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Purchase flat objective markers?


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I was watching a tournament on the honestwargamer twitch some days ago and noticed they were using some flat objective markers with a 6" inch radius tracker. Seemed really smart to have it clearly indicate if units are within to capture an objective or not, rather than having to halfass measure it from the middle of whatever objective you decide to put down on the table.

I didn't catch where they were from and google didn't give that many hits. Have anyone else purchased similar stuff? The closest to it I got was from http://3d6wargaming.com/neoprene-objective-markers-6/

My only issue is that they come in a pack of 6 rather than 8 and can imagine the looks being rather dominating on the battle field.

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35 minutes ago, Eevika said:

I would love something like this but it should have a nice thematic print of something that would fit on a battlefield

They used a marker that was transparent. Seemed like a good middle ground for not ruining the table/fluff too much yet indicating range.

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12 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I‘d love translucent 12“ diameter (6“ radius) objective markers with magical runes decorating the edges and the 3“ radius

Great minds think alike! :) I even started doing a design for it, but got stuck when I couldn't find a price-worthy way of printing/cutting it (besides using a transparent paper and cutting it myself). 

Screenshot 2019-12-16 at 12.20.00.png

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Would be cool to have just a really thin laser cut profile from like 0.5mm metal sheet, similar to the design of @JackStreicher above, but only a few tiny connection sections so that most of it is empty space.
Thus not covering big patches of the table, and not impeding unit placement, but still marking the area. 

Seems the most unobtrusive way to do it. But I'd be worried how fragile that marker would be.   

So maybe some sort of fabric would be a good alternative, thin enough to conform to the battlefield and not cause models to be tilted, thick enough to be durable. 
I feel like neorpene, and mouse pad stuff is too thick.  

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They were these 12" diameter brightly colored circles that had words and logos on them. They looked nothing like a part of the table and dominated the visual aspect of the game.

My opponent had placed them on the board before I arrived. What was I going to do? Tell him I didn't like his fancy, immersion-breaking templates he had imposed without so much as asking to use them and thus risk being marked down in sportsmanship? Nah.

They wrecked the visual appeal of the game, but I had to roll with it or look like a tool.

He then proceeded to not really care about precise model placement and stopped the game for 15 minutes (at a timed event) on two occasions to have a chat with a bystander. 

Add it together and you have a picture of a very self-centered, or at least socially unaware, opponent who had zero interest in the social contract.

I played that game as fast as I could, even making errors on purpose, just to get it over with.

On point, the markers were ugly, detracted from the game, and showed that my opponent cared little for the aesthetic of the hobby compared to the 'game-ness' of it.


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17 minutes ago, Sleboda said:


On point, the markers were ugly, detracted from the game, and showed that my opponent cared little for the aesthetic of the hobby compared to the 'game-ness' of it.


In your opinion, I think you should add here.😉

But I do agree with you, the big markers which are bright colours are quite distracting. I think I could be won around to transparent ones but I prefer what many players do and make their own. Personally, I like the fish tank lights they have used on The Honest Wargamer as I like how it’s easy to show who has an objective


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21 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

On point, the markers were ugly, detracted from the game, and showed that my opponent cared little for the aesthetic of the hobby compared to the 'game-ness' of it.


I think thats why people are talking about immersive ones. For gameplay always seeing where the area of the objective is would be incredibly handy

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Imagine some kind of laser add-on that allows you to point the laser on the center of the objective and it illuminates an 6" radius around it as a thin line.

Problem only is you need to point the laser dead center with no tilt so you don't stretch the circle in one way or the other.

But this would be awesome.

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1 hour ago, Sleboda said:


They were these 12" diameter brightly colored circles that had words and logos on them. They looked nothing like a part of the table and dominated the visual aspect of the game.

My opponent had placed them on the board before I arrived. What was I going to do? Tell him I didn't like his fancy, immersion-breaking templates he had imposed without so much as asking to use them and thus risk being marked down in sportsmanship? Nah.

They wrecked the visual appeal of the game, but I had to roll with it or look like a tool.

He then proceeded to not really care about precise model placement and stopped the game for 15 minutes (at a timed event) on two occasions to have a chat with a bystander. 

Add it together and you have a picture of a very self-centered, or at least socially unaware, opponent who had zero interest in the social contract.

I played that game as fast as I could, even making errors on purpose, just to get it over with.

On point, the markers were ugly, detracted from the game, and showed that my opponent cared little for the aesthetic of the hobby compared to the 'game-ness' of it.


To be fair it sounds like you just had an awful game all around. As stated by multiple of us in the previous posts, a marker with a non-fantasy friendly print isn't what we are after.

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9 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

Would be cool to have just a really thin laser cut profile from like 0.5mm metal sheet, similar to the design of @JackStreicher above, but only a few tiny connection sections so that most of it is empty space.

Why just not an empty circle with one line through the middle with an exact dot. If made from metal it good be thin, cheap and close to no obstruction. Would be hard to not make it immersion breaking. 

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29 minutes ago, Kramer said:

Don’t they do only 6” diameter and we need 12” diameter. 

Yup, though I think there are a few battleplans that do within 3" of an objective (ex. Duality of Death).


Gamemat.eu has a less optimal solution that would work for some playmats but definitely not all.


This guy is selling a bunch on eBay, though $100 USD seems pricy but you get 8x12" and 3x6" objectives.

I honestly wonder how much it would be to just send a custom design to someone and have some made up using an image that's visually consistent with your favorite game mat. Might have some copyright issues?

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There's a Canadian Company who do the markers for both AoS and 40k. DreamTee

Their generic ones are kinda immersion breaking with a big dragon on it (https://dreamtee.store/product/aos-objective-markers-conquest-dragon/) but you can also get them custom made.

I got mine to be more of a "summoning Circle" so they don't look too out of place overall and do match the basing (snowy bases) of my army.

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Just now, Ethriel said:

There's a Canadian Company who do the markers for both AoS and 40k. DreamTee

They popped up in my Google searches but for some reason my work blocks their URL. I'm in Canada so that sounds like a sweet option, do you mind me asking how much it was for yours (how many, shipping, etc.)?

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4 minutes ago, Ethriel said:

There's a Canadian Company who do the markers for both AoS and 40k. DreamTee

Their generic ones are kinda immersion breaking with a big dragon on it (https://dreamtee.store/product/aos-objective-markers-conquest-dragon/) but you can also get them custom made.

I got mine to be more of a "summoning Circle" so they don't look too out of place overall and do match the basing (snowy bases) of my army.

That's the company I was thinking of.

Joe sorry to hear about that experience.  

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1 minute ago, relic456 said:

They popped up in my Google searches but for some reason my work blocks their URL. I'm in Canada so that sounds like a sweet option, do you mind me asking how much it was for yours (how many, shipping, etc.)?

If you buy their pre-made ones (with their Company Logo) or you can get the custom made (like mine were) for the base cost of $100.

8 x 12” objectives markers
3 x 6” objective markers

If you go custom made, you can either have them do a new design (approx $50 if you do the same logo for all markers) or send them CMYK images 12.5 inches by 12.5 inches at 150dpi and for the 3 small markers the image size is 6.5” x 6.5” at 150dpi.

If you're in southern Ontario, they are often at local tournaments and can hand-deliver or shipping wasn't too bad.





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2 hours ago, Galas said:

I play with these after being gifted to me for attending a tournament of this store.




I have no affiliation with them. But they don't distract from the game. 

Nice! Any way to get them in Europe? (Without paying a gazillion in shipping and then a gazillion at customs...)

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