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Allegiance Specific Battalions in a Grand Alliance Army?

Lord Krungharr


I was tinkering with the idea of using Tyrants of Blood in a Grand Alliance Chaos army (so I could get my Magma Cannons in the same army with them).  But my friend said he didn't think that was allowed, because the Tyrants of Blood battalion has the Khorne keyword.

I consulted the FAQs and the Core Rules, and GHB19.  Didn't find anything regarding this.  Can anyone point me to the right rules to see, or know offhand if I could do this?  Not saying it's a great idea, but one I'd sure love to try out!

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On 5/5/2020 at 2:41 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

I was tinkering with the idea of using Tyrants of Blood in a Grand Alliance Chaos army (so I could get my Magma Cannons in the same army with them).  But my friend said he didn't think that was allowed, because the Tyrants of Blood battalion has the Khorne keyword.

I consulted the FAQs and the Core Rules, and GHB19.  Didn't find anything regarding this.  Can anyone point me to the right rules to see, or know offhand if I could do this?  Not saying it's a great idea, but one I'd sure love to try out!

I think you searched fot this FAQ Entry, on Page 10 of the Corebook FAQ


Q: The rules say that a warscroll battalion can include allies
and that they don’t count against the number of allies in the
army. Does this rule only apply to battalions that share the
same allegiance as the army, but that have units from two
different factions (a battalion in a Daughters of Khaine army
that has Daughters of Khaine and Stormcast Eternals units,
for example)?
A: Yes. The faction a warscroll battalion belongs to is
shown on its warscroll, above the title of the battalion.
In addition, the battalion is assumed to belong to the
Grand Alliance that its faction is a part of.
battalions that share the same allegiance as an army
can always be taken as part of the army, and if they
include any allied units, these units do not count against
the limits on the number of allies the army can have
(or against the points limit that can be spent on allies
in a Pitched Battle). An army can include a warscroll
battalion of a different allegiance to the rest of the
army, but if it does so the units in it do count against the
limits on the number of allies the army can have (and
the points for the battalion and the units in it count
against the points limit that can be spent on allies in a
Pitched Battle).


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