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Warcry - Khorne demons


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I played the the first time yesterday.


3 Fleshhounds including leader and 6 bloodletters was my set up.


The fleshhounds are awesome. Quick and strong in close combat and their special quad is exceptional strong with 5s or 6s.


The bloodletters are fine for their points. All in all a nice warband. I did not use the juggernauts a I think the fleshhounds are better.



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I've found them to be so up and down.

The dogs are strong but having a quad on one model is terrible.

The juggernauts not being able to cross lots of terrain is punishing.

Speed 4 bloodletters at t3 is rough, but 70 points is good.

They don't have any standout abilities and require lots of intelligent play.

Ive found models that are 3/6 or 4/8 damage are almost necessary to have a great army

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  • 5 months later...

Howdy, just getting into Warcry and I'm trying our Khorne demons (love the models).  I'm running Bloodhunter, Bloodcrusher (really, really love the crusher models), Gore Hound (since it's no longer a leader) and 6 Bloodletters as a first try.  I was reading the abilities and am confused by the wording of Murderous Charge.  It says "if the fighter finishes a move within 1" of an enemy fighter, pick a visible enemy fighter within 1" of the fighter" (I think I have the wording right).  For the part where you "pick a visible enemy fighter" does it have to be within 1" of the Bloodcrusher or within 1" of the enemy fighter.  In other words, which of the two fighters does the ability refer to when it says within "1" of the fighter?



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On 3/8/2021 at 5:22 PM, velocitydog said:

Howdy, just getting into Warcry and I'm trying our Khorne demons (love the models).  I'm running Bloodhunter, Bloodcrusher (really, really love the crusher models), Gore Hound (since it's no longer a leader) and 6 Bloodletters as a first try.  I was reading the abilities and am confused by the wording of Murderous Charge.  It says "if the fighter finishes a move within 1" of an enemy fighter, pick a visible enemy fighter within 1" of the fighter" (I think I have the wording right).  For the part where you "pick a visible enemy fighter" does it have to be within 1" of the Bloodcrusher or within 1" of the enemy fighter.  In other words, which of the two fighters does the ability refer to when it says within "1" of the fighter?



Welcome to warcry. :)

I think the rule says "pick a visible enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter". Which means pick an enemy fighter within 1" of the bloodcrusher. You can choose between enemy models if there are more than one within 1" range.

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  • 3 months later...
On 3/14/2021 at 8:29 PM, Grom said:

The Fleshhound leader is insane  once you boost his damage with an artifact. 

The gorehound (IE the old fleshhound Leader) was updated in the agents of chaos book, and no longer has the leader rune.

Edited by TheOtherJosh
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