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Witch Coven | Female Models


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Hey y'all, for my Legions Army, I need a Witch Coven, since their background starts in the Old World. I basically need around 10 models, one being my Vampire Lady in her pre-vampire-state as a Necromancer, one being another Necromancer, one as a Corpse Cart Corpsemaster, three as corpses, two to summon my Lady on her Coven Throne and possibly also two or three as Nighthaunt Heroes I'd kitbash.

I'd like to do some of them with Witch Hats and Familiars, wearing dresses - a very old school approach to a Coven. 

Are there any models in GW's range that would work as base models for this? I don't mind greenstuffing the hats and the animals, but I couldn't even find females in dresses apart from the three Vampires from the Coven Throne and named Heroes from LotR. 

I figured I'd get me some Witch Aelves, but these don't provide anything apart from a female body, so I'd have to model basically everything of out Greenstuff. 


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The Sorceress (in Aelves) could be a good thing, but the Khinerai could be better models to use, the wings would work in quite a few conversions for vampire things.

If you ignore the colour scheme for a moment, Sisters of the Thorn also make for good wizards. You'd need to do some greenstuffing, but do not need to start from scratch with robes.

The Godsworn hunt has a nice cat, and their leader is quite witchlike, they also have another female character, which is more warrior-like.

I highly recommend the Chaos Familiars as familiars for all sorts of things. I even use them in Order shenanigans.


On the 40k side of things, look at the Drukhari Lhamaean or to a lesser extent succubus  for a good which and Razorwing flock for birdies, the Solitaire from the Harlequens is worth taking a look at, but the best would be the Magis from the Genestealer cult.

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