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My Endless spells so far (and yes I need some help)


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So, I am here, BBQ sauce on my miniatures...

Let's get to the point! So I got the Malign Sorcery pack (and what a pack!) And I was painting umbral spellportals (ignoring the guide that comes with the pack) and well, some liberator gold got into the portal itself, and I don't know which would be the best way to remove liberator gold (or cover it) without affecting the rest of the mini.

Hope you like them though! I am new at the painting miniatures hobby!



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I guess the only option is to grab the color the inside of the portal was done with and go over the inside-edges with that. You can't really remove paint when it has dried. When the paint is still wet you can try to remove it with a damp, clean brush, but that does not work always. Btw nice colorfade on the black portals flames.

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2 minutes ago, Ruhraffe said:

I guess the only option is to grab the color the inside of the portal was done with and go over the inside-edges with that. You can't really remove paint when it has dried. When the paint is still wet you can try to remove it with a damp, clean brush, but that does not work always. Btw nice colorfade on the black portals flames.

Kinda impossible since they are washes, I don't think they will cover it sadly.

Thanks! They are all shades and a bit of dry brush on the transitions between shades!

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15 minutes ago, Ruhraffe said:

Ah, okay, so you primed white or something similar and then gone over it with nuln or nightshade? Well, then your best bet should be to find a color similar to the one on the mini. 

Yup, primed then druchii for one, night for the other, carroubug for the druchii, hex for the night, no base colour beside the prime corax white. Will try to find the suitable one then

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I think your easiest fix would be lining the inside of each frame with black to cover the metal colour. It'd give you a border around the inside, which I think would look alright. If you wanted a more faded transition, you could then thin some black with a glaze medium and then feather it inwards.

In terms of colour matching, your base colours don't look a million miles away from Screamer Pink and Incubi Darkness, but I think you'll struggle to get an exact match.

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