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Battleshock and rituals



I was wondering if units have to take battleshock tests, when they suffered casualties from certain faction traits, that let you sacrifice units, like beastmen or STD Cabalists.

The whole thing seems to be clear cut: Any casualites suffered means the unit has to make a test, but as I am annoyingly good at overlooking specific wordings, I wanted to make sure.

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The short answer is yes, in general, any time a unit looses models due to damage inflicted from any source, it must make a battleshock test.  AoS is a game of exceptions, however, so there are sometimes specific rules or situations that can override that rule. 

For example, Beasts of Chaos units need to be close to the herdstone in order to be sacrificed, and the herdstone has an aura that makes friendly BoC units immune to battleshock. If the unit being sacrificed is within that aura, you don't run the risk of having any models flee.

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