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Mortal Nurgle List Help

One Armed Hobbyist

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Hey so I'm looking at starting a 2000 mortal nurgle list after I finish painting up my nighthaunt and this is what I came up with:

1 x Glotkin

1 x Lord of Aflictions

1 x Lord of Plagues


3 x 5 Putrid Blightkings


4 x Pusgoyle Blightlords

3 x Nurglings


The plan is for the pusgoyle and LoA to fly up and take key back line units, the Glotkin and 2 PBL works a block just slowly marching through mid and then the other PBL, along with the LoP, to act as more utility, going where need be. Lastly the nurglings wUlf be used to take objectives or harass the enemy back line while the core units move up.

Any thoughts on the list? I want to keep it primarily mortal and it is not intended to be ultra tournament competitive. 

Any input would be great, thanks! :)

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Hey there!

I like your list! it looks fun.

Some thoughts:

Whats the underlying synergy with your army? Maggotkin CAN get a very nice synergy, but it takes a bit of work. 

The  LoA & PBLs are fun, but not cheap. 
Split them into two groups, that way you get the champ/ bell/ dolorous toxin (whatever its called) on two units.  Plus, less risk of battleshock taking out more than you'd like. You lose some flexibility with them, but you can toss some under the bus this way.
Don't overestimate the LoA. He's not as tough/ fighty as you may think.

LoP is ok. 
To strengthen your main line/ Whole army, toss him out and get the Harbinger for his 5+ nurgly fun

Glottkin is great! His spells really help. Fleshy is amazing.
Keep him on the edge of fights, he can't take that much of a beating. a 4+ is nothing to write home about. Don't forget, he can die, it happens (a lot...)

don't forget to roll d3 to heal him in your hero phase (easy to forget)
Using his hero ability on himself is great, that one extra attack (from each profile) can smack some damage where needed.

Blightkings are phenomenal. Easily one of the best battlelines available to most armies. 

They're reslient, have TONS of wounds and can mulch low/ medium save units.

Their bravery is great, don't be afraid to lose a few. ...but if something is killing more than 3 a turn, that's a bad-*ss unit. 

I haven't played with nurglings. I'd split them up to keep them as screens/ blockers. you have to kill the WHOLE thing or it lives. Splitting it up makes sense, forcing the enemy to split attacks, or be stuck in combat. 


Think about using marauders in lieu of nurglings. They're cheap, and w fleshy, they're just amazing.


Best of luck!


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On 3/19/2019 at 7:43 AM, One Armed Hobbyist said:

 Lastly the nurglings wUlf be used to take objectives or harass the enemy back line while the core units move up.

Nurglings have to be deployed in cover to make that work. More often than not it won´t work. I tried it several times...

On 3/19/2019 at 7:43 AM, One Armed Hobbyist said:

Any thoughts on the list? I want to keep it primarily mortal and it is not intended to be ultra tournament competitive. 

Any input would be great, thanks! :)

I highly recommend a Great Unclean One with bell. Not only does he make your army faster, he also offers a nice command ability for the Lord of Affliction / Pusgoyle Blightlords.

Lord of Plagues is kinda meh, nothing special with this guy. Gutrot Spume offers more tactical flexibility for the same amount of points. Or Harbinger of Decay as has already been mentioned.

I think that Glottkin works best with a unit with lots of bodies. Otherwise some of his offered synergies are wasted...


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