.

On 11/19/2020 at 2:05 PM, Maddpainting said:

Also what is your budget? B.c some armies like FS are going to cost a lot more than others list OBR, BoC and Slaanesh.

Doesn´t matter.

On 11/19/2020 at 2:05 PM, Maddpainting said:

Finally how competitive do you want to be? B.c BoC has the most movement for foot infantry and you can easily take 120-200 models, thought they are harder to play and normally won't when events unless you are very skilled with them.

I like the model range of BoC, though I´m not sure they meet the "damage" criteria.



On 11/19/2020 at 2:30 PM, Acropora said:

This hobby is a pretty substantial time and money investment, so you should play what you’re drawn towards.  I was listening to an interview the other day of a guy who just finished his Slaanesh army, then they got nerfed.  We have bi-annual points/rules adjustments, which can easy rocket something to broken good or bad.  There’s only a few army options that aren’t going to play the horde type of game you’d like and they’re mainly stormcast, giants, and ogors. Even my elite bonereapers CAN field all 140 mortek that I have painted up. 

I totally agree here.

On 11/19/2020 at 2:30 PM, Acropora said:

I made the decision to collect all of death since I can get inspired with the lists and hobby of the entire range.  Maybe you like elves and can start dabbling in the various elven armies to slow build a collection that will almost always have a couple of options for fun and/or competitive play, regardless of nerfs or buffs.

I collected a lot of Nurgle stuff over the years and while they offer good infantry and some movement shenanigans I absolutely miss the damage they can spread out. That´s the reason I´m somewhat bored. I pretty much like my Nurgle stuff, but I want to be able to field an army full of damage thrown at your opponent. Like the old WHFB Khorne style.

Well, that being said I´m sure that a swarm of these ugly looking Marauders unter Nurgle Allegiance is everything I´m serching for. Maybe I should swallow the pill and just paint 80 to 120 Chaos Marauders.


Some other armies I like the look of:

Ironjawz / Orruk Warclans. I absolutely love that Rogue Idol! I think they are strong, offer good mobility and high damage output.

Troggoths. More "beastly", but they look ace. There new white Dwarf battalion increases mobility (retreat and charge). I´m not sure wether they are too unreliable for me though. And the best looking models are rather difficult to transport (my reason to look for infantry armies).

Ironguts. Nothing but Ironguts. A full herd of Ironguts. They are absolutely devastating. Nice looking models.

Tzeentch Flamer heavy. I already own a good chunk of them. Lovely models, high damage output.

Fireslayers seem to fit the bill, though I don´t think I want to paint 60 to 100 naked Dwarfs. Also I´m not sure about the viability of their monsters which wood be the No1 reason to start that army.


That´s the ones I had a deeper look into. I asked my question just to get some more inspirations like Dok or Skaven which were already named in this thread.


Thanks for all your answers!





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Doubt? Um.. yes most armies can do fast/movement infantry melee as its main damage source. Ogres are infantry for example, they even have a movement trick they can do. But you didn't detail what type of Infantry. And IMO Skaven has movement tricks, but they are not fast with high Melee damage compare to armies like IJ, FS, IDK, etc.. It really sounds like you want IJ or FS.  Unless you want movement tricks every turn.

After you talking about Skaven it seems you mean Hordes of guys? If so, there is also OBR.

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