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So I understand from the Core rules that a hero can take one artifact. If the hero is Nighthaunt for example, does that mean they select one from either the army book, or the 'random' realm where the battle is fought with or from the realm that you could choose your army to originate from? Does this also apply to command abilities or any other options in a realm? Finally in the case of Stormcast, could they alter one of their abilities or artifacts if they have chosen to be Hammers of Sigmar, for example, to something more preferable in the realms (GHB2020)?

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40 minutes ago, Inaspin said:

Thanks. So a hero chosen firstly from Stormcast Hammers of Sigmar and also from the Fire Realm for example, would be able to select a Trait , then an Artifact (one in total) from either the battletome or GHB 2020 Fire Realm and also, simply have access to the extra Command Ability and spell in that realm also?

I think (I’m not 100% as I don’t have the tome) with the named Stormhosts, like Hammers of Sigmar, you are forced to take their unique command trait and artefact.
A second artefact (from having a battalion) could be the realm artefact or a general stormcast one.

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17 hours ago, Inaspin said:

So I understand from the Core rules that a hero can take one artifact. If the hero is Nighthaunt for example, does that mean they select one from either the army book, or the 'random' realm where the battle is fought with or from the realm that you could choose your army to originate from? Does this also apply to command abilities or any other options in a realm? Finally in the case of Stormcast, could they alter one of their abilities or artifacts if they have chosen to be Hammers of Sigmar, for example, to something more preferable in the realms (GHB2020)?

When you´re doing your army lits, you can choose an artifact for free and another one for each warscroll battalion that you have. That artifacts can came from your battletome or from the realm you choose for your army. 

The other command abilities or options in each realm are applied only of you play on that realm (for both players).

If you choose one "clan" or similar, as Hammers of Sigmar, you will have access to that abilities but usually you need to choose that comand trait and that artifact (first).

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Thanks. So a hero chosen firstly from Stormcast Hammers of Sigmar and also from the Fire Realm for example, would be able to select a Trait , then an Artifact (one in total) from either the battletome or GHB 2020 Fire Realm and also, simply have access to the extra Command Ability and spell in that realm also?

Edited by Inaspin
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