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The Painting Contract - January 2020


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Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for January 2020!

It’s the first contract of the year! Come, finish off your work from last year, or paint up the new stuff that you received over the holidays! You can start a new army, or finish your old one! Get that terrain started, or finish your battle or kill zone! Square bases? Round Bases? No Bases! Bring your resin, your plastics, your metal, the options are many! Show off the stuff you build, convert or paint... we want to see it all!

All are welcome around the painting table, and we have spots available for everyone, newcomers and seasoned veterans alike!

If you don't know the rules they are:

Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Warhammer Fantasy, Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Silver Tower / Shadows Over Hammerhal, or Gorechosen.


On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.

 I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress!




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This month I pledge to finish:


13 more Spite Revenants...WIP

Drycha Hamadreth

2 Morrsar Guard

3 or more Namarti Reavers

...build a whole bunch of models lol

Volturnos and Spite Revs just need a few more steps before they've reached a good standard. 

Drycha and one of the Morrsar Guard I've somewhat started on.

So, we'll see what happens 😁.


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After several attempts I feel this year I could keep up with every month's contract, I Will try to Paint one miniature from my armies:

1 intercessor

1 ogor glutton

1 tzaangor enlightened on foot

1 putrid blightking

Bases included. I want, simultaneously, to work in Big  display bases for them.


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Ugh. I tried towards the end of the year, I really did... but to no avail. So one of my resolutions this year is to achieve something in the Painting Contract every month. To this end, I will keep it simple and, as others have done, stick to one model. Maybe if I keep that up, I will be able to expand it later in the year to one unit.

- Chaos Lord on angry crocobeast

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This year’s activity in the painting hobby is going to be guided by Mortal Realms collection, for which i have subscribed (including the premium subscription available here), so I have some days to finish off the hexwraiths I already started last month before I buy some number 1 kits (want 4 for a full unit of 40 chainrasps). Out of them I’d like to finish a first 10 chainrasp horde unit in addition to the hexwraiths.

I wont be able to keep up with the collection, for sure, even focusing on the nighthaunt units. I’ll leave the Stormcasts for now 😓

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3 hours ago, Kirjava13 said:

Ugh. I tried towards the end of the year, I really did... but to no avail. So one of my resolutions this year is to achieve something in the Painting Contract every month. To this end, I will keep it simple and, as others have done, stick to one model. Maybe if I keep that up, I will be able to expand it later in the year to one unit.

- Chaos Lord on angry crocobeast

Haha one model... but an big hero one though on a mount. 😂

personally I bought some better brushes, a wet palette should arrive and I have several models blocked while waiting on the palette. 
So this month will be getting the hang of my new brushes, the palette and practice building up skin and detail colours. So getting better at evenly building up colours is my pledge
currently waiting to practice on and finish:

- 3 gluttons, 2 ironblasters, overtyrant  & mawpot

- 10 sequitors, 3 palladors, 1 arcanum on gryphcharger

- Brokk grungson

- also have a bunch of stormcast and ogors to convert and build in between  


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4 hours ago, kaaras said:

@ThalmorRepresentative i quite like that washed out look for the crimson. With some subtle highlights it would make that a very interesting look. 

Hmm, you think so? 

I'm trying to imagine it finished with that coat, but am having a hard time envisioning it. How would you proceed if that was the look you were going for?

My plan (which could change), was to make the skin grayish-white, like the previous eel, with the color accents in the shadows and on the fins.

Still, would be interested to hear your opinion on it. Would be fun to try your suggestion.

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I’ve got some pending job from last month, and also got more things this Christmas. Supposing that I don’t get distracted by other stuff, the goals are:

-Last touches on 3 crypt horrors and crypt haunter

-Progress on my WIP terrorgheist 

-Paint the Grymwatch

-Paint Loonshrine or Sneaky Snufflers

Edited by Jymmy
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So new year and new army. Decided to make a thematic nurgle force. The Ophiocordycepian Despoilers to join my local store slow grow league. This month I want to get and build the starting units. 

Paint the  Daemon prince of nurgle - Ophiocordyceps - this is real life weird fungus which infects ants and turns them into zombies 🧟‍♂️ 

Build 20 marauders

Build a chaos sorcerer lord

I also need to finish the Khorne rider for my manticore.


progress so far


Edited by Praecautus
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