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Thus Spoke Neverchosen!


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Hello All,

I am an old warhammer fantasy player from the good old days of 6th edition fantasy. In 6th edition I played Chaos and Dark Elves primarily against my cousin's Lizardmen, Vampire Counts and Dwarves. I was never super competitive and he was very interested in the meta, but despite horrible losses I always enjoyed our games. I also played The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game with my older brother which made me more interested in narrative gaming.

I have recently re-entered the fold with the purchase of a Slaves to Darkness battleforce and the Warcry starter set.  I am also looking to start an Order army to combat my current force, but I am still debating which army to start but I am leaning towards something Aelvish (this is subject to change as I am very tempted by Tzeentch and Gloomspite). In returning to the hobby, I have spoken to a number of friends on the subject and a number of people including my cousin have decided to join me. As someone who suffers from some issues relating to social anxiety, this has been a really touching and unexpected outcome of returning to the hobby.



Edited by Neverchosen
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