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2 minutes ago, Milosh said:

If this image is bogus I can remove.  Thought it was okay to post in rumor mill and I got excited.

Ive been visiting these forums since inception, no reason to be rude.

I don't mean to be, I'm sorry. It's just that as of late we've had several people posing under new accounts with made up stuff that they've made up themselves so it makes people a little more untrusting than we might otherwise be. 

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6 minutes ago, Milosh said:

I see where your coming from and have edited my post.  Apologies.

Did you guys want this left here to discuss or should I remove?

Art style is similar to LoN no?

Leave it there, at least people started talking about rumors :D

I think its quite different from the current art style. 
If you compare it to Legions of Nagash or Maggotkin of Nurgle:





The difference becomes visible. Modern covers have strong colors but focus on a single central figure. The background is muted but still full of little details. This cover is too busy and with out much depth. 

Edited by Gecktron
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At first sight, I can see:

- The font is diferent from other battletomes.

-Kerning too.

-The img, like someone said, seems to be registred by FFG (it could be bought again or maybe they had a talk to use them...maybe not).

-The cover has the "old bands" in both sides of "Order Battletome" (every Grand Faction had their own "decorating bands", but the last ones didn't continue that and the new design seems to have two lines in both sides of the "faction battletome").

Conclusion: Maybe I'm wrong, but imho, it's fake.

Edited by Beliman
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2 hours ago, michu said:

(I'm actually surprised that we're going to have AoS Tale of Four Warlords as they just started a 40k one in March WD.)

I'll be interested to see which armies are chosen.  In a previous Tale of Four Warlords Daughters of Khaine was picked as the Order army, then, hey presto!, the Battletome comes out a few months later.

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Almost certainly fake, sadly.

The "Order Battletome" font is not bold enough.
There should be a thin line around it, not lightning.
The "Free People" font has round serif instead of sharp serif.

A good amount of love went into that fake though: it was photoshoped, printed and then they took a potato picture of it.

10/10 would feel the hype again. 

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Just for my information: Where do the rumors for a Gutbusters tome come from? From my point of view a souped BT with BCR, Gutbuster etc is much more likely than a standalone Gutbusters tome. Is this just wishlisting from people who want to see a Gutbusters BT or is there any backing of this theory?

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I've heard a few rumors about Gutbusters as well. "Friend of a friend who knows a guy who saw something he shouldnt" sort of stuff, which is why I wouldn't post it as a thing on its own... and certainly shouldn't be taken as any form of confirmation of anything.

Main point being there is a general low level buzz formed from multiple people talking along that line, as well as peoples interpretation of the current GW pattern. With supposed evidence being used including the layout of the AOS website (that Skaven and Grots were souped in descriptions, but Gutbusters were not)... etc.

At this stage there are rumors of "X faction is next" for pretty much all of them. Personally im more inclined to believe rumors which argue for a delay in releases for one reason or another (Slaanesh later as with the current Chaos releases Everchosen and STD soup would come before Slaanesh)...

We're in such speculation territory that we're talking in circles until we get that sweet sweet reveal announcement. Bring it on!

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12 minutes ago, Craze said:

Just for my information: Where do the rumors for a Gutbusters tome come from? From my point of view a souped BT with BCR, Gutbuster etc is much more likely than a standalone Gutbusters tome. Is this just wishlisting from people who want to see a Gutbusters BT or is there any backing of this theory?

Off the top of my head, the sources so far have been very spurious:

-NDAbreaker said it would happen - how true anything they said is is up for debate, but majority seem to feel they weren't on the level

-An image of an Ogor was used in GW's announcement that there would be more battletomes coming - but only as part of a generic 'Order, Chaos, Death, Destruction' bit of art that's been floating around for ages

-There was a design job at GW a little while ago where one of the application tasks was that you had to design allegiance abilities for Gutbusters. But obviously for a writing task they could have plucked anything out of the air - as someone who's set tasks like that myself, I can't say any of mine were ever meaningful indications of anything. If anything, you'd think they'd deliberately not tip their hand on anything for something as public as this. 

I think that's it. I do think it's not necessarily unlikely, based on the fact that the army has a decent range of plastic kits, and seems relatively well recognised by GW, in terms of having a store category, a place in the lore, art, etc. But IMO all the word pointing towards them has been no better than speculation so far. 

Edited by robinlvalentine
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So far most of the rumours we've had have been "new member posts rumour claim" or "I've heard a rumour from someone". I think honestly what we've more got is a lot of wishlists that get repeated around enough in casual conversation that they turn into their own rumour. Hence why there's no unified source or any concrete information. Most rumours that come out tend to have some proven source; some evidence or at least specifics (eg dates). Thus far we only have "well seraphon are coming" type rumours; and honestly at this stage you can make enough claims and have a decent chance it will happen because we pretty much know its going to happen at some point this year or early next. 


Lets face it the age of the rumour is over. GW has clamped down, but also GW has reached out a lot more too. So we get regular news from them (heck their community site posts something every single day). I think this has taken a big pressure load off internal staff leaking hints to fans. They don't need to sneak out information to us because GW is giving us information in roughly 3 month or so blocks. In the past the lack of top down communication to fans I think made staff working within GW who were "in the know" leak out bits here and there to keep fans happy because they could see that the "surprise" releases and slower delivery time led to very unhappy fans. With that gone we've hoenstly seen a dry up of rumours. Heck the last big rumour was the Slaanesh sprue that leaked out in a box of generic sprue bits that GW was just dumping. 

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