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Need help regarding legion of nagash!


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I wil try to write a summary and what makes each army special.  All legions can return dead units back and heal damaged units. General is very important because without him/her you cannot return dead units back and then you might lose war of atrition. Each legion belong to one mortarch that needs to be general if you include any mortarch.

Legion of blood. Belongs to neferata and it is most agresive out of all legions. It gives bonus atacks to vampires and reduce bravery of enemies. If you play this then you will definitely want to run vampire lords on dragons and/or blood knights.  Dragons areone of the best units in legions even without this boost and this makes them even more powerful.  Downside is that your magic is not as powerful and because you cannot resurect vampiric units you lack staying power and will probably lose long fights. This has one small upside. If your general dies it isnt as painful since huge part of your army cannot be resurected anyway so you can chose more agresive options

Legion of sacrament. Belong to arkhan and focuses heavily on magic. Plan is to either damage enemies with magic or debuff them and then wing long fights with resurections. Live and die with magic and wizards. I would say that it is more on the defensive side and will probably win more games by points then just destroying everything and then scoring when there is no enemy to defend.

Legion of night. Manfred rules here and he rules smart. This legion is not as powerful in combat as blood and not as magical heavy as sacrament. This legion is smart. It can set units in reserve and then put them out when needed. Also your deathrattle are more durable in your teritory. Usualy you can hide small cheap units and force enemy to use some units to protect his points or just take those points when they are unguarded. You can hide strong units and then pincer from 2 sides, spliting oponents forces. Also many oponents overthing things and then one unit outside of the table can tie in multiple enemy units. Sort of jack of all trades legion. Many options but require creative general to work.

Grand host of nagash. I guess you understand who is the leader here. Generaly focused on resurection and sustain of units. Important thing is that it can include mannfred, neferata and arkhan and still can use some other leader as general. Can use Nagash but that isnt required. Usualy defensive army that either win by atrition or nagash. 

Legion of grief. Belongs to lady olynder. It exchanges soulblight (vampiric) units for ghosts. Either tries to reduce enemy bravery and then destroy them with screams or use multiple command abilities to buff units (usualy myrmourn banshees) and then send them to kill stuff. If that unit dies it can always come back. Ghosts are very strong against powerful units (because they dont lose saves to rend) and even stronger when you can return the dead ones.


Soulblight are just vampires. This army cannot use most non-vampiric units and cannot resurect units. This means they are even more agresive then legion of blood. They dont get +1 atack as legion blood vampires but they gain special bonuses based on chosen bloodline (extra move, better magic, better hits on charge...). It can include manfred and neferata and they dont have to be general (huge advantage). Not as competetive but they got stronger with recent point reductions. Downside is that you dont have any small units to protect your knights from charges and without charges you lose your punch. This can be overcome by allies or mercenaries.

Edited by ZLee Syn
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And about list building. Most of legions units are bad. They need synergy to make them strong. If you manage to trade point for point with enemy then you will win due to resurection. There are few units that are strong on their own (like lord on dragon) but most of your units need support to do stuff. That means that you shouldnt just take units because they are good. You need a plan how you want to win and then pick units acording to your plan.

Huge weakness to legions is lack of rend. Very few units have rend and out of those, most are expensive units that cannot be resurected. You need to take that into consideration. 

Most of warscroll batalions are bad outside of very special ocasions. They are quite expensive and most require mortarch which is often dangerous (they arent hard to kill but if you lose them you lose both expensive model and resurection). They also often include models that you dont want to play, units that you dont want to play that many of or units that dont have synergy with each other. Most usable might be the lors of sacrament since all of those units are good and you would probably play them anyway in sacrament. Courn of nulahmia can be used to give your 2 dragons even more mobility but outside of that it is too expensive with very small benefit. Deathmarch can be used but was nerfed very hard by faq. I will not even mention the others. 

Generaly you want at least one block of infantry. 40 skeletons, grimghasts or graveguard in grandhost will do the trick. Use cheap units to fill battlelines requirement (wolfs are amazing for their points but 10 chainrasps is also an option. There is nothing wrong with 10 zombies if you dont have points and reqire more bodies). You can almost never go wrong with necromancer so grab one or two.  I would say this is the core of almost every legion army. After that it comes to preference, legion and style of play. I think Lord on Dragon is almost always worth it (especialy with ethereal amulet from realm of the dead) but isnt as required as necromancer. Generaly speaking try to stay away from mortarchs if you dont play grandhost or dont have special plan since they die fast and cost alot. 

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As for how to start. Go for one of the start collecting boxes. I know I have said that mortarchs are risky to play but on smaler points (1000) they are strong because there is not as many magic/shooting in your oponents army. There are 3 possible start collecting boxes. Skeleton horde is probably the best. It is quite flexible, you can assemble either black knights or hexwraiths and anyone out of 3 mortarchs (neferata, manfred, arkhan). 

Malignant box is also quite good. Mortis engine is great if you go for more magic oriented army but it can also be assembeled as coven throne (or bloodseeker but that model is only ever taken with court of nulahmia). Again black knights or hexwraiths

3rd option are flesh eaters. Yes, they are not part of legions but flayers have same kit as vargheists and terrorgheist as lord on zombie dragon. You can always sell ghouls or use them for some conversions. Still worth it even if you dont use them.

Since those boxes dont provide enough battlelines i would grab one battleline unit (wolfs since they are always good pick no matter what you play).

After few games I would increse skeletons to 40 (or pick diferent block) and then you will see.

Edited by ZLee Syn
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The above advice is solid gold.


Personally I went for Legion of Blood initially with an eye for soulblight in the future.  I got the start collecting skeletons box set, 3 more boxes of skeletons (for the 40 man horde), some blood knights, 1 box of wolves (2x5 man units), a necromancer and 2 zombie dragons.  That sets me up with a pretty decent initial force that can go in multiple different ways.  I can get more blood knights and go soulblight (or add in Vargheists), I can add the mortarch in and proxy as whatever one I want (Manfred, Nef, Arkhan) and that changes up the army quite a bit.

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