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Slaves to darkness what to buy next


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So I just got the new start collecting slaves to darkness box and I LOOOVVVEE it. Awesome sculpts, but I need more warriors and more knights and I can't decide if I should get a second box because outside of the warriors their is little variation.  Should I get the older start collecting box (which is still available in some places for a decent price) or the old chaos warriors box as those look o.k. or should I hold out hope for a multipart kit coming relatively soon.  Thanks in advance

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People tend to assume that the new SC! Box may forshadow a new Warriors and Knights Kit in the near future. This would make sense as we got a similar sheme of release for 40k with Shadowspear, giving us some new Easy to Build models and than after some months the same units in a multipart kit. It may be that gw previews them quite soon, maybe even within the first days of januar.

Meanwhile, the old Kits are quite high value if you don´t mind the sculpts, althrough the old knights don´t look bad at all. The Warriors blend with the newer ones also quite well.

There is also the possibility to use Blood Warrior Sculpts with leftover bits from Knights Kits to build more dynamic Warrior Models.


Edited by Charleston
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On 12/24/2019 at 7:43 AM, passtheKhorneplease said:

So I just got the new start collecting slaves to darkness box and I LOOOVVVEE it. Awesome sculpts, but I need more warriors and more knights and I can't decide if I should get a second box because outside of the warriors their is little variation.  Should I get the older start collecting box (which is still available in some places for a decent price) or the old chaos warriors box as those look o.k. or should I hold out hope for a multipart kit coming relatively soon.  Thanks in advance

I would personally buy one of the older SC boxes. You’re probably going to at least be mixing in Banners and Musicians from the old kit anyway.


If you can get a hold of the Battleforce from last year I’d recommend that.

Edited by Sinfullyvannila
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On 12/24/2019 at 3:02 PM, Charleston said:

People tend to assume that the new SC! Box may forshadow a new Warriors and Knights Kit in the near future. This would make sense as we got a similar sheme of release for 40k with Shadowspear, giving us some new Easy to Build models and than after some months the same units in a multipart kit. It may be that gw previews them quite soon, maybe even within the first days of januar.

I assume this might be right since the Start Collecting does not include any Banners, Musicians and the likes 😃

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2 hours ago, Kirjava13 said:

I'm going to add the Long Cat and another Start Collecting box plus a box of Chaos Warriors (using spare heads from the SC to have one unit all helmeted and one unit not) and get two boxes of Spire Tyrants to use as Marauders.

Is that two new collecting boxes or one new and one old.  Also I don't suppose we could use the warcry warbands as stand ins for marauders under the official rules, but if our play group doesn't mind....hmmm

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On 12/26/2019 at 2:52 PM, passtheKhorneplease said:

Is that two new collecting boxes or one new and one old.  Also I don't suppose we could use the warcry warbands as stand ins for marauders under the official rules, but if our play group doesn't mind....hmmm

Two new SC boxes is the current intent. 

If someone got grumpy at you using Cultist models instead of Marauders I would recommend you not playing with that person again, because that person is a d-o-u-c-h-e canoe.

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