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Does Plague Wind Effect Caster



As the title says, the Great Unclean One's inherent spell is

Plague Wind

Plague Wind has a casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 14" of the caster and draw an imagineary straight line between it and the closest part of the caster. Each unit (friend or foe) crossed by the centre of the line suffers D3 mortal wounds. Units with the Nurgle keyword are instead invigorated by the Plague Wind; if it passes over them, heal D3 wounds that have been allocated to the unit.

From reading it I would say yes it does but I remember an FAQ that stated it does not. However, I can't find that FAQ anywhere and both the designer's commentary and errata for Maggotkin don't say anything about Plague wind.

Note that a similar spell from Gyran, Sicklewind, would imply that the caster is hit as this one specifies it does not.

SICKLEWIND: casting value of 7. If successfully cast, pick a point on the battlefield within 12" of the caster that is visible to them and draw an imaginary straight line 1mm wide between that point and the closest part of the caster. Each unit other than the caster that has models passed across by this line suffers D3 mortal wounds.

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1 answer to this question

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No it's not affected.

It's on Page 7 of the Rulefaq


Q: Sometimes an ability requires you to draw a straight line
from a model, and everything under that line is affected by
the ability. Is the model you draw the line from affected by the
ability too?
A: No. The line is drawn from the edge of the model’s
base, so the model itself is not under the line.


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