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Clash of Empires Battleplan

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Played the Throne of Skulls Battleplan last night Clash of Empires with @Dreadshawrion. Rather than the 30 models it specifies we decided to use 100/150 SCGT pools but otherwise played as normal. Neither of us had any summoning.

My deployed force was:

Thunderstrike Brotherhood

Lord Celestant on Dracoth

Lord Relictor

10 Liberators

3 Retributors

3 Prosecutors


20 Thunderers

Dwarf Cannon

Ungrim Ironfist Slayer King

20 Slayers

Grinwrath Berserker

5 Hearthguard Berserkers


Opponents force:



20 Wild Riders

20 Waywatchers




I deployed all the Stormcast Eternals in the Celestial Realm. The Thunderers and Runelord were deployed in a Damned Watchtower with the cannon on the rooftop. The six Fyreslayer deployed in the centre of the board and the Slayer with their King took the left flank.

My opponent deployed his Waywatchers in a wood in the centre with the Wild Riders lined up next to them. Orion and the Spellweaver on his left flank and the two Treelords opposite my watchtower. He also placed two Sylvaneth Wyldwoods one in the centre and one in the right flank of my deployment.

After deployment we calculated Martial Strength as per the Battleplan and it was 129/97 so the Underdog Objectives were available to my opponent who would score two Laurels of Victory for each of the five claimed. The thunderers were Marked for Death and the Grimwrath Berserker was Gloryseeker.

At this point we rolled the 2D3 for the objective getting Hold the Centre, essentially have your general and the most models within 3" of the centre most piece of scenery, the Wyldwood, at the end of every Battle Round.

Battleround 1

I was given first turn so I promptly ran my slayers and Fyreslayers toward the objective and shot my cannon, normally effective against large units, at the Wild Riders which missed both shots. 

My opponent moved everything forward with his Waywatchers within 3" of the objective and promptly charged his Wild Riders in to the Grimwrath and Hearthguard Berserkers.  The Waywatchers took down two crew from the cannon and then in combat the Wild Riders annialated the Hearthguard and caused two wounds on the Grimwrath, who got angry and had two rounds of attacks killing four. My Opponent claimed a single Laural of Victory for Holding the Centre.

Battleround 2

My turn two I deployed all the Stormcast in various places close to the objective and around the Watchtower ready to charge and defend the objective. The Slayers moved closer to the objective and the Retributors made it in to combat with the Wild Riders who combined with the Grimwrath almost destroyed the unit suffering little in return. The three Proscecutors charged the Waywatchers and managed to kill almost half. The Cannon missed and the Thunderers assisted with the Wild Riders.

In my Opponents turn two he retreated the Wild Riders from combat after healing three models back with the Spellweaver and charged both treemen in to the Slayers and a unit of five Liberators, where Durthu went insane and killed all five Liberators. The Slayers took a few casualties and dealt about five back to the Treelord. The Waywatchers shot and killed all three Prosecutors and the Grimwrath Berserker was killed by Orion's bow claiming Four Laurels of Victory and one more for Holding the Centre

Battleround 3

My turn three everything moved up and the Lord Celestant charged the Treelords. the Cannon missed and the Thunderers did a large amount of damage to Durthu with assistance from the Runelord, bringing him down to one wound. In combat the combined might of the Lord Celestant's Thunder Hammer and Dracoth managed to cause one single unsaved wound killing Durthu. The Slayers buffed by their King put out a crazy amount of attacks and managed to finally bring down the Treelord but only ten Slayers remained. 

In my Oponents turn three he moved Orion and the remaining Wild Riders in to combat with the Retributors on the objective, where Orion used his Bow and Spear at range to take the Lord Celestant down to one wound. We both claimed one Laural of Victory for Holding the Centre.

Battleround 4

My last turn was an all out push for death or glory, however the Retributors were brought down and neither the Slayers or remaining Liberators could make it to combat. The Slayer King charged Orion in a final challenge and was equally matched in combat scoring four wounds each. The Thunderers moved from their tower to finish off the Wild Riders but almost completely missed scoring few wounds.

My Opponent's final turn was just combat and the Slayer King was promptly slaughtered and failed to inflict any wounds in his deathrows. 

After game

12-1 Laurels of Victory to my opponent, my initial deployment was a mistake as my dwarfs were too slow to react to the objective and the Fyreslayers we're too exposed. My Stormcast deployment was too spread out and was mostly ineffective. My Opponent went in hard and fast and started claiming Laurals of Victory early and I just could not get in to catch up. 

Although a massive loss, we both had a great game with some interesting tactics and combats on both sides. 

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