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House Rule: Predatory Endless Spells are Realmscape features

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I love endless spells, I think they're super fun. However, I have never been very tempted by using predatory endless spells unless it's part of a narrative style game. I really like the turn priority decision making they add (having to choose between going first or claiming control of the endless spell this turn) and I think from that perspective they add a really cool feature to the game. But I'd rather not spend points out of my own army's limited budget to add a weapon to the table that could easily be used against me. For that reason I always err against using them which is a shame because some of those models are beautiful and deserve to be painted and used. The purple sun for example looks iconic and has a wonderful presence on the table, but it's also a pretty unpopular choice to include in armies because of the effect it has versus it's point cost and potential for backfiring.

What if, as a house rule, predatory endless spells were realm features, that were present in all games using the optional realm rules? So if you play in Syish, the purple sun is there - controlled by no-one and starting in the middle of a random 6th of the board as determined by a dice roll. If you play in Ghyran, the emerald lifeswarm is there and it can be used by both armies - helping to balance out the obvious detriment of going second in a turn. You could even use some non-predatory spells in this manner. For example, the second player to take a turn in the first round of a game set in Hysh could place the Prismatic Pallisade and it stays there for the rest of the game, unless successfully desummoned by either player. That way the winner of the priority roll has an important choice to make - do I seize the initiative now or try to use the palisade to neuter my opponent's set up?

I think this could be a very fun house rule to add to friendly games, and give me an excuse to paint some of the Endless Spells that I would otherwise never consider using. What do you guys think about the idea?

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Yeah, I like this idea, but I would suggest spawning the ES in the middle of the board  in randomly chosen location (determined by a roll of D3) so no one will have Purple Sun rampaging through their ranks turn one nor the spell could be easily removed by sending it off the board

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2 minutes ago, XReN said:

Yeah, I like this idea, but I would suggest spawning the ES in the middle of the board  in randomly chosen location (determined by a roll of D3) so no one will have Purple Sun rampaging through their ranks turn one nor the spell could be easily removed by sending it off the board

Yeah, I like that. A random location that has to be outside of either players set up zone and a certain number of inches away from the edge of the board (say, the movement speed of the endless spell in question).

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Sounds good idea! 

Couple of other suggestions could be to look for the couple of scenarios that treat Endless spells as part of the objectives or give every player a 100pts endless spell budget. 

Just some extra thoughts for the pool of ideas. 

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I like the battle plan where control of certain objectives gives you control of the spell, I think it's a purple sun in the published version. But you could do a mega version of that with 4 or 5 objectives arranged in a pentagram on the table and control of each gives you control of a specific endless spell. 

Good way to get the bigger more crazy ones on the board as anything to get more of these models on the table is a win.

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21 hours ago, JPjr said:

I like the battle plan where control of certain objectives gives you control of the spell, I think it's a purple sun in the published version. But you could do a mega version of that with 4 or 5 objectives arranged in a pentagram on the table and control of each gives you control of a specific endless spell. 

Good way to get the bigger more crazy ones on the board as anything to get more of these models on the table is a win.

It is a good scenario in theory, but in (admittedly limited) practice, it comes to a stalemate most of the time. The concept of it is incredible.

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