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Norse StD ideas and alternatives?

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I have had this urge for a long time to get some "vikings"/norse themes into an AoS army, but I would really like some feedback on some of my thoughts and ideas of using alternative models, both from a theme point of view, but of course things should also be able to be identified in a game of AoS.

Aside from Slaves to Darkness I am also thinking this could work as a cities army.

For the general theme I'd use the cliche of the cold north, just because I like it, and while I do not have a paint scheme as such planned, the idea is to use mostly natural colors, so armor, even if I use chaos warriors or knights, will be metal colors, no red, green or blue armor here.

Down the line I'd like one of the new sons of behemat to be a center piece, with frostbitten blue hued skin and white hair and beard. 

The most norse models we got so far are marauders and marauder horsemen, while the horsemen are quite decent and would be fine for me to use, the regular guys are just a bit too he-man like and I'd like something just a tad more grounded (yes I know this is AoS).

The main focus would be on the rank and file marauders and possibly chaos warriors. I instantly fell in love with the new Mierce Norse infantry, however the problem here is simply the cost. Marauder units are best in 40 man units and come in a minimum of 20. 10 of these guys are 80 GBP, so obviously 40 man units will pretty much break the bank more than any FW army even could.

Mierce Norse infantry:


Instead i am considering if they could possibly be used as chaos warriors, the models are not small and they look pretty darn tough and thanks to their shields stranger things get a 4+ save...

Then for the marauder hordes I have currently located 2 options which seem decent and affordable.

First is the frostgrave barbarians, they are 20 gbp for 20 models, so 1/8th the cost of the mierce norse. They are also from a fantasy game, so they got a similar look to them:


The other option I found that seems to decently fit is the Victrix vikings, which are more historical with less fantasy like proportions, but they got the right size and also very affordable, even more so then the other options:

Vikings - Victrix Limited


Some spare bits could be used for the GW marauder horsemen kits and such.

Also the new upcoming Mierce release could work as both a manticore lord or a griffon general for cities:



Not really sure about chariots and shrines etc, but perhaps the bits from the infantry can fit them in while still being the more strange "chaosy" things.

Does this seem way of and would it be cool in the table? The new StD flufff inspired me about these human societies and tribes worshipping chaos gods without even being really aware, hence the idea to make these guys as "normal" as possible, they might worship an Odin like figure, with the Raven banenrs and shield iconography already present on the mierce stuff, Tzeentch could easily hide behind that guise... 

Any feedback and ideas is mcuh appreciated.

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I am doing a project similar to your: a chaos army themed ice, snow and darkness 



Also, now I am working on marauder viking style. Mierce are the top, they are fabulous! But they are very expensive... So I am converting mine







I started from kairic acolytes as bodies, while legs come from marauders and head from dwarfs


As far as vikings models are concerned, Victrix are affordable and well done, I too am thinking about them. The size should be right

However now I bought "blood rage" boxed game and the 5th player expansion: model are awesome! 

Edited by Kramig
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12 hours ago, Kramig said:


The Dwarf heads is a good idea, makes perfect sense and is suitably fantasy like still for the setting. Seems to be costly too though to kitbash 3 kits ;) Thinking about how Dwarf heads can be used now and where they could possibly fit. Does the regular marauder look too bad with one maybe? Chaos warriors maybe, or perhaps too many bits are in the way, it is hard to judge without the models at hand.

11 hours ago, Arael said:

Try the barbarian miniature from Conquest the last argument of kings. 

I have been looking at the Para Bellum stuff but the scale is rather large, almost the size of ogres! I guess they potentially could be used as chaos warriors or maybe chosen or something, but not really marauders on 25mm bases. They do look way better anywhere else than the main website though, they look sort of messy there, but might be the paintjob and art being busy.


Anyone got ideas for things like Chaos Knights? I think the GW marauder horsemen are quite a bit better than the standard marauders with some decent head options and such, so fits a norse theme with little effort if combined with stuff like Frostgrave and Mierce I think, but all the chaos knights are just too... "evil" looking perhaps, especially the demonic looking mounts.

