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General's Handbook - Is it good enough?

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Is anyone else kind of disappointed with the General's Handbook yet again? I realize it still isnt out yet and is due this saturday, but I bet tons of people have already looked at various point and rule leaks and know by now whats coming to us - Im not gonna spoil and go into detail about anything here or link to leaks. May I remind you all that last year (GHB19) was a complete shitshow with especially the terrain rules being forced down everyone's throat and making a lot of faction terrain invalid due to restrictions (Gnawholes anyone?). This was later band-aid fixed with an errata/FAQ but luckily a large part of the community simply said "no thanks" and ignored those rules all together.

The GHB feels lackluster to me and honestly it kind of feels rushed and cheap - It seems to be an amalgamation of a book that tries to please every aspect of AoS instead of making seperate and proper books with updates that are satisfysing for each consumer. Meeting Engagements is cool, but dont just introduce it suddenly and give it 10 pages and call it a day. It needs much more support. Same with narrative play - Give it some more dedicated love and let people have fun - I realize they have tried that in this GHB20, but is it enough? Matched play also deserves more than just point changes. Many units are simply bad due to the warscrolls being bad - Change them. You already have digital FAQs that invalidate warscrolls, alligiance abilities etc. a week after a new tome is released. Why cant there be digital updates to bad warscrolls? Im sure people are just fine with having their warscrolls invalidated if it means they can actually field new units that significantly improves their army, especially for armies that are years old and wont see a new battletome for a good while. 

Im personally a matched play guy and prefer the more competitive aspect of AoS. For me the GHB is a big waste of pages and money. The only reason I buy the Warlord's Edition this year is to have  those cards (they are exceptionel and amazing, thanks GW!) for battleplans and realm features since it makes gaming a lot easier. All the other tokens and rules in the GHB wont see the light of the day. Obviously there are important matched play rules in the GHB, but once you have read them twice you wont need the book again if you have those gaming cards - Again, they are amazing and I wish they would sell them seperately.

The points are also kinda meh. I see people hyped about saving X points on Y unit, but at the end of the day it wont really make a significant difference in your games if you can field a couple more minis. The point changes are too weak and subtle. I feel like it is such a huge missed opportunity for GW to really shake things up and alter the general "meta" (yes I used that word). At the same time I do understand that GW cant just turn everything on its head since people are super invested in this hobby - It is no fun to see your army go from hero to zero in a heartbeat, especially an army that you have spent tons of hard earned cash on and hours upon hours of painting every fig. Being able to field another 10 figs for the worst army in the game isnt gonna change anything. Those require warscroll updates. Also there should exist a middle way where an army doesnt go from hero to zero and reverse, but actually gets some proper fixes/support - 10 point adjustments for a terrible monster that nobody really uses is just not gonna cut it though.

I feel like this is the equivalent of going to the McDonalds. You build up hype to go there and once you sit with your burgers and take a couple of bites, you realize how terrible the food is and start to question why you do this to yourself. After a while you start building up excitement and hype for your next trip to McDonalds only for it to repeat again. Every GHB feels the same - Im hyped beyond belief about possibly rule changes, updated and new battleplans, exciting point adjustments, only to realize this new book that almost every player is semi forced to purchase wont really have an impact or change things up.

I also dont understand the whole point of making a seperate booklet with points. This year half the armies will have printed points and the other half will have points in a digital PDF. Why even have the booklet in the first place then? Why cant all the points be digital? That way GW doesnt have to make point changes half a year ago (when it was sent to be printed etc), some of which make no sense today since the "meta" changes so fast with new releases.


Is this really what we want as a community or can we possibly expect more from GW? I personally want more from the General's Handbook. I dont know if Im alone with my feelings about the General's Handbook (not necessarily entirely this years GHB, but more in general). I feel like each gamesystem within AoS deserves and requires much more love in a dedicated and seperate book, rather than a rushed amalgamation.

At the end of the day - I love this hobby and Im super invested in it. I want to throw my money at GW but I want something for my money at the same time. Produce quality and I will empty my wallets without hestitation.

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Inb4 mods get mad that someone criticized GW and anchor this thread.

First and most importantly, a scathing critique of your post:

56 minutes ago, Kasper said:

I feel like this is the equivalent of going to the McDonalds. You build up hype to go there and once you sit with your burgers and take a couple of bites, you realize how terrible the food is and start to question why you do this to yourself. After a while you start building up excitement and hype for your next trip to McDonalds only for it to repeat again.

1. No one over the age of 10 builds hype for McDonalds. 2. Their burgers are sub-par at best. 3. Their breakfast on the other hand is the best fast food breakfast you can get, but when the virus hit, they ended all-day service for it.

