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The Ravaging Hordes of the Ferrium Mountains. An Iron Golem based Slave to darkness blog


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Hi everyone so I'm going to try and chronicle the growing numbers of my 2020 Age of Sigmar project. I have really got into Warcry in the last few months but seeing the new starter set for Slaves I had to pick them up to have a Warcry themed Age of Sigmar army.


First time collecting more for hobbying sake but dam these models were great. I got stuck into them and in my hurry didn't take many progress pics but going to post some pics for thoughts and feedback. 



Even suggestions on what to add and what you think would suit the flavour I'd be happy to listen too, ranting aside here's a few pics and again feedback is much appreciated. (Bases needs finished up)

I will get some unit close ups when basing is done too to add, and hopefully remember to update as I reinforce them.



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Cheers it always looks way more shiny at times in pictures for some reason.

It's one thing that keeps making me ponder too. But if I'm being honest the other half was playing through the Spyro trilogy and I'm pretty sure that's why she suggested purple. 

It was nice to paint the unusual colour for sure but a nice bone/sandstone colour would of suited more for sure I think.

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Hey back from a short holiday and good ol' dose of food poisoning and got some spells cranked out.  Not to sure where to go from here, the Warcry Monster for definite but other than that have to think.

I think I need to get some actual games for sure to get a feel for what I need to work towards. Cheers for any feedback as always!




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So had a bit of spare time and thought I'd set up everything I have amassed between Death, Chaos and terrain in order to try and mimic the new Wrath of the Everchosen war kicking off! 

Took a good few pics and hope you enjoy and a bert video, and yeah one thing new house lacks seriously is a big enough table so went old school floor hammer..
















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