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Scurry Scurry or Stomp Smash


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- So i just finished my KO group. loving my dwarves. but right now im stuck in a dilemma.....i need a bad guy faction.

and im stuck between 2.

Ironjaws ( and maybeeee grots???)




was wondering if you guys in this lovley community could help me choose. not just from a tourney persepective but also a fun factor.
I love winning games of course but i love having fun with silly lore flare :)

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Skaven is the best only choice you can make select! Only army best for scurry scurry AND Stomp smash! Skaven can do both yes yes!


See got your clan rats and giant rats for scurries; then got your rat ogres and stormfiends for big stomping then then got your big abominations for extreme stomping! Yes yes all the best greatest things are with skaven! 



Right now Skaven are in a good place, they've got reunited into a single tome that has options for running pure clans if you want or mixed; this makes them super versatile. They've also got some neat endless spells and the gnawholes really change up the game as you've got some movement shenanigans to play with. 

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Considering Skaven can play both a swarm OR big stompy monsters, they seem like the more versatile choice. Also, for silly lore flare, Skaven win EASY. Orruks are hilarious and awesome, but if you want silly, Bonesplittas are better (Gloomspite are even better if you don't need Orruks SPECIFICALLY...)

So, yeah, seems you got a pretty clear consensus. Join the rat side! 

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I just officially joined the Clans, getting the tome and Gnawholes and I'm very stoked to play them!  I have to get a Verminlord Deceiver, and then I'll have a Clan Eshin army to start with.

The really do have a huge variety of possibilities.   Hordes of course, but also elites with the Stormfiends and Rat Ogres.  Magic could be all over the place with them as well, and they can be amongst the shootiest of AoS armies!  That's why I chose the ninja rats originally for part of my generic Chaos army, for outflanking throwing stars plus bunches of rendy knives.  But now they'll be either gnawholing or outflanking or teleporting or even grinder-tunneling if needed (once I get basic Clan Rats or Stormvermin for battleliners).  The lack of good summoning I feel is made up by their numbers and movement abilities.

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