The real problem with the GHB is that it really had a few things going for it that were necessary:

-Open Play Game Modes

-Stuff for fluff players

-Rules Pack for tournaments

-Points Updates

-Allegiance Abilities 

The Open Play and Stuff for Fluff sections are good but can be lacking. The problem is that we only ever need these once or are considered such low priority to everyone that they rarely get updated or expanded upon. I remember having GHB18 and 19 with me, and we wanted to play a multiplayer game, but neither of those had the rules. The rules pack gets the most looked at and usually has a few changes. The biggest change last year was Meeting Engagements, which feel like beta rules for a 1000 point format that needs a lot more playtesting.

Every army has a book now, so there shouldn't be a need for an Allegiance Abilities section. I think most of us would like to see this turn into a "Warscroll/Ability Update" section to balance certain things that can't be fixed via points adjustments alone. A lot of armies got updates via FAQ, and those changes (especially big ones like to Slaanesh) should be addressed in a paper book if we are going to keep using this old world technology.

That then gets us to points. Oh boy the Points Discussion. I will put my opinion bluntly: GW are incapable of adjusting points. Put aside the usual debates of whether they live in a bubble of their own, or don't look at tournament stats, or don't listen to community feedback, or have a driving agenda to undercost some units to drive sales. None of those can be deciphered. What can be proven is that books that came out in October of last year (8-9 months away) have come out too soon for sufficient evaluation and adjustments to make it into the printed copy. That should be more than enough for them to release points adjustments outside from the GHB. Combine with the fact that the AoS App has point values (even if it needs an update to refit everything into appropriate armies), and I mostly don't need the GHB anymore.

I think it's time they took it in a new direction and used it as an annual rules update for every faction.

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I suspect that GW is not satisfied from their product as well. There is almost no articles, no revelations, almost nothing relwted to AoS since the day GHB announcement. I guess that analysis regarding current state of the game wasn't complete before GHB was approved and moved to print. So sadly they will provide half baked product this year which will solve maybe a small fracture of current problems.

However I see hope. Looking at Wh40k 9th, they have addressed and fixed plenty of issues. I am sure that AoS will receive same treatment next year but for now, I am driven off from the game.

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Although enjoing the competitive environment a lot,  I actually do like the open play and Narrative sections a lot.

although the first ghb was pretty lacking in those things, considering how they had like already pre written battles where You couldn’t even choose what unit you want to take.

although with the new addition of multiplayer battles, being able to forge your own special character, And more, I would definitely buy the book without any hesitation.

with that said, this years GHB has a lot of stuff that will definitely see play in my local club (which is very narrative driven) and the new Realm rules and objective that will make the more competitive side of a Tournament a lot more interesting 

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43 minutes ago, Brakh said:

I suspect that GW is not satisfied from their product as well. There is almost no articles, no revelations, almost nothing relwted to AoS since the day GHB announcement. I guess that analysis regarding current state of the game wasn't complete before GHB was approved and moved to print. So sadly they will provide half baked product this year which will solve maybe a small fracture of current problems.

However I see hope. Looking at Wh40k 9th, they have addressed and fixed plenty of issues. I am sure that AoS will receive same treatment next year but for now, I am driven off from the game.

They jump started the 40K car with all the 9th edition stuff, so it's going to get 100% of the attention.

On the one hand, I'm sad because that means AoS is left behind again (and in truth, that's part of what killed WFB). On the other hand, no new product means I get to catch up on buying/building everything that's been sitting in my closet.

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I think the handbook just runs out of ideas and repeats itself being released year on year. In the old days I had the big red warhammer fantasy book and that was the rules for many a year. Army points only changed when the army book did and anything extra was maybe in white dwarf but wasnt really real. 

The constant rule erratas and faqs and handbooks means people are left chasing this golden unbeatable army that they will never truly get as it will either be nerfed the rules will change or someone's new army will beat it. It's not the best. 

Also they keep trying to make stuff up for open play when it's so unneeded people playing open play games are making much more exciting and fun game scenarios than any in the handbook.

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Just now, badnewsbeers said:

Does this new 40K edition mean a likely pause on Age of Sigmar releases for a while?

Yes and no. Yes this weekend its the start of a 2 week pre-release for the new 9th edition for 40K. However this weekend we are also getting the AoS release of the General's Handbook. It's also likely that the next pre-release after 9th edition will be for more 40K. But GW is long past the days when they'd focus on one game for months at a time and ignore all the others. GW today is far more open to swapping between games and systems week to week. 

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1 minute ago, Overread said:

Yes and no. Yes this weekend its the start of a 2 week pre-release for the new 9th edition for 40K. However this weekend we are also getting the AoS release of the General's Handbook. It's also likely that the next pre-release after 9th edition will be for more 40K. But GW is long past the days when they'd focus on one game for months at a time and ignore all the others. GW today is far more open to swapping between games and systems week to week. 

