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Alternative Slaanesh gos and ungors


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I wanted to try out a kitbash I saw on here using Thralls as bestigors with masks or skulls for heads. I think the Reaver models could work for gors with some bits, but then I get stuck. Does anyone have any ideas for the following when working with this imagery (more elvenish).

1. What arms would work for the reavers to make them work as gors?

2. Any ideas of what could work as ungors here (fits on a 25mm base and could be melee or ranged)?

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If they expand the kurnothi into a full release in the future I think those would work well as a base. Otherwise if you're going with converted namarti as gors then I would probably look to eternal guard or sisters of the watch as a base for the ungors. Kairic acolytes might also work, but you'd need to find a source of bows for any ungor raiders you make.

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1 hour ago, Arethyst said:

Thank you! I'm liking the idea of elven cultists as beastmen more and more now. I dont suppose you have any ideas on where to get 150 sisters of slaughter masks do you?

This project seems to be getting expensive :/

Hi, I was the one who made the Slaanesh skull head chosen/bestigors :) For reavers, I'd actually try using their own arms, but clipping off bows for gor weapons (and maybe some claws). Alternatively, look at the Wanderers models - they have some good ones for kitbashing; the eternal guard could make good elvish looking ungors with skull heads.

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