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AoS 2 - Pointy Aelves ("High Elves") Discussion (name tbd!)


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6 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

That said, I find it interesting the couple pics of concept art they highlighted.   They showed archers, spearmen, Ellyrian Reavers, and Swordmasters.  They then ended with Teclis' concept art, followed by what we assume is his new model's silhouette.  So I wonder if those particular models are some of the ones being re-imagined?

what do you suppose the chances are that we will see units that are along the lines of these units as part of the first wave?

also what do you gies think the chances are for more sisters of the thorn type units, as in mage units. being a big thing in atleast Teclis's army.


speaking of which I am hoping both twins get similar but different styles, and are part of this army (with Tyrion being wave 2?)

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Honestly, I want Tyrion aelves more than Teclis aelves, but I didn't think we'd ever get either.  I could definitely see a mage-unit, probably a re-imagining of Swordmasters, especially if the character from the Silver Tower game is anything to go by.  And spearmen and archers have always been a mainstay of old school elf armies, so I could see them bringing that into the new aelf line.  I'm curioys as to if we get a cavalry battleline as well.  In the new book Court of the Blind King, they talk about how Teclis so harcoded the image of cavalry charges and noble knights into the Idoneth that it was hard for them to imagine war any other way.  That seems to say that Teclis still wants those glorious cavalry charges.

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So besides being excited to see the new art, is anyone else really confused at how hard GW seem to be trying to distance themselves from Tyrion?  Reading this article, they make it sound like Teclis was doing all this on his own, even Morathi is barely a foot note, when it would have been more accurate to name drop Malerion as the god of shadow when making the penumbral realm.  Which is odd, because in earlier AoS lore, they name Tyrion and Teclis the twin Gods of Light.  The last time I’ve even heard Tyrions name mentioned by GW was a sentence back in Forbidden Power where they mentioned his angry voice coming out of the shadows while talking to Tyrion about the Enlightenment Engines.

Which also worries me.  Besides being blind, does something seem to be “wrong” with Tyrion?  It may just be me worrying, and GW saving Tyrion and Malerion for a duel box Light/Shadow aelf release or something, but it just seems weird the distance they have put between the two Twin Gods of Hysh.

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Most curious with GW teasing Teclis and the new faction before talking about the Wrath of the Everchosen game supplement. Reinforces my idea that at the height of the battle of Varanspire between Katakros and Archaon, Teclis and his army will intervene and either ally with the Bonereapers (at least for now) to deliver a decisive blow to Chaos, or take Varanspire himself. 

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1 hour ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

Man I hope so.  Tyrion is hands down my favorite character.  I also think they have to do something with him, because he's been layered into the mythos too much to drop.  The Court of the Blind King that the novel references is an allusion to Tyrion after all.

Because Tyrion is blind and the Court is some kind of ritual duel?

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Hmm, I spoke imprecisely.  He looks combat ready in a way most mages do not.  As though he's definitely bought into the Swordmaster part of old Hoeth as much as the magic.  That's why I'm wondering how Tyrion will look.


Something posted in another thread I that might be interesting to speculate on is the different subfactions, and how maybe there could be one that's moon based and one sun based.

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2 hours ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

I would really like to see my White Lions come back.  With maybe a winged lion cavalry.  But I'd settle for getting my Lion Chariot back.

My whole HE army was Chrace themed. I would love the same.


I doubt it. I think its going to be a whole new army like OBR. Doubt anything will come over from the old range 


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24 minutes ago, Harioch said:

I hope he brings a unit of new and improved Loremaster of Hoeth...not swordmasters...loremasters. Just like Evocators are (but more aelfic).

Whatever is GW going to call them, in my head they're already named "cat herders."

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I don't think that Tyrion is going to be a part of this army. I'm starting to think that he will end up leading his own faction of "Angelic Aelves" that were alluded to earlier in the lore.

Besides we now that each of the big 4 get a share of the Aelves from Slaanesh, Morathi gets her daughters, Malerion his darkly majestic shadows Aelves, Tyrion His Angelic Aelves, And Teclis his attempts to recreate the high Aelves. 

The Idoneth were made from the first batch of Aelves saved from Slaanesh, but no where does it say that those were all the souls that Teclis was due. He tried to make the Idoneth in the image of the old world elves, but we know he failed.  From this article, emphasizing that the idoneth werent the only aelves Teclis created, its seems that these are distinct from the influence of Tyrion (he has his own elf souls to play with).

Furthermore, The initial trailer kept going on about a longing for the elves of the old world, the classic pointy aelves, and that seems to fit more along the lines of Teclis trying to recreate world-that-was elves, than Tyrion's angelic Aelves.

To wrap up, I think it is likely that Tyrion will have his own faction of Aelves, and these will be solely Teclis attempt to try again at what he failed to create with the Idoneth. 

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