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Souldrain Forrest. How will you play yours?


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Souldrain Forrest just got realeased and though I were ruluctant to order it to begin with I started wondering about the many ways you could define the scenery and now I am impatiently awaiting the forrest. But lets share some ideas. How would you play yours. 

Will you play the trees as dangerous or not? And what about the river? should that be dangerous or will you use any kind of house rules on it? Example. Slow down fighters.

Can fighters climb the trees? If so how do they move from the trunk to the leafs as that would require the fighter to move through physical blocking sections of leafs. Can they move around leafs in all levels? Maybe you House rule that fighters ending a move action on the leaf platforms must take a falling test.

What else?




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I don't have much value to add, given I'm still starting with the Starter Set and won't branch out to this for ages (haha!! pun intended 🤣), but my $0.02:

I wouldn't make the trees dangerous by default, but make it an option in some scenarios where agreed with your opponent. E.g. when warbands clash on the outskirts of the forest, all is sweet; should they fight deeper in, make them dangerous; or, Khorne forbid, in the deep-dark heart of the forest, give them attack (and move?!?!) stats and allow either player to activate them instead of a fighter (pretty sure I read a similar rule somewhere).

The water looks pretty narrow and shallow so I wouldn't have any rules for it except where appropriate in a scenario (as above). Hooray for streams flowing with Nurgle rot!!!

My rules are if a model can be placed somewhere and will stay there by themselves, they can climb and horizontally jump there.

I'd treat the leaves like doors that beasts can use, they block line-of-sight but can be moved through. Means measuring climbing is simple: move to the trunk, move up the trunk, move out onto a tree platform.

Where there are leaves, there are supporting branches, so I would only have fighters fall if they don't end their move action on a platform (as per the rules).

Sources: long-term wargamer, rule-breaker, and tree climber. 😋


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29 minutes ago, JJ. said:

In the Shattered Stormvault and Mausoleum there are cards that combine the starter terrain with the new sets in the cards.

Same in this box. 18 card with just new terrain (tree/ruine) and 18 cards with new terain mixed with starter set stuff => really cool, some looks like hose/temple in the midle of the forest.

To be honnest I took this set as I already own a sylvaneth army and the 2 set of new forest into this set is welcome. Now I didnt even think when ordering about potential ability to climb on tree but sound really cool.

I hope for rules later to have big model like spirit of durthu as a wandering monster.

With warband card comming for sylvaneth next week, I definitively have to think about some house rules to give bonus/malus to warband depending of where located in the map (in the forest/in the building). no idea yet about what will be special ability of Sylvaneth, but one of my idea may be bonus to sylvaneth (e.g. more move) in the forest side of the map and unability for sylvaneth to use warband ability in buildings/ruines.

Maybe some home made scenario too like sylvaneth repoping non stop from forest trying to assault center builing where trying to survive the non sylvaneth warband (like a zombie assault type of scenario). Obliviously not a balanced scenario but could be lot of fun and really thematique.

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13 hours ago, Filius said:

Now that the Set ist availabel for some time … i wonder if it is worth the Money. And: I wonder how it plays, as it doesn't have a 2nd floor/storey, like the Core-Set …

Well depending on how you play the trees I think its by the rules to allow treeclimbing. I would even claim that tree branches and leafs are defined as platforms according to the core book.

However if treeclimbing isn’t allowed, then I think it plays rather flat and pointless. Some victory conditions even require fighters to reach high ground, which would make no sense in the forrest.


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On 2/5/2020 at 3:17 AM, KhaosSpawn said:

I don't have much value to add, given I'm still starting with the Starter Set and won't branch out to this for ages (haha!! pun intended 🤣), but my $0.02:

I wouldn't make the trees dangerous by default, but make it an option in some scenarios where agreed with your opponent. E.g. when warbands clash on the outskirts of the forest, all is sweet; should they fight deeper in, make them dangerous; or, Khorne forbid, in the deep-dark heart of the forest, give them attack (and move?!?!) stats and allow either player to activate them instead of a fighter (pretty sure I read a similar rule somewhere).

The water looks pretty narrow and shallow so I wouldn't have any rules for it except where appropriate in a scenario (as above). Hooray for streams flowing with Nurgle rot!!!

My rules are if a model can be placed somewhere and will stay there by themselves, they can climb and horizontally jump there. 😋 

Love the idea of ramping up the toxicity the longer a campaign goes on for that classic quest into the heart of darkness feel. The rules ideas come pretty naturally for a lot of the factions. Nurgles rot as you say, mutagenic Rivers of tzeentch magic, Slaaneshi trees that like to whip passers by, fungoid growth releasing toxic spores, purifying flows of holy water, armies of the dead lying in wait under the surface etc etc.  Definitely a lot of potential to think about. 

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