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The Painting Contract - April 2020


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Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for April 2020!

If you don't know the rules they are:

Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, or Gorechosen.


On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.

 I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress!



On Behalf of: @Mohojoe  &  @TheOtherJosh 
(posted by @Kramer as i'm an impatiant git ;)

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It seems @Mohojoe and @TheOtherJosh aren't available to set up the April thread. In these trying times I hope it just slipped their minds and nothing serious is happening. So I thought I'd cover their backs on this one. 

Personally my Pledge will all be about the Narrative campaign I'm playing against my Gf. So fo now I foresee I will need:
- 2 baddies (a surpreme sorceress and a Skaven arch-warlock)
-  Paint the gates for my dungeon set
- A vanguard raptor, Castigator, Gryph-hound and Aether-wing*
- We'll see what the story requires, Turned out to be: 

- 4 flayed ones

I need to complete some final details on several models so they can be checked off.
- 4 Stormcast Heroes Fine details
- 6 to 9 ogors need basing and tattoo's
- 2 Ironblasters are mostly blocked in, just need to start on the endless small detail elements
- Two Ogor Tyrants, working on the skin, did most of the rest though. 
- back of the shield for 5 sequitors using the Oscar Lars tutorial:

- build and magnetised a shonehorn/thundertusk 


*which I want to try the brilliant Louise Sugden style on the wings in a similar manner she did her Mind-Sphiranx. Bit scared to start though 😅



Edited by Kramer
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This month I pledge to paint:

  • 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers
  • The Briar Queen and her Thorns
  • The "second third" of the mortis engine

And, as strech or additional things

  • I will batch-paint all the ghosty parts (bottom) of the ghosts above, so I'll do as well another pack of 10 Chainrasps
  • I will continue to improve my kid's Treelord Ancient

Also, just because, i'll build and prime the two heroes and the terrain of the next delivery of Mortal Realms (Tomb Banshee, Knight Questor, and some Sigmarite Mausoleums). Quite a bit, actually!


Edited by Chikrit
wrong name of mini
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I was a bit worried too, seeing that nobody opened a new monthly threat, I also hope that everybody is doing alright...

My plan for the next project was to finish the loonshrine, but got sidetracked (again!) by another model, this time an Arachnarok, which I’ve been painting for three weeks by now. Let’s see if I can end with it this month (is frikin huge!)  and finally fulfill  my promise of painting the shrine.

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My goal for this month is to get the last 3 Thunderers finished, the gunhauler from last month (assembled it before painting so it's taking forever), the slightly converted Thundriks warband which arrived yesterday, and hopefully get a frigate assembled if it arrives. Oh and get 3 endrinriggers done. Got a lot to look forward too!

Stretch: Get the second gunhauler done.

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I’ll try to build the other 5 bounders, the squig herd and paint. 
Holding on the SC until I get a new primer and shade. (Might be awhile)

Stretch goals - 5 evocators on the way. Will build them. 

Also adding a steam tank and a proxy runelord (human) and cogsmith (also human)

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Last month, I was not terribly successful, (at least the second half) but this month I pledge to complete:

A. My last wrathmonger (finally)

B. Two Vanguard Palladors

C.  Several more Bloodreavers

D. A Bloodletter or two perhaps

E. A skullreaper or more Bloodreavers (maybe)

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Once again, not on my list cause the idea only formed an hour ago but it’s my interpretation of a relocation orb objective. I’m looking at having a round of the battlefield ’The Relocation Orb’. I liked the idea of 2 army’s chasing a bobble. 
I went thru some old jewelry stuff that’s come down in the family (obviously not worth a damn as we own it 😺) so I found a clear crystal thing and doused it a bunch of inks. 
and a bunch of monolithic black crystal things and stood them on end for no their reason that 2001 a space odyssey. 


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