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Low model count nighthaunt


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Hi everyone,

I am interested in starting nighthaunt/playing a lot of ghosts. I love the nighthaunt aesthetic, however, The nighthaunt model line and battletome leaves me feeling like its going to end up just a giant horde, and I would love to paint some centerpiece type models. I'm like the skeleton type things as well, but I don't think they mix well with a nighthaunt style army aesthetically, so will be avoiding those.

Goals/ requirements

-Competitive (or as competitive as can be) given other constraints

-Low model count (Like... <80 models. No need to be trying for 5). Just no hordes.

-Does not actually have to BE nighthaunt, just using their models, so LoB or LoG or something may be a better fit.

-Must have a t least 2 big centerpiece models that I can go to town converting. Like a VLZOD+ black coach or something. 

-Use of resurrection mechanic (I currently play order+ destruction, so that side of things would be new for me, and looks quite cool. On problem I see is that the lower drop armies don't usually play well with the resurrection mechanics though.

-I have a reasonable budget if I need it, so finances aren't a huge problem.


I really really wish you could fit a VLOZD in as an ally to nighthaunt. That would make my job so much easier. But it doesn't quite fit!

I'm currently eyeing something with the dolores guard and emerald host etc, which has potential but then I'm missing my centerpieces with only a black coach possible. Another is LoB with a VLOZD, possibly allying in the Dolores Guard, but then I'm missing a 2nd centerpiece, and with so many 2 wound models, I think I'll have trouble doing much resurrecting.

Any ideas?




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What about Legion of Sacrament? In my opinion, Legion of Blood only truly shines if you are running some (i.e. a minimum of 10) bloodknights and 1, ideally 2 VLoZDs. Here's a list which leverages Grimghasts Reapers and Spirit Hosts, both very good NH units, especially when you can bring them back for 1 CP. In fact, I'm now tempted to give it a go myself. The VLoZD moves 14" to start with, +3" because of the command trait (and so would the Dolorous Guard around him!), most likely +5" because of Amethystine Pinions (which casts on a 4+ because of the allegiance ability). Good luck killing that chap... then, the Vampire Lord gives +1 attack to each of the Reapers (bonkers), sorting out the anti-horde department, and the Necromancer can sits on an objective of your choosing (good luck displacing 9 Spirit Hosts... they managed? Well, 1 CP after...) and Vanhel your Spirit Hosts for an (un)healthy dosage of MWs (9 SHs * 6 attacks * 2 * 1/6 = 18 MWs on average...). Three big blocks, all of them with serious staying power, all of them dishing out some proper damage, with most of the stuff coming back on 1 CP. 121 wounds... looks solid to me. Yes, we have 20 Reapers (close enough to a horde, I suppose), but overall we have < 60 models - what do you reckon?

Allegiance: Legion of Sacrament

- Mortal Realm: Chamon


Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440)

- General

- Command Trait : Mark of the Favoured

- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice

- Artefact : Rune Blade

- Lore of the Vampires : Amethystine Pinions

Vampire Lord (140)

- Flying Horror

- Artefact : Shroud of Darkness

- Lore of the Vampires : Amaranthine Orb

Necromancer (130)

- Lore of the Deathmages : Overwhelming Dread


5 x Dire Wolves (70)

5 x Dire Wolves (70)

5 x Dire Wolves (70)

5 x Hexwraiths (140)

- Allies

5 x Hexwraiths (140)

- Allies

20 x Grimghast Reapers (320)

9 x Spirit Hosts (360)BATTALIONS

The Dolorous Guard (120) - Allies

TOTAL: 2000/2000



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