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Are all Stormcasts originally human?

Moar Barmu

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3 hours ago, Moar Barmu said:

Does that not give Humans a huge advantage? Are you sure that he does not take Dwarves or Elves? Are they homunculi?

Elves and Dwarves have their own gods, some dwarves do not even need them. Every single one of those is more interesting than Sigmar. In my eyes.

I use a multitude of words for Stormcast; humonculi, golems, slaves, sigmarines, posthumans, etc.

I am not the biggest fan of their whole deal, aesthetics, lore, focus, god. Just about everything except the basic body design of female Stormcast and the gryph creatures.

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In Hamilcar, it’s confirmed that only humans have been made into Stormcast.

It then goes on to say that up until a few years ago no one knew  about the Sacrosanct chamber.

”make of that what you will” is the next line.

So in one sense it’s open ended but for now it’s human only.

Edited by stickybluetoffee
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Stormcast are made from souls when two basic conditions are met:

1) The person is fighting/battling/combating Chaos. This doesn't have to mean in a one-on-one fight, but in some form the person dies/gives their life standing against Chaos.

2) The person also believes in and calls out to Sigmar in their life/in their dying moments. 


As a result, because most races have their own gods, the vast majority of those souls that would be right for Sigmar are humans. As noted above Dwarves and Aelves have their own gods that they prey too. That said it seems that only Sigmar and Nagash really play around with the Dead; most others are quite content for their dead to move on and stay dead. Meanwhile those that "might" decide to use their dead (eg Skaven) have their hands (claws) full holding off Nagash and his quest to rule all of the Realm of Death (that is the dead fighting the dead). 

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As far as I know nothing confirmed as being an elf/dwarf stormcast but their have been hints and teases. Would need to be an elf/dwarf that worships sigmar. 
I reckon GW keeps it open ended, because why would they want to tie themselves down one way or the other 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think it was in the Soul Wars book that they talked about a Stormcast that seemed fairly 'different' from the rest, but that might have just been a way to allude that they are from a different Realm than the observer.

I don't know a ton about Aelf lore in AoS, but can they reproduce with humans? And if so, could some of the more non-human Stormcast be the byproduct of centuries of mingling like that? 

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Yes thay have to begin as humans but Half-sylvanet Wear-bears chaos lords and undead Whiteking has bin turned into  stormcast. Sigmar regularly  uses the souls from the long dead and even from the old wrold

Edited by Fellman
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  • 1 year later...

Resurrecting an old thread. I arrived here after looking into which gods the Dispossessed, Wanderers and Ironweld in Cities worship.

People on Reddit reckoned that at least some of them Worship Sigmar (but Reddit, so no source) which would make them eligible for reforging into SCEs wouldn't it?

So, has there been anything more in lore since this thread went to sleep (in June 2020) to confirm or hint if non humans can or can't be Stormcast?

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3 hours ago, EntMan said:

Resurrecting an old thread. I arrived here after looking into which gods the Dispossessed, Wanderers and Ironweld in Cities worship.

People on Reddit reckoned that at least some of them Worship Sigmar (but Reddit, so no source) which would make them eligible for reforging into SCEs wouldn't it?

So, has there been anything more in lore since this thread went to sleep (in June 2020) to confirm or hint if non humans can or can't be Stormcast?

It’s stayed pretty much human only. Slight exceptions being Anvils of Heldenhammer & Lord/Knight-Relictors as they’re reforged from undead and necromancers which includes ghosts, deathrattle, deadwalkers and even some vampires that the God-king deems honorable enough.

Back in 2015 to early 2016 it was supposed to any race but the higher-up devs waved that away so they could just focus on the human element. Josh Reynalds and others have put breadcrumbs here and there like Helios from “Soulwars” being implied a reforged aelf and some nudges at even Skaven warp-lightning going wrong and sending their souls his way.

But you know, infinite realms means infinite possibilities. You can easily handwave it as a chamber he’s been keeping ready to unleash  and they had the Human keyword removed so go wild. 😛 

Shout-out to Vincent’s Ratcast project for Celestium powered rodent heroes:


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/14/2022 at 5:03 PM, Baron Klatz said:

Slight exceptions being Anvils of Heldenhammer & Lord/Knight-Relictors as they’re reforged from undead and necromancers which includes ghosts, deathrattle, deadwalkers and even some vampires that the God-king deems honorable enough.

So when I come to make my Lord-Relictor from start collecting, its head is an actual skull rather than a skull shaped helmet with its actual head inside?

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3 hours ago, EntMan said:

So when I come to make my Lord-Relictor from start collecting, its head is an actual skull rather than a skull shaped helmet with its actual head inside?

Officially that is a skull helm called Mortis armor that’s there to mark their Shyish connection and enhance their control over souls BUT you can make it their actual head too as Anvils of Heldenhammer get reforged to become more and more undead-like with drawn pale or ghostly see-through skin & features.

Which is also noted that reforge side-effects can happen outside a specific stormhost.(so doesn’t have to be from Anvils to gain a skull head)

“Even though some side effects are typical of some Stormhosts, this doesn't mean they are exclusive. For example, corpse-paleness is typical of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, but Gaius Greel of the Sons of Mallus showed a marble white skin after an unknown number of reforgings.”

Edited by Baron Klatz
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