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How to get this Silver Tone?


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Considering the way the sword is painted it could be "no metallic metals" being used. Ergo using regular colours to achieve a metallic effect on the model. The painter has gone to town on the sword and cape clearly with lighting effects so they might have done this for the silver armour.


Another option is that the silver armour is just regular silver with some extra black wash over the top to give it that more dirty appearance. Furthermore the upper side (top of the head and backpack and the rear ward arm top) look to be overexposed in the photo so they are whiter than they would appear in reality. 

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Usually when you see things painted to this standard it isnt a base coat, shade and highlight, but multiple glazes and passes. It also looks like True Metallic Metal, meaning although metal acrylics have been used (it's not NMM) care has been taken to paint in and affect subtle reflections from the ground, weapon etc. Although its shiny and naturally responsive to some light, metallic paint just gives a flat shine and does not act as actual  metal does. You cant usually tell on small details but it's why most figures with a lot of metal or armour on them often look a bit flat, and also why a lot of pros and competitors do things with lots if armour on them, it's a canvas to really demonstrate skill and understanding of shape, reflections etc.

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