Also thinking of chariots, that might be easier with the standard horse version and changing some heads around, maybe the dwarf heads above...

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Going by what your asking for I think I’d do a combination of Frostgrave barbarians and the GW Marauders and some simple green stuff work. I used a green stuff mould from, Spellcrow I think it was, to make fur loincloth and capes in a somewhat similar project. I also cut the legs apart on the Marauders to change their stances using the loincloth to cover it up. 

Good luck with the project!





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Some nice options and cool ideas I might steal from . The Clansmen are quite a bit nicer than most mantic stuff, a bit more crisp and in line with GW products and does not fall into the statis monopose categori as a good chunk of their stuff. 

I think I would like to use some chariots too, the GW one is not the worst for this, maybe just cut down on some of the spikes and replace some heads or torsos could do the trick.

I have no idea what to do with knights though, cavalry is rarely much of a thing for northern themed armies, but I might want some to play with regardless. How easy are the new start collect knights to work with? Maybe some spare bits from other kits, including marauder horsemen could tone them down a bit, and be more norse and a bit less edgy ;) 

Keep the good ideas coming, it is fun to see what people have done with this type of theme.

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The first 10 marauders using frostgrave barbarians. I quite like them. I used a banner and a horn from the chaos warrior kit I ahd alying around to form a command group. If playing more wysiwyg you would have to figure out to get a lot of shields, as the kit only comes with 2 shields per 5 models. I will not be using these guys in any GW shops anyway, so I will have the odd two handed weapon for variety and looks.100623133_592030805001276_8801364939945017344_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=b96e70&_nc_ohc=tXDTuU16uXoAX8icV_g&_nc_ht=scontent-cph2-1.xx&_nc_tp=7&oh=bf3f232ec4fc726bb2645363ff01437b&oe=5EF1C6CF

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On 5/24/2020 at 6:28 AM, Scurvydog said:

The first 10 marauders using frostgrave barbarians. I quite like them. I used a banner and a horn from the chaos warrior kit I ahd alying around to form a command group. If playing more wysiwyg you would have to figure out to get a lot of shields, as the kit only comes with 2 shields per 5 models. I will not be using these guys in any GW shops anyway, so I will have the odd two handed weapon for variety and looks.100623133_592030805001276_8801364939945017344_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=b96e70&_nc_ohc=tXDTuU16uXoAX8icV_g&_nc_ht=scontent-cph2-1.xx&_nc_tp=7&oh=bf3f232ec4fc726bb2645363ff01437b&oe=5EF1C6CF

Vikings are clearly much more focused on the attack than the defense. Shields are clearly for those who are not strong enough to just shrug off the blow.

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1 hour ago, Kramig said:

Are there other helms in the frostgrave box? Or is there only that one? 

there are 10 different heads total, each sprue for 5 bodies got the 10 head options so you will have spares. There are 2 different helms, there is the sort of mongolian style helm, which the guy to the left on my picture has, although it has 2 big horns which I clipped off this one. Then there is the more norse style helm, for variations sake I have clipped and filed of the horns for most of the helms I got.

I would imagine some marauder horsemen heads could look cool as well on these guys, although I am yet to get my kit in the mail to check that out properly.

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  • 2 months later...

Been some time sence I started this topic, but if anyone are interested I have made some progress and also finally received the newly released Norse king model, which is going to be my manticore stand in. With paint jobs and basing the different models blend quite alright I think, even though frostgrave barbarians and mierce norse models do not have entirely similar proportions (mierce look a bit more realistic) this is no worse than old and new GW models I think. 

I can't wait to get the king painted up, the model is really nice I think and can easily recommend it.


I found no decent alternative to GW chaos knights, so I will be using the new start collect ones and paint them to fit as well as possible. 


Edited by Scurvydog
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