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The Painting Contract - March 2020

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Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for March 2020!


If you don't know the rules they are:

Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, or Gorechosen.


On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.

 I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress!



@Mohojoe  &  @TheOtherJosh

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Finally after a year and 4 months, the stars have aligned and I have a place to paint again. I tribute this thread to my last burst of painting and hope to do the same. 
As the fledgling Stormcast I’ve been collecting Are ligning up, I will start with the one who inspired my Knights Exclesior chamber. 
The Lord Relictor. 
The only difference will be orange tassels instead of red to suit the Matorean colour scheme. 
Extended  goals will be the Lord Exorcist,  Lord Aquilor, Lord Arcanum

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Well, this'll be my first time doing the painting contract! I'm finishing up my Deepkin army and starting work on a new Ogor project for Armies on Parade in October.

In February I painted:

  • 6 x Akhelian Morsarr Guard
  • Ishlann Soulscryer 
  • Ishrann Soulrender (pushed the boat out a bit on this guy, he probably took up 2/3rd of my painting time!)

For March, I'll split into assembly goals and painting goals. I really don't enjoy assembly, unless I'm in downtime before a new painting project and am watching a bunch of videos looking for inspiration and researching techniques.So hopefully some accountability will help with that.


  • 10x Namarti Thralls
  • 1x Akhelian Allopex
  • 4x Mournfang Riders
  • 1x Frostlord on Stonehorn
  • 1x Slaughtermaster conversion


  • 4x Leadbelchers
  • 10x Namarti Thralls
  • 4 x Mournfang pack (stretch goal)

I'm also working away on an Ogor Tyrant but I'm trying to push myself to the absolute limit of my current ability (detailed flesh, NMM on everything, textured cloth) and am just doing a little here and there. I think it's unlikely I'll finish it before the end of the month and don't want that time pressure. 

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This month I’m going to stick with the Ogors and try not to get distracted, I managed to get six done last month so this month I’m going to aim for 

-Icebrow Hunter

-10 Fenrisian Wolves (Sabretusks)

- 4 Mournfang

- Stonehorn 

-4 Leadbelchers

-4 Ironguts

ironblaster and Tyrant (stretch) 



Edited by Xelotath
Gave myself a bit more variety to paint!
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I failed my contract last month, I wont fail again! I will be painting some Nighthaunt heroes for the Everchosen Campaign I'll be running in a few weeks. Also gonna be doing my Deepkin warband for Warcry a warcry campaign I'm running. And of course I will finish the Warscry Citadel I attempted last month.

1x Warcry Citadel

1x Lady Olynder 

1x Kurdoss

1x Anniversary bladegheist model (KoS proxy)

1xKnight of shroud on Steed.

1x Guardian of Souls with Mortality glass

1x Start collecting Deepkin.

1x about have of a Namarti reaver box


If I have time, I will build/paint the corpsewrack Mausoleum warcry terrain and starter set terrain.

Edited by Casandora Yellow
Added Terrain
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31 minutes ago, Rekt_ralf said:

Well, this'll be my first time doing the painting contract! I'm finishing up my Deepkin army and starting work on a new Ogor project for Armies on Parade in October.

In February I painted:

  • 6 x Akhelian Morsarr Guard
  • Ishlann Soulscryer 
  • Ishrann Soulrender (pushed the boat out a bit on this guy, he probably took up 2/3rd of my painting time!)

For March, I'll split into assembly goals and painting goals. I really don't enjoy assembly, unless I'm in downtime before a new painting project and am watching a bunch of videos looking for inspiration and researching techniques.So hopefully some accountability will help with that.


  • 10x Namarti Thralls
  • 1x Akhelian Allopex
  • 4x Mournfang Riders
  • 1x Frostlord on Stonehorn
  • 1x Slaughtermaster conversion


  • 4x Leadbelchers
  • 10x Namarti Thralls
  • 4 x Mournfang pack (stretch goal)

I'm also working away on an Ogor Tyrant but I'm trying to push myself to the absolute limit of my current ability (detailed flesh, NMM on everything, textured cloth) and am just doing a little here and there. I think it's unlikely I'll finish it before the end of the month and don't want that time pressure. 