That's a relief. I remember the old days of Warhammer Fantasy suffering for months and months with nothing. 

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Definitely need to see the book before we can actually feel anything about it. xD

I'm definitely hyped for the aether wars, large narrative hero customizations, more indepth multiplayer and streamlined realm rules for Matched.

My only concern is I loved the large realmscape charts in the last books so i'm hoping they keep those for Narrative (which between this book's focus on Narrative & Open and how great Wrath of Everchosen made it's realmscape variety I think is a safe bet they just split them).

Otherwise not much can be expected here besides the basics like 2019's. Until AoS 3 all they can do is updates and sensible changes that don't break the mold for this edition. And honestly I'm glad because this is a very solid game which i'm happy they're just building on.

We're having fun so no need to rush out flipping the table on the rules. ;)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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This edition seems really fun but largely inessential.  I honestly think that is a positive thing as it means if I have some extra dough I will pick it up for the hero builder and aerial combat but I will not feel terrible if I don't pick it up. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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3 hours ago, Kasper said:


I agree with your entire post. They could just do the updates for rules, points and so on online. It doesn't need to be a printed book filled with a lot of content that won't ever be used by 90% of the player base.

That said I do think this year is actually better than last year. I'm quite excited for the new realm rules and having little reference cards for all the battleplans. 

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How about people give the thing a chance to be released first? We know the GHB is meant to cover ever style of play, everything gets a bit of support and there is some content for all. 

What its not is a solution to all the things people dont like. If you see it like that you will be disapointed. See it for what it is, a AOS annual with some interesting features and updates. The points updates is a bit of a mess but imagine print schedules, covid and all sorts of plans have collided around that. Give GW space.

 If you really dont like it, dont buy it. Simple as that, vote with your wallet.

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From what I've seen the rumored points changes range from disappointing to confusing, Like pricing the rogue Idol out of Gitz, or finally giving the Dankhold Troggoth a point drop, but only going down 10 points, while the Troggboss got another point drop. It almost feels like this set of point changes was just to make it look like they were doing something. 

Hopefully the next iteration will just drop the matched play points entirely, put them in pdfs, and instead focus on extra narrative and matched play content (like mercs, battleplans, etc)

I'm super excited for the Custom warscrolls though, that alone would justify the book for me. There are a bunch of holes in some of the armies I play that I can convert characters up to fit into, and now have some rules to go with it.

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13 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

Aside from battletomes...has any warscroll ever been updated or reworked outside of FAQ clearing up a sentence? I've never seen anything get a brand new warscroll unless it was with a brand new battletome.

plague monks?

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36 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

Aside from battletomes...has any warscroll ever been updated or reworked outside of FAQ clearing up a sentence? I've never seen anything get a brand new warscroll unless it was with a brand new battletome.

Grundstock Thunderes had a FAQ fix in their first two months and then changed their whole warscroll in GHB2017 (diferent abilities and loadouts).

Btw, I agree with @Kasper, I think that the points should be updated online and the whole GHB2020 should be battleplans, hidden agendas and all that type of stuff. Introduce new core-mechanic and polish some rule.

Hero Builder 2.0 (allowed for everyone, matched play included!): Give us some options to customize our character using faction specific faction tables. That could be awesome even if it's a bit UP for tournament play.

Edited by Beliman
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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

Hero Builder 2.0 (allowed for everyone, amtched play included!): Give us some options to customize our character using faction specific faction tables. That could be awesome even if it's a bit UP for tournament play.

The anvil is allowed in matched play, you just have to check with the TO or opponent first.

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Warscrolls should be changed at intervals, there's no reason they shouldn't be---they've done it before. If we're changing units to make them more viable, I don't see an issue. There are units that are totally broken and useless, and no amount of points drops will ever get them to a table. With the current GW mantra, things like Blood Stalkers, Cygors, Lotan, etc., are all doomed to the shelf for YEARS until they get a new battletome (again). It doesn't have to be that way. Most of these could be fixed with a mere hour of dedicated thought. I think the biggest problem is GW doesn't hire enough rules writers to do all of this stuff. There's so much to keep track of.

I do think GW struggles to find things to put into the GHB. That said, I'm excited for more team-play rules.

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6 minutes ago, Maturin said:

There are some totally bonkers stuff out there.

Maybe we shoudn't talk about that but do you have some ideas?
I'm having a bit of trouble doing some type of Kharadron character and I think that I'm doing it wrong.

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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Maybe we shoudn't talk about that but do you have some ideas?
I'm having a bit of trouble doing some type of Kharadron character and I think that I'm doing it wrong.

Well, what do you want him to do ? What do you lack in your army or what needs more support ? Do you want him to be a beatstick or force multiplier ?

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