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Question about the “red baptism”


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Hey guys, 

Was wondering earlier today about blood warriors  (one of my favorite lore units since I read the entry in the bloodbound book). Their lore entry on lexicanum - and the BoK tome I believe - discussed the “red baptism” an event where a mortal is drenched in the blood of their enemies and attracts khorne’s gaze and becomes a blood warrior as a result. This made me wonder whether races other than men can become blood warriors in theory? Figured it would provide interesting conversion fodder at the very least!

Thank you guys in advance for any input!

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I read the prompt as “Can only men be Blood Warriors” and was going to answer with “Oh great, here comes this debate again.”

If it can be tempted/corrupted, it can become Chaosified.

AFAIK, Seraphon and Greenskins (small and large) are really the only races that haven’t.

Skaven, on the other hand, have never been not-Chaos.

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Skaven, Greenskins, Beastmen, and Seraphon are races I think of as 'innately marked' where they belong to a certain god/force intrinsically. (Beastmen can be swayed to a particular god but they are always chaos.) None of them can serve a different force any more than there could be a bloodletter with mark of nurgle.

Ogors and Gargants can serve chaos though. And obviously non-intelligent animals, trolls, elementals, etc can be corrupted.

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If you really wanted a diverse force, there are other races in the Realms who, until we get confirmation otherwise, one could presume have the ability to serve Chaos. Humans are by far the most common, and there appear to be a fair number of duardin and ogors, and no few aelves and gargants.
Based on the gargant kit, halflings still exist in the mortal realms, so maybe one has become a Blood Warrior somehow? I know they are more resistant to Chaos than most but that doesn't mean that during the Age of Chaos some small communities didn't survive by falling. In the Idoneth book there's references to a bunch of races - whose to say that your warband hasn't managed to recruit a strange envoy or exile from the merwynn or the kelpdar? Or one of the other strange races or cultures only briefly mentioned in the AoS lore.

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