Oh and add 1x Gloomtide Shipwreck to the painting goals!

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Last month I finished off my sequitors except for the maces. But I haven't sealed them yet. I practiced building up the skin on my Ogors, and now feel ready to apply that to two Tyrant's I have started on. But haven;t started on my stretch goal of learning to paint tattoo's. 
Also ordered a bunch of bits for an conversion I want to do, and enter it to that painting competition on TGA. Buuuuuuut delays, delays, delays so don't have the bits yet and with all the troubles in Asia i'm not convinced they will arrive soon. 

So Plan A: Kick ass Gaunt Summoner conversion with sidekick
Plan B: 
- Varnish seal my Sequitors and Hunters (as soon as the storms stop having names)
- Base the painted Ogors with my first water effects experiments
- Either finish the two Ironblasters or finish the two Tyrants
- Stretch - some jungle terrain pieces. 

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This month,  I'm going to continue to work on my Khorne Bloodbound, and some SCE models I bought. I pledge to complete:

1. Finish up my Champion of Chaos Bloodreaver

2. Get another Wrathmonger done

3. Paint up some Vanguard Raptors I bought on ebay that were not painted at the level I want them to be

4. Do the Bloodreavers Musician

I'm setting my bar kind of low, the highschool baseball season begins this week, so I'm going to be pretty busy, but I'll see what I can do.

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This month i'll relax and procastinate a bit, but first things first, I must finish the 3 Myrmourn Banshees I left half finished in february. After that, I will paint Xandria Azurebolt from the Mortal Realms magazine collection, with extra effort and care. Every now and then I'll dedicate some time to a Treelord Ancient that was too much for my 9 year old kid and is unfinished (and a bit dirty painted, poor kid 😅). I'll probably combine that with a pack of 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers, wich i'm pretty sure I won't finish this month. Lastly I plan to build and prime a Mortis Engine. 

Also I'll build and prime the next figures from the Mortal Realms collection, Thorns of the Briar Queen and some 8 stormcast something so my kid can play with them. 

So to recap, that's finishing 3 unfinished minis, painting a mini with extra detail, advancing or hopefully finishing an unfinished behemoth, building and priming 15 minis and another behemoth... 😱

Probably I'll leave the Glaivewraith Stalkers for april, that way I may finish the Treelord so my kid has it finished to play 🤣


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Last month I finished 3 crypt horrors, a Haunter and a Ghoul King on terrorgheist, also advanced a bit with some spiders and the loonshrine (and got a sidetracked by some kill team orks and star wars battle droids).

So, this month:

-Finish 5 spider riders and scuttleboss

-Finish Loonshrine

-Begin with the Grymwatch

That’s it, cause this month I will have very little time and surely will get more sidetracked by Legion!

Edited by Jymmy
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I'll jump in on this, my productivity has been terrible and a little incentive to get stuff done would be handy.

I pledge to get:

5 Chaos Knights fully painted

3 Varanguard fully painted

5 Chaos Knights fully built (3 are undercoated, 2 need some more greenstuff)

3 "Command" Varanguard fully sculpted (One is done and partially painted, the other two are very WIP)

20 Marauders fully painted (They've been undercoated for a few weeks now. The painting will be rough as these are stand ins until I convert nicer ones).


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I intend to finish the 15 chaos warriors of nurgle that I started last month - see pic.

I hope to prime and paint the 3 endless spells for the slaves army.

If by some miracle chaos marauders end up in stock again I will buy and build some (20 or 40) otherwise I will work on some skull reapers.



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The plan from last month has changed. The Katakros subassemblies that we’re ready to go have gone back in the box in favour of 20 Kavalos Deathriders that I’m looking at needing for a tournament in April. 

Ive been taking a lot of time over this army and don’t want to rush any of the models so the goal is just to get the mounts finished and based.

Obviously with a stretch goal of finishing them all! But I doubt that’s ever going to happen...

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